Reading Topics

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Hand of Vecna: A Magical Solo D&D Adventure for Kids


You step into what appears to be a small, dingy shop on a forgotten alley. As the door creaks shut behind you, you gasp. The interior stretches impossibly far, filled with shelves upon shelves of arcane oddities. At a gnarled counter stands a hunched figure - an ancient hag, her eyes glowing with eldritch power.

"Ahh, a new pawn enters the game," she cackles. "I have a task for you, mortal. Bring me the Hand of Vecna, and power beyond your wildest dreams shall be yours. Fail, and your soul is forfeit." She waves a crooked finger, and a portal shimmers into existence. "Your journey begins. Choose wisely."

Instructions: Read each numbered step and follow the directions. When prompted to roll, use a 20-sided die (D20). Based on your roll and the instructions, you'll jump to different steps in the adventure. Or skip the roll and make your choice!!!

1. You step through the portal into a dark forest. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 15
11-20: Go to step 7

2. A clearing opens before you, bathed in eerie light. In the center stands a stone altar. Roll a D20.
1-5: Go to step 22
6-15: Go to step 39
16-20: Go to step 8

3. You find yourself in a dank cave. Water drips from stalactites above. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 17
11-20: Go to step 31

4. A rickety bridge spans a chasm before you. Mist swirls in the depths below. Roll a D20.
1-5: Go to step 25
6-15: Go to step 42
16-20: Go to step 1

5. You come across a bubbling cauldron in a small clearing. An old woman stirs its contents. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 19
11-20: Go to step 36

6. A talking raven lands on a branch near you. "Seek the crypt," it caws. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 28
11-20: Go to step 9

7. You stumble upon an old watchtower, ivy climbing its crumbling stones. Roll a D20.
1-5: Go to step 33
6-15: Go to step 46
16-20: Go to step 2

8. A shimmering portal appears before you, swirling with chaotic energy. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 20
11-20: Go to step 38

9. You find an ancient tomb, its entrance sealed by a heavy stone door. Roll a D20.
1-5: Go to step 44
6-15: Go to step 13
16-20: Go to step 30

10. A group of shadowy figures approaches you on the path. Roll a D20.
1-10: Go to step 23
11-20: Go to step 5

11. The bridge creaks ominously as you step onto it. Halfway across, you encounter a troll demanding a toll. His warty skin glistens in the misty air. "Pay the toll or face my wrath!" he growls, brandishing a massive club. Roll a D20:
1-5: You attempt to fight. Go to step 50
6-15: You try to negotiate. Go to step 37
16-20: You attempt to sneak past. Go to step 24

12. You enter a moonlit glade. In its center, a circle of druids performs an arcane ritual. Their leader, a silver-haired elf, turns to you with piercing green eyes. "Join us or leave, outsider. But choose quickly."Roll a D20:
1-10: You join the ritual. Go to step 41
11-20: You leave the glade. Go to step 6

13. The stone door of the tomb grinds open, revealing a dusty corridor lined with sarcophagi. A spectral figure materializes before you - a long-dead king, his ethereal crown glowing faintly
"Who dares disturb my rest?" he demands.Roll a D20:
1-5: You try to appease the king. Go to step 48
6-15: You attempt to banish the spirit. Go to step 32
16-20: You run from the tomb. Go to step 3

14. You stumble upon a hidden village of forest gnomes. Their leader, a jovial fellow named Fizwick Sprocketspinner, greets you warmly. "Welcome, traveler! Care to trade tales and treasures?" Roll a D20:
1-10: You share your quest with Fizwick. Go to step 27
11-20: You politely decline and continue your journey. Go to step 8

15. The dark forest grows denser. Suddenly, you hear a melodious voice singing an enchanting tune. Following it, you find a beautiful dryad merged with an ancient oak."Mortal, I sense darkness in your quest. Are you friend or foe to the forest?" Roll a D20:
1-5: You assure her of your good intentions. Go to step 
6-15: You ask for her guidance. Go to step 21
16-20: You ignore her and press on. Go to step 10

16. You discover an abandoned wizard's tower. Books and magical artifacts lie scattered about. As you explore, a magical mirror activates, showing glimpses of other realms. Roll a D20:
1-10: You study the artifacts. Go to step 45
11-20: You peer into the mirror. Go to step 29

