Halloween Brain Breaks | What is Fear? What is a Dyslexic Zombie's favorite food? Brians
"The Dyslexic Reading Teacher Sean Taylor" Literacy for me was almost an unrealized unattainable dream! As a dyslexic learner I was unable to read, write, or decode words as a child, p,d,b and q were all the same letter. Many classroom teachers assumed I would never read or write due to the severity of my dyslexia and this made me feel worthless. I am a dyslexic reading teacher that has built a reputation for finding innovative ways "FREE" to teach reading to all students!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Reading Vocabulary Games Tier 3
Test Words Vocabulary Games | Tier 3 Academic Vocabulary Games VOCABULARY SPARKLE
VOCABULARY SPARKLE Directions: Have your children stand or sit on their desk so they are facing the teacher. Start at either end of room and give the first child a tier 3 test prep vocabulary word or definition. They say the definition or kid friendly sentence if given the vocabulary word or they must give the word when a definition is given. The child that cannot give an answer says SPARKLE and must sit down. Continue the game until you are down to one child! The last child that has answered all the vocabulary gets a small bag of popcorn, sticker, candy or prize . Every child that answers a hard vocabulary question correctly gets a pretzel, stamp, or a sticker. They love this and it is great test prep review for challenging tier 3 academic vocabulary! Start with a mix of easy and hard words to get the kids excited and ready to study the challenging academic words each week.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Spiraling Math Models CCSS
Spiraling Math Models CCSS Weekly Review
Bruner proposed the spiral curriculum (Spiraling Curriculum Models), a teaching approach in which each subject or skill area is revisited at intervals (spirals), at a more sophisticated level each time. Bruner's spiral curriculum draws heavily from pedagogical observation to create a learning structure that helps students learn in a more efficient way. First there is s basic introduction of skills or knowledge of a subject, then more sophistication is added, reinforcing the same principles that were initially taught.
Bruner also believes learning should be spurred by interest in the material rather than tests or punishment, since we learn best when we find the knowledge we're obtaining appealing. Our School dropped Everyday Math, that is one of the best math programs hands down in my opinion. I am developing a series of Smart board Slides to put spiraling curriculum back in my daily lessons. Sean Taylor

Developing weekly or daily spiraling math lessons plans can be used to help students review, revisit and introduce more sophisticated math concepts. Your lessons should be formative in nature and build critical skills through repeated exposure. Weekly CCSS Spiraling MATH Review Smartboard Slides I Am Developing!
Bruner proposed the spiral curriculum (Spiraling Curriculum Models), a teaching approach in which each subject or skill area is revisited at intervals (spirals), at a more sophisticated level each time. Bruner's spiral curriculum draws heavily from pedagogical observation to create a learning structure that helps students learn in a more efficient way. First there is s basic introduction of skills or knowledge of a subject, then more sophistication is added, reinforcing the same principles that were initially taught.
Bruner also believes learning should be spurred by interest in the material rather than tests or punishment, since we learn best when we find the knowledge we're obtaining appealing. Our School dropped Everyday Math, that is one of the best math programs hands down in my opinion. I am developing a series of Smart board Slides to put spiraling curriculum back in my daily lessons. Sean Taylor

Developing weekly or daily spiraling math lessons plans can be used to help students review, revisit and introduce more sophisticated math concepts. Your lessons should be formative in nature and build critical skills through repeated exposure. Weekly CCSS Spiraling MATH Review Smartboard Slides I Am Developing!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
MAP Practice Test Samples Online
NWEA MAP Math Test Grade 3, 4 and 5 Math CCSS Test Practice
NWEA MAP Reading Test Grade 3, 4 and 5 Reading CCSS Test Practice Samples
Raise MAP Math Score | NWEA MATH Test Scores
Reading Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Language Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Math Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Science Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
NWEA MAP Reading Test Grade 3, 4 and 5 Reading CCSS Test Practice Samples
How to raise MAP Reading and Math Scores | NWEA Reading and MATH Test Scores
Learn how to raise your students NWEA Math test scores using RIT leveled Math vocabulary! Get higher scores on the NWEA MAP Math Test in as few as 20 days! Students that study, model, and learn the Tier 3 Academic Math Vocabulary will score up to 20 or even 30 points higher than students that are not exposed to the Math vocabulary. The NWEA publish the vocabulary for anyone to use and study, but they are now making the Math, ELA, Reading and Science available only for districts and schools that are using the NWEA testing resources. The links below are still usable without having to login to the NWEA web site!
Students must also master the Tier 2 Academic Testing Vocabulary to understand what the test questions are asking. Words like “accurately” are examples of Tier 2 words that can get in students way when talking test, if they are not sure of their meaning.
