Reading Topics

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Toxic Culture War Ravaging Our Schools

The Great Unraveling of Civilized Society

By A.N. Rationalist

We find ourselves hurtling towards a Mad Max dystopia, with the very institutions entrusted to cultivate the minds of the next generation having become ground zero for society's meltdown into infantile unreason. The public school system, once the noble vanguard of enlightenment values, has been overrun by a fetid circus of religious zealots, mock-oppressed banshees, and identity-politics hucksters - all hurling their ideological feces at one another while the innocent young minds are caught in the crossfire.

On one side, we have the tireless church ladies and t890ers, ever-vigilant for any errant teacher committing the heresy of acknowledging biological realities or using a pupils' proper pronouns. Marshaling their dank batallions of "anti-woke" crusaders, they relentlessly harassment educators over mythical "gender ideology" bogeymen being taught. Daring to treat LGBTQ people as human beings is tantamount to grooming in their fevered imaginations.

And opposing this malignant Christian anachronism, we have the "woke" folk-Marxists and their self-righteous war on language, reason, and society itself. With pyrotechnic zeal, they purge any dissent from their radical gender dogmas as acts of pure hate. Kindergarten lessons on intersectional pipelines and neopronouns are a sacred obligation, while objective biological knowledge is a construct of white supremacy to be exorcised.

Caught in the armageddon of these two fundamentalist death cults are the schoolchildren whose malleable minds and futures are being sacrificed on the altar of adult idiocy. As if acquiring basic literacy and numeracy were not already an uphill battle in our belligerently anti-intellectual culture, now every subject and interaction has become a Talmudic battleground over abstruse theory and identity. No room is left for inculcating the true precious humanist values of reason, free inquiry, and debate that empower young people to thrive.

Instead, we are raising a generation of emotionally incontinent and hyper-fragile snowflakes, brittle in both mind and constitution. Coddled by bumbling helicopter parents with their "self-esteem" cons and untested unvaried self-actualization hogwash, they are morbidly unprepared for the rigors and disappointments of the real world. The safest spaces of all may soon be padded cells.

How to reverse this civilization-scale dereliction of our fundamental duty to the next generation? A modest proposal of regime-change in our schools may be in order, where we turf out the ideological termites, restore strict disciplined instruction, and make children face unvarnished reality and develop resilience through hardcore caning if needed. Because in this looming socioeconomic climate apocalypse we are inflicting, only the hardiest minds will survive. Do we want emotionally armored Madmen roaming the roads - or mewling snowflake teddybears fattened for the oven? The choice is ours while there is still time.

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