17. Deep in the cave, you find a underground lake. A ghostly gondolier offers you passage across. "The fare is a memory, freely given," he intones. Roll a D20:
1-5: You refuse and find another way. Go to step 40
6-15: You pay with a cherished memory. Go to step 26
16-20: You attempt to commandeer the boat. Go to step 9

18. You come across a battlefield frozen in time. Soldiers from various eras stand motionless, locked in eternal combat. In the center, a cloaked figure holds an ornate hourglass. "Care to make a wager with Time itself?" the figure asks, its voice echoing strangely.
Roll a D20:
1-10: You accept the wager. Go to step 47
11-20: You decline and try to leave. Go to step 33

19. The old woman by the cauldron introduces herself as Agatha the Seer. Her cloudy eyes fix on you unnervingly. "I can brew you a potion of foresight, dearie. But the price may be steep." Roll a D20:
1-5: You request the potion. Go to step 36
6-15: You ask for information instead. Go to step 22
16-20: You politely decline and leave. Go to step 4

20. Stepping through the portal, you find yourself in a bazaar on another plane of existence. Beings of all shapes and sizes haggle over exotic goods. A six-armed merchant calls out to you. "Rare treasures for the discerning planeswalker!" Roll a D20:
1-10: You browse the merchant's wares. Go to step 43
11-20: You seek information about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 31

21. The dryad nods, her leaves rustling softly. "The forest will guide you," she whispers. A path of glowing mushrooms appears before you. Roll a D20:
1-10: Follow the mushroom path. Go to step 52
11-20: Thank the dryad but choose your own way. Go to step 14

22. Agatha cackles, stirring her cauldron. "The Hand of Vecna, eh? Last I heard, it was in the possession of the Lich King of the Frozen Wastes." Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask for directions to the Frozen Wastes. Go to step 57
6-15: Inquire about the Lich King's weaknesses. Go to step 39
16-20: Thank her and leave quickly. Go to step 11

23. The shadowy figures reveal themselves as a group of dark elves. Their leader, a stern-faced woman named Vistra, eyes you suspiciously. Surface dweller, what brings you to the Underdark's edge?" Roll a D20:
1-5: Tell her about your quest. Go to step 61
6-15: Lie about your purpose. Go to step 34
16-20: Attempt to slip away. Go to step 7

24. You try to sneak past the troll, your heart pounding. The mist provides some cover, but the bridge creaks treacherously. Roll a D20:
1-10: You're spotted. Go to step 50
11-20: You make it across undetected. Go to step 16

25. As you step onto the bridge, it suddenly collapses! You plummet into the mist-filled chasm below. Roll a D20:
1-5: You fall into an underground river. Go to step 64
6-15: You manage to grab onto a ledge. Go to step 42
16-20: A giant eagle swoops in and rescues you. Go to step 55

26. The gondolier nods solemnly as you offer a precious memory. As you cross the underground lake, you feel the memory slip away, leaving a bittersweet emptiness. Roll a D20:
1-10: The boat takes you to a hidden grotto. Go to step 68
11-20: You arrive at a subterranean city. Go to step 46

27. Fizwick's eyes widen as you mention the Hand of Vecna. "Oh my, that's dark business indeed! But I might know someone who can help. Old Grimble the Hermit lives in the Crystal Caves to the north." Roll a D20:
1-10: Ask for directions to the Crystal Caves. Go to step 71
11-20: Thank Fizwick and continue your original path. Go to step 8

28. Following the raven's advice, you seek out the nearest crypt. You find an ancient mausoleum covered in creeping vines and ominous symbols. Roll a D20:
1-5: Enter the crypt cautiously. Go to step 74
6-15: Investigate the symbols first. Go to step 53
16-20: Decide it's too risky and leave. Go to step 12

29. As you gaze into the magical mirror, you're suddenly pulled through! You find yourself in a strange, inverted version of the world you know. Roll a D20:
1-10: Try to find your way back. Go to step 77
11-20: Explore this new realm. Go to step 59