The NWEA has a RIT Level MATH Sample Test that that is very helpful.
Reading Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Language Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Math Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Science Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Academic Tier 3 Mathematics Glossary
PDF Word
The NWEA RIT level Math MAP assessments are comprehensive math test that students take up to four times per year to measure academic growth. Some districts use the MAP test as a high stakes test that must be passed to progress to the next grade. The NWEA MAP test is based on State standards and is being updated to meet the Common Core Standards. The MAP Math test is not going away, it is just becoming more rigorous with the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Please use these NWEA MAP math practice test to help you and your students prepare for the MAP math test in 2014-2015 testing windows.
Sample MAP math test question samples!
RIT Reference Chart for Mathematics: Sample Math Test question for all RIT levels
PDF Word
MAP Math Practice Test Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. and 8. NWEA MAP Test (Measures of Academic Progress) Sample Test to prepare for 2014-2015 Math MAP Test.
The NWEA RIT level Math MAP assessments are comprehensive math test that students take up to four times per year to measure academic growth. Some districts use the MAP test as a high stakes test that must be passed to progress to the next grade. The NWEA MAP test is based on State standards and is being updated to meet the Common Core Standards. The MAP Math test is not going away, it is just becoming more rigorous with the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Please use these NWEA MAP math practice test to help you and your students prepare for the MAP math test in 2014-2015 testing windows.
Links to PDF Academic Word List The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary ProjectNWEA MAP Test VOCABULARY for the Web-based MAP® system
Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Marzano based list
The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project
Academic Tier 3 Reading Glossary
Academic Tier 3 Mathematics Glossary
Academic Tier 3 Writing Glossary
Academic Tier 3 English Language Arts Glossary
Academic Tier 3 History / Social Studies Glossary
Academic Tier 3 Science Glossary (Glossary at the end of the PDF doc,)
Reading Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Language Test Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Math Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Science Sample Problems.pdf NWEA
Academic Tier 3 Mathematics Glossary
Academic Tier 3 Writing Glossary
Academic Tier 3 English Language Arts Glossary
Academic Tier 3 History / Social Studies Glossary
Academic Tier 3 Science Glossary (Glossary at the end of the PDF doc,)
Sample MAP math test question samples!
RIT Reference Chart for Mathematics: Sample Math Test question for all RIT levels
Sunday, October 19, 2014
(TEST) Act, H.R. 5612 Tackling Excessive Standardized Testing
TEST Act of 2014
Tackling Excessive Standardized Testing Act of 2014
To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to reduce the testing requirements for part A of title I of such Act, and for other purposes.
[Congressional Bills 113th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office] [H.R. 5612 Introduced in House (IH)] 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5612 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to reduce the testing requirements for part A of title I of such Act, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 18, 2014 Mr. Israel introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to reduce the testing requirements for part A of title I of such Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Tackling Excessive Standardized Testing Act of 2014'' or the ``TEST Act of 2014''. SEC. 2. ESEA AMENDMENTS. (a) Academic Assessments.--Section 1111(b)(3)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(3)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (v)(I), by striking ``clause vii'' and inserting ``clause (vii) and as otherwise provided under clause (xvi)''; (2) in clause (vii), by inserting ``except as otherwise provided under clause (xvi),'' before ``beginning''; (3) by striking ``and'' at the end of clause (xiv); (4) by striking the period at the end of clause (xv); and (5) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(xvi) beginning with the first full school year after the date of enactment of the TEST Act of 2014, in lieu of the requirements of clause (vii)-- ``(I) authorize any public elementary school or public secondary school to administer the academic assessments in mathematics required under clause (vii) in each of grades 4, 6, and 8; ``(II) authorize any public elementary school or public secondary school to administer the academic assessments in reading or language arts required under clause (vii) in each of grades 3, 5, and 7; ``(III) authorize a public elementary schools or public secondary school at the 15th percentile or above for mathematics in the State (based on the achievement of students for the preceding school year in each of grades 4, 6, and 8 on the academics assessments in mathematics required under clause (vii)), to, for the school year following the administration of such assessments, administer the academic assessments in mathematics required under clause (vii) in each of grades 4 and 8; ``(IV) authorize a public elementary school or public secondary school at the 15th percentile or above for reading or language arts in the State (based on the achievement of students for the preceding school year in each of grades 3, 5, and 7 on the academics assessments in reading or language arts required under clause (vii)), to, for the school year following the administration of such assessments, administer the academic assessments in reading or language arts required under clause (vii) in each of grades 3 and 7; ``(V) authorize a public elementary school or public secondary school whose students do not meet the academic achievement requirements of subclause (III) of this clause, but which has demonstrated such level of progress with respect to the achievement of students on academic assessments in mathematics required under clause (vii), as determined appropriate by the Secretary to be authorized to administer assessments in mathematics in accordance with subclause (III) of this clause, to administer such assessments in mathematics in accordance with such subclause (III); and ``(VI) authorize a public elementary school or public secondary school whose students do not meet the academic achievement requirements of subclause (IV) of this clause, but which has demonstrated such level of progress with respect to the achievement of students on academic assessments in reading or language arts required under clause (vii), as determined appropriate by the Secretary to be authorized to administer assessments in reading or language arts in accordance with subclause (IV) of this clause, to administer such assessments in reading or language arts in accordance with such subclause (IV).''. (b) Limited English Proficient Students.--Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(2)(C)(v)) is amended in the matter following item (dd), by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``and that the achievement of a student with limited English proficiency shall not be considered for purposes of such definition for the first 12 months that the student is enrolled in a public elementary school or public secondary school''. (c) Application to Waivers.--Section 9401 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7861) is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)-- (A) by striking ``or'' at the end of paragraph (9)(C); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (10) and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(11) the requirement under section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) that a student with limited English proficiency be excluded from the definition of adequate yearly progress for the first 12 months that the student is enrolled in a public elementary school or public secondary school.''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(h) Options for Certain Academic Assessments.--A waiver awarded under this section shall not prohibit a State educational agency from administering academic assessments in accordance with clause (xvi) of section 1111(b)(3)(C) in lieu of the requirements of clause (vii) of section 1111(b)(3)(C).''. <all>
