Reading Topics

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Subitize Risk: Engaging 4th Graders in Math with a Fun, Strategic Board Game

Introduction for Educators:

Welcome, educators! Are you looking for an innovative and engaging way to help your 4th graders master addition and subtraction? Look no further! Introducing “Subitize Risk”, a strategic board game that combines the excitement of area control games like Risk with the educational benefits of subitizing and visual learning tools such as the 100-frame and rekenrek.

In this game, students will not only practice their math skills but also develop critical thinking, strategic planning, and teamwork. By incorporating subitizing strategies, students will learn to quickly recognize and group numbers, making addition and subtraction more intuitive and efficient. This hands-on approach ensures that learning is both fun and effective, keeping students motivated and engaged.

Join us as we explore how to transform your math lessons with “Subitize Risk,” and watch your students’ confidence and fluency in math soar!

Educational Labels:

  • Subitizing
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Math Games
  • 4th Grade Math
  • Educational Strategies
  • Hands-On Learning
  • Number Sense

Game Overview:

  • Objective: Players aim to control the most territories by correctly solving subtraction problems.
  • Materials Needed:
    • 100-bead number lines or 100-bead rekenreks
    • Game board with territories (similar to Risk)
    • Two-digit subtraction problem cards
    • Player tokens
    • Dice


  1. Game Board: Divide the board into territories. Each territory has a subtraction problem associated with it.
  2. Tokens: Each player has a set of tokens to place on territories they control.
  3. Subtraction Cards: Create a deck of two-digit subtraction problems.


  1. Starting the Game: Each player starts with a few territories. Players take turns rolling the dice to move and attempt to conquer new territories by solving subtraction problems.
  2. Conquering Territories: To conquer a territory, a player must solve the subtraction problem associated with it. If they solve it correctly, they place their token on the territory.
  3. Defending Territories: If another player wants to conquer an already controlled territory, they must solve a new subtraction problem. If they succeed, they take over the territory.

Subtraction Algorithms:

To enhance learning, incorporate different subtraction strategies:

  1. Counting Up:

    • Method: Start from the smaller number and count up to the larger number.
    • Example: For 74 - 58, start at 58 and count up to 74.
    • Practice: Use the 100-bead number line to visualize counting up.
  2. Counting Back:

    • Method: Start from the larger number and count back the smaller number.
    • Example: For 74 - 58, start at 74 and count back 58.
    • Practice: Use the 100-bead number line to visualize counting back.
  3. Decomposition:

    • Method: Break down numbers into tens and ones.
    • Example: For 74 - 58, decompose 74 into 70 and 4, and 58 into 50 and 8. Subtract tens and ones separately.
    • Practice: Use the rekenrek to show tens and ones.
  4. Standard Algorithm:

    • Method: Use the traditional column subtraction method.
    • Example: For 74 - 58, subtract ones first (4 - 8, regroup if necessary), then tens (7 - 5).
    • Practice: Use paper and pencil or a whiteboard for practice.

Winning the Game:

  • The game ends when all territories are controlled. The player with the most territories wins.

Educational Benefits:

  • Engagement: The game format keeps students engaged and motivated.
  • Practice: Students practice different subtraction strategies in a fun context.
  • Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and strategic thinking.

 nSubtraction Algorithms (Continued):

  1. Left-to-Right Subtraction:
    • Method: Subtract each digit starting from the leftmost digit, allowing for negative results.
    • Example: For 74 - 58:
      • Subtract the tens place: (7 - 5 = 2)
      • Subtract the ones place: (4 - 8 = -4)
      • Combine the results: (20 - 4 = 16)
    • Practice: Use the 100-bead number line or rekenrek to visualize the subtraction process, showing both positive and negative results.

Gameplay Integration:

  • Conquering Territories: When a player attempts to conquer a territory using the left-to-right method, they must correctly handle both positive and negative results.
  • Defending Territories: If another player wants to take over a territory, they can choose any subtraction method, including the left-to-right method, to solve the new problem.

Educational Benefits:

  • Understanding Negative Numbers: This method helps students become comfortable with negative numbers and their operations.
  • Flexibility: Students learn to approach subtraction problems from different angles, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

Example Problem:

  • Territory Problem: 83 - 47
    • Subtract the tens place: (8 - 4 = 4)
    • Subtract the ones place: (3 - 7 = -4)
    • Combine the results: (40 - 4 = 36)

Understanding Subitizing

Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize the number of objects in a small group without counting them one by one. This skill is crucial for developing number sense and is foundational for addition and subtraction. There are two types of subitizing:

  1. Perceptual Subitizing: Recognizing small quantities (usually up to 4 or 5) instantly.
  2. Conceptual Subitizing: Recognizing larger quantities by seeing them as groups of smaller quantities (e.g., seeing 8 as two groups of 4).