30. Inside the tomb, you find a sarcophagus inscribed with unfamiliar runes. As you approach, the lid begins to slide open of its own accord. Roll a D20:
1-5: Quickly try to close the sarcophagus. Go to step 80
6-15: Prepare to fight whatever emerges. Go to step 48
16-20: Wait and see what happens. Go to step 63

31. The cave opens into a vast underground chamber. Crystals of various colors emit a soft glow, illuminating ancient dwarven ruins. Roll a D20:
1-5: Explore the ruins. Go to step 83
6-15: Examine the crystals. Go to step 56
16-20: Look for an exit. Go to step 17

32. You attempt to banish the spirit king, reciting an exorcism spell you once learned. The air crackles with energy. Roll a D20:
1-10: The spell works, banishing the king. Go to step 86
11-20: The spell backfires, angering the spirit. Go to step 48

33. The cloaked figure at the frozen battlefield laughs, a sound like shattering glass. "Very well, but Time waits for no one." The battlefield begins to unfreeze, chaos erupting around you. Roll a D20:
1-5: Try to escape the battle. Go to step 89
6-15: Join one side of the fight. Go to step 60
16-20: Attempt to refreeze time. Go to step 41

34. Vistra, the dark elf leader, narrows her eyes at your lie. "I smell deception, surface dweller. Perhaps you'd prefer to explain yourself to our queen?" Roll a D20:
1-10: Agree to meet the queen. Go to step 92
11-20: Attempt to flee. Go to step 23

35. The dryad smiles, leaves rustling gently. "Then allow me to offer aid." She hands you a seed. "Plant this in times of great need." Roll a D20: 
1-10: Thank her and continue your journey. Go to step 14
11-20: Ask for more information about the seed. Go to step 65

36. Agatha cackles as she hands you a swirling, iridescent potion. "Drink this, dearie, and glimpse what fate has in store." Roll a D20:
1-5: Drink the potion immediately. Go to step 95
6-15: Save the potion for later. Go to step 19
16-20: Suspect a trick and discard the potion. Go to step 4

37. You attempt to negotiate with the bridge troll, offering various trinkets from your pack. Roll a D20:
1-10: The troll accepts your offer. Go to step 70
11-20: The troll demands more. Go to step 11

38. The shimmering portal pulses with chaotic energy. As you approach, you hear whispers from beyond. Roll a D20:
1-5: Step through the portal. Go to step 98
6-15: Try to decipher the whispers. Go to step 54
16-20: Decide it's too risky and back away. Go to step 2

39. You approach the stone altar in the eerily lit clearing. Strange symbols are carved into its surface, and a faint humming fills the air. Roll a D20:
1-5: Place an offering on the altar. Go to step 81
6-15: Try to decipher the symbols. Go to step 22
16-20: Leave the clearing quickly. Go to step 6

40. Refusing the ghostly gondolier, you search for another way across the underground lake. You spot a narrow ledge along the cavern wall. Roll a D20:
1-10: Attempt to edge along the ledge. Go to step 75
11-20: Look for another alternative. Go to step 17

41. As you join the druidic ritual, you feel ancient magic coursing through you. The silver-haired elf nods approvingly. Roll a D20:
1-5: Gain a temporary nature-based power. Go to step 87
6-15: Receive a vision of the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 62
16-20: The ritual goes awry, opening a portal. Go to step 29

42. You manage to pull yourself up onto a narrow ledge. Above, you see the remains of the bridge. Below, the mist swirls ominously.
Roll a D20:
1-10: Attempt to climb up. Go to step 76
11-20: Try to find a path along the ledge. Go to step 25

43. The six-armed merchant grins, revealing sharp teeth. "Ah, a discerning customer! How about a map to the Labyrinth of Lost Souls? Or perhaps a vial of phoenix tears?" Roll a D20:
1-5: Purchase the map. Go to step 90
6-15: Buy the phoenix tears. Go to step 58
16-20: Decline and ask about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 20

44. The sealed tomb refuses to budge. You notice strange markings around the edges that begin to glow as you touch them. Roll a D20:
1-10: Attempt to decipher the markings. Go to step 82
11-20: Search for a hidden mechanism. Go to step 13

45. As you study the artifacts in the abandoned wizard's tower, you come across a peculiar spellbook. Its pages seem to shift and change as you read. Roll a D20:
1-5: Attempt to cast a spell from the book. Go to step 93
6-15: Try to decipher the book's secrets. Go to step 69
16-20: Put the book down and explore further. Go to step 16