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Opinion and Persuasive Writing Prompts
Opinion and Persuasive Writing Prompts
CCSS ELA Writing Prompts Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Opinion and Persuasive Writing Prompts
501 Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts for Middle School - My HR
101 Persuasive Essay Topics - ereadingworksheets
Writing Assessment Released Writing Prompts
9th Grade Essay Prompts - Polk County Public Schools
FCAT Writing - Polk County Public Schools
Third Grade Prompts - Wilmette Public Schools
Writing Prompts - Oregon Department of Education
Grade Persuasive Writing High School Practice Writing Prompts
CCSS ELA Writing Prompts Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Opinion and Persuasive Writing Prompts
501 Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts for Middle School - My HR
101 Persuasive Essay Topics - ereadingworksheets
Writing Assessment Released Writing Prompts
9th Grade Essay Prompts - Polk County Public Schools
FCAT Writing - Polk County Public Schools
Third Grade Prompts - Wilmette Public Schools
Writing Prompts - Oregon Department of Education
Grade Persuasive Writing High School Practice Writing Prompts
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Grade 6 CCSS I Can Statements Reading
CCSS Grade 6 Reading, Writing, Language Arts, Math and Science I Can Learning Statements, Objective, Goals and Targets | Sixth Grade Language Arts I Can Statements and Learning Targets - Common Core
Free CCSS I Can Statements- Grade 6th. Sixth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts, Math and Science
First Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Third Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fourth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fifth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Sixth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
First Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Second Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Third Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements
Fourth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Listening and Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
4thGradeICanWriting.pdf, 160.83 KB (Last Modified on September 10, 2013)
Fifth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
I CAN - KDG.pdf Details Download
K_Math.pdf Details Download
First Grade I can statements.pdf Details Download
Grade 1 I can_statements_ccss_20111030.pdf Details Download
Grade two LT.pdf Details Download
second grade ELA.pdf Details Download
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf Details Download
Gr4ELA.pdf Details Download
5th_grade_learning_targets.pdf Details Download
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
6th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Gr._6_I_Can_Statements_1110_.pdf Details Download
Gr7_ELA.pdf Details Download
Gr8_ELA.pdf Details Download
8th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Free CCSS I Can Statements- Grade 6th. Sixth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts, Math and Science
First Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Third Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fourth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fifth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Sixth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Third Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements
Fourth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Fifth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
First Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fifth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Second Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Third Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fourth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Kindergarten CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
First Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Second Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fourth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)Kinder Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
2nd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
3rd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
4th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
5th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
6th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
7th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
8th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
9-10th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
11-12th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade I Can Statements First Grade Expectations
2nd grade i can statements Second Grade Expectations
3rd grade i can statements Third Grade Expectations
4th grade i can statements Fourth Grade Expectations
5th grade i can statements Fifth Grade Expectations
Third Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fourth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Kindergarten CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
First Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Second Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fourth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)Kinder Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
2nd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
3rd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
4th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
5th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
6th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
7th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
8th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
9-10th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
11-12th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade I Can Statements First Grade Expectations
2nd grade i can statements Second Grade Expectations
3rd grade i can statements Third Grade Expectations
4th grade i can statements Fourth Grade Expectations
5th grade i can statements Fifth Grade Expectations
Kindergarten Common Core Math "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Writing "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Listening and Speaking "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Language "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Reading "I Can" Statements
First Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
1icanspeakinglisteningposter.pdf, )
First Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf, )
Third Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Writing "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Listening and Speaking "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Language "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Reading "I Can" Statements
First Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
1icanspeakinglisteningposter.pdf, )
First Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf, )
Third Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Listening and Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
4thGradeICanWriting.pdf, 160.83 KB (Last Modified on September 10, 2013)
