Reading Topics

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Text Features Student Glossary

Text Features Student Glossary, worksheets, lessons and activities | CCSS ELA Nonfiction Text Features
CCSS ELA Student Glossary of Text Features

1. background knowledge

Is information that the reader must learn through experience or academics before they can understand the authors ideas, view points, and perspectives. Your own experiences, what you already know.

2. boldface type

Is thick printed words or dark bold letters indicating important contextual information or terms with denotations; the reader must use context clues to understand what the terms or phrases mean.

3 Bibliography

is an acknowledgment of an authors work that was used to write a new literary work; a short citation of the publications used by the author to help the readers find more information.

4 caption

A short explanation of a picture, graph, time-line, or data table; the text description usually at the bottom of an illustration or a graphic. Text describing the visual content.

5 fiction

A made up story or literary work whose origins are created by the imagination of the author and is not true or based on facts; a story with imagined characters and events.

6 glossary

A list of important terms, new words, difficult or specialized words with their denotations / definitions, usually at the back of a book; alphabetical list of key terms related to the text or subject.

7 heading

The headline, title, or subtitle, at the top or beginning of a paragraph, letter, or chapter; announces the topics that will be covered, a line of text telling what the passage is about.

8 index

An alphabetized list of subjects or topics in a text book, giving the corresponding page numbers on which each topic can be found; a reference list of topics included in a book.

9 italicized type

Is a slanted type of writing or cursive typeface often with a slant to the right that indicates important information or emphases; a reader must understand the semantics of the text.

10 nonfiction

is a story, report, or text based on real facts and information; is a factual narrative, description, or informational account of real events, people, places, ideas, or procedures.

11 preface

is an introductory essay to a book or other literary work written by the author. The author can acknowledge people who assisted in the literary work or explain the texts purpose.

12 sidebar

a short passage in an article, textbook, newspaper or magazine, typically boxed, placed alongside a main article, and containing important or explanatory information.

13 subheading

a caption under the main headline or additional titles inserted as a divider between article sections or newspaper parts that are used to make subsections of larger texts.

14 table of contents

A list of articles, chapters, units, contents, titles or parts of a book or document, organized at the front of the book by page number in which the contents appear in the book.

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