46. The subterranean city sprawls before you, a marvel of dwarven engineering. Glowing fungi provide light, and the sound of hammers echoes through the caverns. Roll a D20:
1-10: Seek out the city's leader. Go to step 85
11-20: Explore the markets. Go to step 26

47. The cloaked figure nods, "Very well. Let's see if you can outpace Time itself." The hourglass begins to spin rapidly. Roll a D20:
1-5: You're flung into the past. Go to step 96
6-15: You glimpse the future. Go to step 72
16-20: You remain in the present but gain temporal insight. Go to step 18

48. The spectral king rises to his full height, his ethereal form towering over you. "You dare challenge me in my own tomb?" Roll a D20:
1-10: Attempt to reason with the king. Go to step 79
11-20: Prepare for spectral combat. Go to step 30

49. You find yourself in a room filled with mirrors, each showing a different reflection of yourself. A disembodied voice echoes, "Choose your true self." Roll a D20:
1-5: Choose the reflection of your past. Go to step 91
6-15: Select the reflection of your present. Go to step 66
16-20: Pick the reflection of a possible future. Go to step 38

50. The troll roars in anger, swinging his massive club. The rickety bridge sways dangerously beneath your feet. Roll a D20:
1-10: Stand your ground and fight. Go to step 84
11-20: Attempt to dodge and run past. Go to step 24

51. You stumble upon a hidden grove where a group of pixies are having a moonlight revel. Their queen, a tiny figure with gossamer wings, addresses you. "Mortal, join our dance or face our mischief!"
Roll a D20:
1-5: Join the pixie dance. Go to step 88
6-15: Politely decline and try to leave. Go to step 67
16-20: Ask the pixie queen for information. Go to step 12

52. The glowing mushroom path leads you to a clearing where an enormous, ancient tree stands. Its bark shifts to reveal a face. "Who seeks the wisdom of the Elder Tree?" it rumbles. Roll a D20:
1-10: Ask about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 94
11-20: Inquire about the forest's secrets. Go to step 21

53. As you examine the symbols on the crypt, they begin to glow and rearrange themselves, forming a riddle. "What always runs but never walks, often murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?" Roll a D20:
1-5: Answer "A river." Go to step 78
6-15: Answer "Time." Go to step 28
16-20: Decide not to answer and leave. Go to step 6

54. The whispers from the portal become clearer. You hear fragments of prophecies and secrets from across the multiverse. Roll a D20:
1-10: Try to focus on whispers about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 97
11-20: Allow the whispers to wash over you randomly. Go to step 38

55. The giant eagle deposits you on a high mountain peak. From here, you can see for miles in every direction. Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask the eagle for help. Go to step 83
6-15: Survey the landscape for clues. Go to step 25
16-20: Begin the treacherous descent. Go to step 42

56. As you examine the glowing crystals, you notice they pulse in a peculiar rhythm. It almost feels like they're trying to communicate. Roll a D20:
1-10: Attempt to decipher the crystal's message. Go to step 89
11-20: Carefully extract a crystal to take with you. Go to step 31

57. Agatha provides vague directions to the Frozen Wastes. "Beware, dearie. The cold there seeps into your very soul." Roll a D20:
1-5: Set out immediately for the Frozen Wastes. Go to step 92
6-15: Ask for protection against the cold. Go to step 19
16-20: Seek an alternative path to the Hand. Go to step 4

58. The vial of phoenix tears glimmers with inner fire. The merchant grins, "Use wisely, friend. They can heal any wound... or bring destruction if misused." Roll a D20:
1-10: Carefully store the tears away. Go to step 43
11-20: Ask about the tears' destructive capabilities. Go to step 20

59. In this inverted realm, the sky is below and the ground above. Gravity seems to work differently here. Roll a D20:
1-5: Try to "fall" upwards. Go to step 95
6-15: Look for inhabitants of this strange world. Go to step 29
16-20: Search for another portal back. Go to step 77

