Reading Topics

Saturday, June 17, 2017

"Growth Mindset" Evaluation Scale | Sisu, Stoicism, and Growth Mindset Quiz

Do you see disasters or opportunities?
What is Sisu or the Finnish Growth Mindset? Sisu and Stoicism Traits/Indicators are a great predictor of academic success? Sisu is a Finnish concept described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness of will and is held by Finns to express their national identity and character. Stoicism came 2,000 years before the Growth Mindset revolution. 

Academic Mindset Quiz | Do you and your students have a positive learning point of view? Passion, persistence, prolific practice. patience, and planning can equal great success when students develop, learn, adopt, and demonstrating proactive behaviors. What are the most important Sisu ideals, "inner strength, mental toughness, iron will, equanimity, excellent work habits, humility,...?  

Academic Mindset Quiz | Do you and your students have positive learning point of view? Passion, persistence, prolific practice. patience, and planning can equal success when students learn and demonstrating proactive behaviors, excellent work habits, and multiple philosophical mindsets? 

Gratitude Mindset: I have the attitude of gratitude and reverence for what I have been given. I show others my gratitude by being compassionate, authentic, well mannered, responsible, and demonstrate integrity and grace in all my actions and words.

I feel grateful and blessed that I have a path and purpose in life!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Stoic Mindset: 
I am happiest when challenged. I love when I have to adapt and overcome obstacles and barriers. The fruit of my own hard work is always the sweetest.  I see failure as part of learning. growing, and proof of trying. I have an iron will and I smash through my barriers. I demonstrate perseverance, resilience, and persistence in the face of challenges and obstacles. I am courageous, industrious, enlightened, committed, adaptive, and courageous. 

I am never limited by my aptitude (DNA or IQ)!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Proactive Mindset: I set and use S.M.A.R.T. Goals, I always plan ahead using logical steps for success, prioritize daily tasks (first things first), and always do what is important first. I look for obstructions and barriers that stand in the way of achieving my goals, and I work on them first with passion and care.

I plan ahead using logical steps to achieve my goals!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Socratic Mindset: Dialectical Inquiry, HOT Questioning, Deep Analytical Thinking to find Understanding | I use deductive reasoning and critical thinking that includes logical observations, reflective metacognition, curiosity, and creativity to ask (Higher Order Thinking) questions to help me find the deepest meaning, TRUTH, solutions, and deepen my understanding.

I question everything to keep my mind engaged and focused, seeking insight, knowledge, and a deeper understanding of what I don't understand!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Curiosity and Wonder Mindset: I am motivated to discover, learn, explore, and understand my world. I am fascinated, curious, inspired, and passionate about my learning and thinking. I have a deep desire to learn and think deeply about amazing ideas. I am a philosopher and artist that is resilient, industrious, and not dependent on others for my passion, curiosity, happiness, and learning.

I am fascinated by our wondrous world.
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Mindfulness Mindset: Reflective thinking about my internal thoughts, feelings, (Metacognition) and my external actions, habits, and behaviors. I think and reflect on what I have learned, I discern what new questions I will ask, and I think on further actions I will take to improve my understanding.

I am mindful of my thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and habits.
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Imagination and Creativity Mindset: Seeing the Big Picture, thinking outside the box, coloring outside the lines, keeping the creative artist inside me alive and thriving. I can imagine my dreams coming true, I envision myself as a capable, creative, curious, smart, and passionate scholar. I can master anything I set my mind to and envision. I use my imagination to see and visit amazing delightful places in my mind and in books. I dream BIG and create endless and wondrous possibilities for my future.

I love using my creativity and imagination to recreate my world!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Multimodal Mindset: I use all my senses to observe, perceive, and monitor the world around me. I am Mindful/Present, Empathetic, Reflective, Physically Active, Grateful, Hands on, and Focused when I am learning. I use multimodal strategies (Kinesthetic, Tactile, Visual, Auditory)  to further my understanding and reflect on what I hear, see, feel, and touch to make connections between new information and my background knowledge. I use my 5 senses plus the sixth sense of thought in a nonjudgmental way to find the best way to learn, remember, and understand.

I use my all my senses to examine, analyze, understand, learn, remember, reflect, and empower my thinking and understanding!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Gamer Mindset: I use Critical Thinking, Flexible Thinking, and Deductive/Inductive Reasoning to examine real or imagined problems and their hidden solutions. I use logic, practice and study, trial and error, and nonjudgmental discernment to analyze problems and find multiple solutions. I then use my new understanding from my errors plus, creativity, knowledge, persistence, curiosity, and resourcefulness to make new plans for solving my next problems.

I love challenges that develop my reasoning and critical thinking skills! I love challenging games!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Synergistic Mindset: I thrive in Cooperative Learning Structures and Positive Interdependent Collaborations. I seek and value collaborating productively with my peers and teachers. I hold myself accountable and my peers accountable to meet the goals set for the group tasks. Working with a goal oriented team that has a mission to help everyone win is the best way to learn deeply.

I understand and learn from others strengths and weaknesses!
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Critique and Revision Mindset: I seek and value critical feedback that helps me improve my thinking and the craftsmanship of my work. I am kind, specific/truthful, and helpful when giving or receiving critical feedback.

I thrive and seek feedback that helps me improve my skills.
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

16 Habits of Mind: I seek, value, practice, and rehearse the 16 Habits of Mind to help me succeed and grow my ability to learn, think, and thrive academically. 

I practice and improve my habits of mind by discussing, journaling, and or dramatizing them.
Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | All of the Time
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

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