Friday, April 26, 2024

The Calming Power of Plushies in the Special Ed Classroom

My Journey with Plushies: A Special Education Teacher's Innovative Approach Sean Taylor M.Ed 


As a former special education teacher with 24 years of classroom experience, I have witnessed firsthand the immense challenges that many of our students face on a daily basis. From struggles with social-emotional awareness and regulation to difficulties with communication and sensory processing, the unique needs of students with special needs can often feel overwhelming. However, through my years in the field, I have discovered an innovative and powerful tool that has proven invaluable in supporting these students: the use of plushies as a calming and comforting presence in the classroom.

My journey with incorporating plushies into my teaching practices began early in my career when I started out as a self-contained cross-categorical teacher. In those early days, I found myself searching for effective ways to help my students manage their emotions, anxieties, and behaviors in a healthy and constructive manner. It was during this time that I stumbled upon the idea of using plushies as a calming tool, and the impact it had on my students was nothing short of remarkable.

The Power of Plushies

For many of our students, the classroom environment can be a source of significant stress and anxiety. The sensory overload, social demands, and academic challenges can quickly become overwhelming, leading to emotional dysregulation, meltdowns, and even disruptive behaviors. In such moments, traditional methods of calming and redirecting students may not always be effective, as the underlying emotional and sensory needs remain unmet.

It was in this context that I discovered the power of plushies. These soft, cuddly companions seemed to have an almost magical effect on my students, providing them with a tangible source of comfort and security. When a student was in the throes of a meltdown, visibly distressed or overwhelmed, offering them a plush would often elicit an immediate and profound response. I would watch in amazement as they would reach out, clutch the plush tightly to their chest, and slowly begin to regulate their breathing and emotions.

The plushies served as a grounding force, a familiar and reassuring presence that helped to anchor our students in moments of distress. For many of them, the act of hugging and holding onto the soft, comforting texture of the plush provided a much-needed sensory input that helped to calm and soothe their heightened emotional state.

The Evolution of Plushies in My Classroom

What started as a serendipitous discovery soon became an integral part of my teaching philosophy and classroom management strategies. Over the years, I expanded the use of plushies, ensuring that every student who walked into my classroom had access to their own personal plush companion.

I began to incorporate plushies into various aspects of our daily routines and activities. During circle time or group discussions, students were encouraged to hold onto their plushies, using them as a source of comfort and reassurance while navigating the social demands of these interactions. For students who struggled with attention and focus, the gentle weight and tactile stimulation of the plush often provided just the right amount of sensory input to help them remain engaged and present.

As my understanding of the therapeutic benefits of plushies deepened, I also began to experiment with different types and sizes of plushies, tailoring them to the specific needs and preferences of my students. For instance, I found that larger, weighted plushies could be particularly helpful for students who craved deep pressure input, while smaller, more compact plushies were ideal for students who needed a portable source of comfort that they could carry with them throughout the day.

The Link to Service Animals

While the use of plushies as a calming tool may seem unconventional, it is important to understand the deeper connection between this practice and the well-established benefits of service animals. In recent years, the therapeutic value of service animals for individuals with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has gained widespread recognition.

Service animals, with their unwavering presence, unconditional acceptance, and ability to provide tactile stimulation and emotional support, have proven to be invaluable companions for those struggling with emotional regulation, anxiety, and social challenges. It is this same principle that underpins the effectiveness of plushies in the classroom setting.

For many of our students, particularly those on the autism spectrum or with significant social-emotional challenges, the simple act of hugging and interacting with a plush can serve as a powerful emotional anchor. The plush becomes a safe, non-judgmental companion that can help to alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, allowing our students to better engage with the learning process and their peers.

Integrating Plushies into Evidence-Based Practices

While the use of plushies may seem like a simple and straightforward intervention, it is important to note that this approach is deeply rooted in evidence-based practices and theoretical frameworks within the field of special education.

One of the core principles that underlie the effectiveness of plushies is the concept of sensory integration and regulation. Many of our students with special needs experience significant challenges in processing and integrating sensory information from their environment, leading to heightened levels of arousal, distraction, and emotional dysregulation. By providing a tactile, comforting stimulus in the form of a plush, we are essentially helping to modulate and regulate these sensory inputs, creating a more conducive environment for learning and emotional well-being.

Additionally, the use of plushies aligns with the principles of trauma-informed care and the recognition of the profound impact that trauma and adverse childhood experiences can have on a child's development and ability to learn. For students who have experienced significant trauma or disruptions in their early attachments, the presence of a plush can serve as a powerful source of security and comfort, helping to mitigate the effects of these experiences and foster a sense of safety within the classroom environment.

Furthermore, the incorporation of plushies into my teaching practices is supported by various theoretical frameworks, including attachment theory and the importance of establishing secure base relationships for optimal social, emotional, and cognitive development. By providing our students with a tangible source of comfort and security in the form of a plush, we are effectively creating a secure base from which they can explore, learn, and develop crucial skills and competencies.


As I reflect on my 24-year journey as a special education teacher, the impact of incorporating plushies into my classroom cannot be overstated. What began as a simple, intuitive solution has evolved into a powerful and evidence-based practice that has profoundly influenced the lives of countless students.

Through the use of plushies, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of providing a tangible source of comfort and security for our students. I have seen them transition from states of dysregulation and distress to a place of calm and emotional regulation, simply by embracing the soft, reassuring presence of their plush companions.

Moreover, the use of plushies has allowed me to create a classroom environment that is truly inclusive, supportive, and responsive to the unique needs of each and every student. By recognizing and addressing the profound impact of sensory input, emotional regulation, and attachment on learning and development, I have been able to foster a space where our students feel safe, understood, and empowered to reach their full potential.

As the field of special education continues to evolve, I believe that innovative and creative approaches like the use of plushies will play an increasingly important role in supporting the diverse needs of our students. By embracing unconventional methods and staying attuned to the unique strengths and challenges of each individual learner, we can continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and create truly transformative educational experiences.

In closing, I encourage my fellow educators to remain open-minded and curious, to never underestimate the power of simple, yet profound interventions, and to always prioritize the emotional well-being and security of our students. For it is within these nurturing and compassionate environments that true learning and growth can flourish.

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