60. You choose a side in the unfreezing battle, drawing your weapon. The cloaked figure watches with amusement. Roll a D20:
1-10: Your chosen side begins to win. Go to step 86
11-20: You're overwhelmed by the chaos of battle. Go to step 33\

61. Vistra, the dark elf leader, listens to your tale with growing interest. "The Hand of Vecna... a powerful artifact indeed. Our queen might know more, but her knowledge comes at a price." Roll a D20:
1-5: Agree to meet the queen. Go to step 99
6-15: Ask about the price. Go to step 34
16-20: Politely decline and try to leave. Go to step 23

62. The druidic vision shows you a fortress of ice, where a withered hand sits on a frozen throne. Whispers of "Frozen Wastes" echo in your mind. Roll a D20:
1-10: Share the vision with the druids. Go to step 87
11-20: Keep the vision to yourself and leave. Go to step 12

63. As the sarcophagus opens, a mummified hand floats out, surrounded by a sickly green aura. It beckons to you. Roll a D20:
1-5: Attempt to grab the hand. Go to step 91
6-15: Try to communicate with the hand. Go to step 48
16-20: Quickly shut the sarcophagus. Go to step 13

64. The underground river carries you swiftly through dark tunnels. Suddenly, you see light ahead. Roll a D20:
1-10: Swim towards the light. Go to step 93
11-20: Look for a place to grab onto in the tunnel. Go to step 17

65. The dryad explains, "The seed, when planted, will grow into a magical tree that can aid you once. Choose its nature wisely when the time comes." Roll a D20:
1-10: Thank her and continue your journey. Go to step 35
11-20: Ask about potential uses for the tree. Go to step 15

66. As you select your present reflection, the mirror ripples. Your reflection steps out, an exact duplicate of you. Roll a D20:
1-5: Attack your duplicate. Go to step 96
6-15: Try to communicate with it. Go to step 49
16-20: Attempt to merge with your reflection. Go to step 72

67. As you try to leave the pixie revel, the tiny creatures swarm around you, giggling mischievously. Roll a D20:
1-10: You're transported to a random location. Go to step 3
11-20: You manage to break free. Go to step 51

68. The hidden grotto is filled with luminescent plants and strange rock formations. In the center lies a still pool that seems to reflect the night sky. Roll a D20:
1-5: Drink from the pool. Go to step 98
6-15: Examine the rock formations. Go to step 26
16-20: Study the luminescent plants. Go to step 40

69. As you decipher the spellbook, you uncover a spell that claims to reveal hidden truths. Roll a D20:
1-5: Cast the spell on yourself. Go to step 95
6-15: Cast the spell on your surroundings. Go to step 45
16-20: Decide it's too risky and close the book. Go to step 16

70. The troll grumbles but accepts your offer, stepping aside. "Cross quickly, before I change my mind," he growls. Roll a D20:
1-10: Cross the bridge hastily. Go to step 24
11-20: Thank the troll and ask for information. Go to step 11

71. Following Fizwick's directions, you find the entrance to the Crystal Caves. Multicolored light shimmers from within. Roll a D20:
1-5: Enter the caves cautiously. Go to step 94
6-15: Call out for Grimble the Hermit. Go to step 83
16-20: Examine the cave entrance for traps. Go to step 56

72. A vision of the future flashes before your eyes. You see yourself wielding the Hand of Vecna, but at a terrible cost. Roll a D20:
1-10: Resolve to change this future. Go to step 88
11-20: Embrace this potential destiny. Go to step 47

73. You encounter a sphinx guarding an ancient gateway. She speaks: "Answer my riddle to pass, or turn back now." Roll a D20:
1-5: Accept the challenge. Go to step 97
6-15: Try to bypass the sphinx. Go to step 53
16-20: Turn back. Go to step 8

74. Inside the crypt, you find a series of levers, each marked with a different rune. Roll a D20:
1-10: Pull the levers in a random order. Go to step 91
11-20: Try to decipher the runes first. Go to step 28

75. Edging along the narrow ledge, you spot a hidden alcove halfway across the lake. Roll a D20:
1-5: Investigate the alcove. Go to step 98
6-15: Continue along the ledge. Go to step 40
16-20: Turn back. Go to step 17