Using a 100-Frame or Rekenrek for Addition and Subtraction

A-100 Frame and Rekenrek are excellent tools for practicing subitizing and grouping, which can help students perform addition and subtraction more efficiently.

A-100 Frame:

A 100-frame is a grid of 100 squares (10x10) that helps students visualize numbers and their relationships.

  • Addition:

    • Grouping: Students can group numbers to make tens. For example, to add 27 + 35, they can group 20 + 30 and 7 + 5 separately.
    • Subitizing: By recognizing groups of 10, students can quickly see that 27 + 35 is the same as 20 + 30 (50) plus 7 + 5 (12), making 62.
  • Subtraction:

    • Counting Back: Students can use the frame to count back from a number. For example, for 74 - 58, they can start at 74 and count back 58 squares.
    • Decomposition: Break down numbers into tens and ones. For example, 74 - 58 can be broken down into (70 - 50) + (4 - 8), which helps in understanding the concept of borrowing.


A rekenrek is a visual tool with rows of beads, typically in groups of 10, that can be moved to represent numbers.

  • Addition:

    • Grouping: Move beads to form groups of 10. For example, to add 23 + 17, move 20 beads and then 3 beads on one row, and 10 beads and 7 beads on another row. Combine the groups to see the total.
    • Subitizing: Quickly recognize groups of 5 or 10 beads to make addition faster.
  • Subtraction:

    • Counting Up: Start from the smaller number and count up to the larger number using the beads. For example, for 58 - 34, start at 34 and count up to 58.
    • Left-to-Right Subtraction: Subtract each digit starting from the left. For example, for 74 - 58, subtract the tens (70 - 50 = 20) and then the ones (4 - 8 = -4), resulting in 20 - 4 = 16.

Educational Benefits

  • Active Subitizing: Helps students quickly recognize and group numbers, making addition and subtraction more intuitive.
  • Visual Learning: Both tools provide a visual representation of numbers, aiding in the understanding of number relationships.
  • Efficiency: Encourages students to move away from counting by ones to seeing numbers as
  •  chunks, speeding up their calculations.

Understanding Subitizing

Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize the number of objects in a small group without counting them one by one. This skill is crucial for developing number sense and is foundational for addition and subtraction. There are two types of subitizing:

  1. Perceptual Subitizing: Recognizing small quantities (usually up to 4 or 5) instantly.
  2. Conceptual Subitizing: Recognizing larger quantities by seeing them as groups of smaller quantities (e.g., seeing 8 as two groups of 4).

Using a 100-Frame or Rekenrek for Addition and Subtraction

A-100 Frame and Rekenrek are excellent tools for practicing subitizing and grouping, which can help students perform addition and subtraction more efficiently.

A-100 Frame:

A 100-frame is a grid of 100 squares (10x10) that helps students visualize numbers and their relationships.

  • Addition:

    • Grouping: Students can group numbers to make tens. For example, to add 27 + 35, they can group 20 + 30 and 7 + 5 separately.
    • Subitizing: By recognizing groups of 10, students can quickly see that 27 + 35 is the same as 20 + 30 (50) plus 7 + 5 (12), making 62.
  • Subtraction:

    • Counting Back: Students can use the frame to count back from a number. For example, for 74 - 58, they can start at 74 and count back 58 squares.
    • Decomposition: Break down numbers into tens and ones. For example, 74 - 58 can be broken down into (70 - 50) + (4 - 8), which helps in understanding the concept of borrowing.


A rekenrek is a visual tool with rows of beads, typically in groups of 10, that can be moved to represent numbers.

  • Addition:

    • Grouping: Move beads to form groups of 10. For example, to add 23 + 17, move 20 beads and then 3 beads on one row, and 10 beads and 7 beads on another row. Combine the groups to see the total.
    • Subitizing: Quickly recognize groups of 5 or 10 beads to make addition faster.
  • Subtraction:

    • Counting Up: Start from the smaller number and count up to the larger number using the beads. For example, for 58 - 34, start at 34 and count up to 58.
    • Left-to-Right Subtraction: Subtract each digit starting from the left. For example, for 74 - 58, subtract the tens (70 - 50 = 20) and then the ones (4 - 8 = -4), resulting in 20 - 4 = 16.

Educational Benefits

  • Active Subitizing: Helps students quickly recognize and group numbers, making addition and subtraction more intuitive.
  • Visual Learning: Both tools provide a visual representation of numbers, aiding in the understanding of number relationships.
  • Efficiency: Encourages students to move away from counting by ones to seeing numbers as chunks, speeding up their calculations.

Would you like more examples or activities to help students practice these skills?

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