Fifth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
K_Math.pdf Details Download
First Grade I can statements.pdf Details Download
Grade 1 I can_statements_ccss_20111030.pdf Details Download
Grade two LT.pdf Details Download
second grade ELA.pdf Details Download
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf Details Download
Gr4ELA.pdf Details Download
5th_grade_learning_targets.pdf Details Download
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
6th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Gr._6_I_Can_Statements_1110_.pdf Details Download
Gr7_ELA.pdf Details Download
Gr8_ELA.pdf Details Download
8th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Grade 5 CCSS I Can Statements Reading
CCSS Grade 5 Reading, Writing, Language Arts, Math and Science I Can Learning Statements, Objective, Goals and Targets | Fifth Grade Language Arts I Can Statements and Learning Targets - Common Core
Free CCSS I Can Statements- Grade 5th. Fifth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts, Math and Science
First Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Third Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fourth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fifth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Sixth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
First Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Second Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Third Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements
Fourth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Listening and Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
4thGradeICanWriting.pdf, 160.83 KB (Last Modified on September 10, 2013)
Fifth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
I CAN - KDG.pdf Details Download
K_Math.pdf Details Download
First Grade I can statements.pdf Details Download
Grade 1 I can_statements_ccss_20111030.pdf Details Download
Grade two LT.pdf Details Download
second grade ELA.pdf Details Download
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf Details Download
Gr4ELA.pdf Details Download
5th_grade_learning_targets.pdf Details Download
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
6th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Gr._6_I_Can_Statements_1110_.pdf Details Download
Gr7_ELA.pdf Details Download
Gr8_ELA.pdf Details Download
8th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Free CCSS I Can Statements- Grade 5th. Fifth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts, Math and Science
First Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Third Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fourth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Fifth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Sixth Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
Second Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Third Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements
Fourth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Fifth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
First Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fifth Grade ELA Standards and “I Can Statements”
Second Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Third Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fourth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Kindergarten CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
First Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Second Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fourth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)Kinder Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
2nd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
3rd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
4th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
5th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
6th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
7th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
8th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
9-10th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
11-12th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade I Can Statements First Grade Expectations
2nd grade i can statements Second Grade Expectations
3rd grade i can statements Third Grade Expectations
4th grade i can statements Fourth Grade Expectations
5th grade i can statements Fifth Grade Expectations
Third Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Fourth Grade I Can Statements- Language Arts I Can Math and Science Included
Kindergarten CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
First Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Second Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Third Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fourth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)
Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements (pdf file)Kinder Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
2nd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
3rd Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
4th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
5th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
6th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
7th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
8th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
9-10th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
11-12th Grade Language Arts Learning Targets - Common Core
1st Grade I Can Statements First Grade Expectations
2nd grade i can statements Second Grade Expectations
3rd grade i can statements Third Grade Expectations
4th grade i can statements Fourth Grade Expectations
5th grade i can statements Fifth Grade Expectations
Kindergarten Common Core Math "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Writing "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Listening and Speaking "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Language "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Reading "I Can" Statements
First Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
1icanspeakinglisteningposter.pdf, )
First Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf, )
Third Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Writing "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Listening and Speaking "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Language "I Can" Statements
Kindergarten Common Core Reading "I Can" Statements
First Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
1icanspeakinglisteningposter.pdf, )
First Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
First Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Second Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Speaking and Listening Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Third Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
3rdGradeICanReading.pdf, )
Third Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Listening and Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fourth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
4thGradeICanWriting.pdf, 160.83 KB (Last Modified on September 10, 2013)
Fifth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Fifth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Math Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Language Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Speaking Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Reading Common Core "I Can" Statements
Sixth Grade Writing Common Core "I Can" Statements
K_Math.pdf Details Download
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Fifth Grade CCSS with I can statements.pdf Details Download
6th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
Gr._6_I_Can_Statements_1110_.pdf Details Download
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8th grade learning targets.pdf Details Download
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