76. As you climb, loose rocks give way beneath your feet. You're losing your grip! Roll a D20:
1-5: Desperately leap for stable ground. Go to step 92
6-15: Try to regain your footing. Go to step 42
16-20: Allow yourself to fall, hoping for the best. Go to step 25

77. Searching for a way back from the inverted world, you find a floating island with a mysterious archway. Roll a D20:
1-10: Step through the archway. Go to step 95
11-20: Explore the floating island first. Go to step 59

78. The crypt entrance rumbles open as you answer the riddle. A cool mist spills out from within. Roll a D20:
1-10: Enter the crypt. Go to step 93
11-20: Hesitate and re-evaluate. Go to step 28

79. The spectral king considers your words. "Prove your worth, mortal, and I may aid your quest." Roll a D20:
1-5: Offer a precious item as tribute. Go to step 96
6-15: Recount your heroic deeds. Go to step 30
16-20: Challenge the king to a game of wits. Go to step 48

80. You manage to slam the sarcophagus shut, but a sinister laughter echoes from within. Roll a D20:
1-10: Flee the tomb immediately. Go to step 13
11-20: Search for a way to seal the sarcophagus permanently. Go to step 63

81. As you place an offering on the altar, the air shimmers and a spectral figure appears. Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask the figure about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 97
6-15: Demand the figure's identity. Go to step 39
16-20: Back away slowly. Go to step 22

82. The markings form a map, revealing the location of several powerful artifacts, including the Hand of Vecna. Roll a D20:
1-10: Memorize the map and proceed. Go to step 99
11-20: Copy the map and explore other locations first. Go to step 44

83. Grimble the Hermit emerges from the Crystal Caves, his beard glittering with tiny crystals. Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 98
6-15: Inquire about the crystals' power. Go to step 56
16-20: Request his aid in your quest. Go to step 71

84. The battle with the troll is fierce. The bridge sways dangerously with each exchange of blows. Roll a D20:
1-10: Defeat the troll. Go to step 92
11-20: The bridge begins to collapse. Go to step 50

85. The dwarven city's leader, a gruff matriarch named Brimstone, greets you warily. Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask for help finding the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 99
6-15: Offer to trade for information. Go to step 46
16-20: Inquire about other artifacts. Go to step 26

86. With the spirit king banished, the tomb's treasures lie unguarded before you. Roll a D20:
1-10: Search for clues about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 97
11-20: Take some treasures and leave quickly. Go to step 32

87. The druidic ritual grants you the ability to communicate with plants. The forest seems to whisper secrets to you. Roll a D20:
1-5: Ask the plants about the Hand of Vecna. Go to step 98
6-15: Learn about hidden dangers in the area. Go to step 41
16-20: Thank the druids and continue your journey. Go to step 12

88. The pixie dance entrances you. Hours seem to pass in minutes. Roll a D20:
1-10: Gain fey knowledge about your quest. Go to step 99
11-20: Wake up alone in the forest, unsure how much time has passed. Go to step 51

89. As you attempt to escape the unfreezing battle, you're caught in a temporal flux. Roll a D20:
1-5: You're thrown far into the future. Go to step 98
6-15: You witness key moments of the battle in slow motion. Go to step 33
16-20: You manage to escape back to the present. Go to step 18

90. The map to the Labyrinth of Lost Souls shows a twisting maze with a chamber at its heart marked "The Vault of Forgotten Relics." Roll a D20:
1-5: Set out for the Labyrinth immediately. Go to step 99
6-15: Ask the merchant for more details. Go to step 43
16-20: Consider other options before deciding. Go to step 20

91. As you grab the mummified hand, a surge of necrotic energy courses through you. Roll a D20:
1-5: Resist the hand's power. Go to step 98
6-15: Allow the hand's power to flow into you. Go to step 63
16-20: Drop the hand in shock. Go to step 30

92. You find yourself at the entrance to a vast ice fortress. Cruel laughter echoes from within. Roll a D20:
1-10: Storm the fortress. Go to step 99
11-20: Look for a stealthy way in. Go to step 57

93. The spell from the shifting spellbook reveals a hidden door in the wizard's tower. Roll a D20:
1-5: Enter the hidden room. Go to step 98
6-15: Examine the door for traps. Go to step 45
16-20: Continue exploring the main tower. Go to step 16

94. The Elder Tree's voice rumbles, "The Hand you seek brings only corruption. Are you sure you wish to continue this quest?" Roll a D20:
1-10: Affirm your determination. Go to step 99
11-20: Ask about alternatives. Go to step 52

95. The potion of foresight shows you a vision: the Hand of Vecna lying on an obsidian altar, guarded by a lich. Roll a D20:
1-5: Commit the vision to memory and press on. Go to step 99
6-15: Ask Agatha for more information about the lich. Go to step 36
16-20: Look for a way to avoid this confrontation. Go to step 19

96. Flung into the past, you witness the creation of the Hand of Vecna. The sight fills you with both awe and terror. Roll a D20:
1-10: Try to interfere with the event. Go to step 99
11-20: Observe carefully, then return to your time. Go to step 47

97. The whispers from the portal coalesce into a clear message, revealing the true location of the Hand of Vecna. Roll a D20:
1-10: Step through the portal to the hand's location. Go to step 99
11-20: Memorize the location and seek another path there. Go to step 54

98. You've gathered all the clues and overcome numerous challenges. The path to the Hand of Vecna lies open before you. Roll a D20:
1-10: Stride forward to claim your prize. Go to step 99
11-20: Take a moment to reconsider the consequences. Go to step 94

99. Congratulations! You stand before the Hand of Vecna. Its power pulses, offering untold mastery over life and death. But at what cost? The choice, brave adventurer, is yours. Will you claim the hand and embrace its dark power, destroy it to prevent its evil from spreading, or find another path? Your decision will shape the fate of this world and your own destiny.

This concludes our 99-step solo D&D adventure. The player's choices and dice rolls have led them through a complex, branching narrative to this final, momentous decision. Well done on completing this epic quest!

1. A vast, impossibly large magical shop interior with endless shelves of arcane oddities, presided over by a hunched, ancient hag with glowing eyes at a gnarled counter.

2. A shimmering magical portal in a dark, misty forest, surrounded by twisted trees with faces barely visible in their bark.

3. A moonlit glade where a circle of druids performs an arcane ritual, led by a silver-haired elf with piercing green eyes.

4. An ethereal, crowned ghost king emerging from an ornate sarcophagus in a dusty, ancient tomb lined with other sarcophagi.

5. A hidden village of forest gnomes, with mushroom houses and a jovial leader named Fizwick Sprocketspinner greeting a traveler.

6. A beautiful dryad merged with an ancient oak tree, her form shimmering between bark and flesh, in a dense, dark forest.

7. An abandoned wizard's tower with scattered books and artifacts, featuring a prominent magical mirror showing glimpses of other realms.

8. A ghostly gondolier on an underground lake, his boat glowing faintly, offering passage in exchange for memories.

9. A battlefield frozen in time, with soldiers from various historical eras motionless in combat, and a cloaked figure holding an ornate hourglass at the center.

10. A six-armed merchant with sharp teeth in a bustling planar bazaar, offering exotic goods to beings of all shapes and sizes.

11. A massive troll guarding a rickety bridge over a misty chasm, brandishing a huge club and demanding toll from a wary traveler.

12. A circle of glowing mushrooms forming a path through a magical forest, leading to an enormous ancient tree with a face in its bark.

13. A subterranean dwarven city illuminated by glowing fungi, with intricate architecture and the sound of hammers echoing through caverns.

14. A room filled with mirrors, each showing a different reflection of the viewer, including past, present, and possible future selves.

15. A hidden grotto with luminescent plants, strange rock formations, and a still pool reflecting the night sky despite being underground.

16. A group of mischievous pixies swarming around a traveler during a moonlight revel, led by a tiny queen with gossamer wings.

17. The entrance to the Crystal Caves, emitting shimmering, multicolored light, with a glittering-bearded hermit named Grimble emerging.

18. A sphinx guarding an ancient gateway, posing a riddle to a wary adventurer, with hieroglyphs and mystical symbols adorning the structure.

19. An inverted realm where the sky is below and the ground above, featuring floating islands and a mysterious archway.

20. The final chamber housing the Hand of Vecna: an obsidian altar in a dark, foreboding room, the mummified hand pulsing with visible necrotic energy, guarded by a terrifying lich.

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