Inference and Drawing Conclusion Worksheets pdf
Inferential Reading Comprehension Considerations Packet pdf
Guide to teaching inference pdf Sample questions on inference
Effective Teaching of Inference Skills for Reading pdf
Think Aloud Sentence Starters PDF
Thinking Stems: Being An Active Reader PDF
Reader-Response Stems PDF
Bloom’s Question Starters for Higher Order Thinking
Reading Comprehension Strategies Question Stems PDF
Reading 3D TRC Question Stems PDF
What might the character's intentions be?
Why did the author write this story?
What conclusions can you make based on,...
What can you infer by the author's words?
What might be the theme or main ideas of this,...
What might be a better or different outcome?
What is a logical sequence for the story?
What can you infer from the characters' actions?
What is the main idea?
What details are important to the story or the characters?
How are the character's actions/traits similar?
How are the character's actions/traits different?
100 Editable and Free Reading Comprehension Sentence Stems and Sentence Starters
Inference and Drawing Conclusion Worksheets pdf
Inferential Reading Comprehension Considerations Packet pdf
Guide to teaching inference pdf Sample questions on inference
Effective Teaching of Inference Skills for Reading pdf
Think Aloud Sentence Starters PDF
Thinking Stems: Being An Active Reader PDF
Reader-Response Stems PDF
Bloom’s Question Starters for Higher Order Thinking
Reading Comprehension Strategies Question Stems PDF
Reading 3D TRC Question Stems PDF
- My favorite character was...
- My favorite setting was...
- My favorite plot element was...
- I can summarize the exposition of the story in one sentence...
- I can summarize the rising action of the story in one sentence...
- I can summarize the climax of the story in one sentence...
- I can summarize the falling action of the story in one sentence...
- I can summarize the resolution of the story in one sentence...
- I can summarize the obligatory scene of the story in one sentence...
- I would change the plot by...
- The mood of the text is highlighted by the author's use of...
- The tone of the author's word choice conveys...
- The plot was flawed because...
- The plot was flawless because...
- After examining the facts I...
- The big theme I noticed was...
- The facts are easy/hard to understand because...
- I inferred from the characters' dialogue that...
- I wonder what happened after/before,…
- I discovered,...
- I have a few questions I would ask...
- I inferred that...
- After reading I concluded...
- Based on the facts/evidence I inferred...
- I ponder,…
- The main message of the text/poem is...
- The author uses imagery words to convey...
- I was shocked when...
- I think the story is mainly about...
- I think,…
- I learned,…
- I've reflected on,...
- After further reflection I,...
- What I thought (believed) was wrong,...
- My imagination was on fire after,...
- I know my understanding is,...
- My mind was changed after reading,...
- I have considered many ideas/thoughts/facts,…
- How did/do I feel after learning/ reading,…
- What would I say about,…
- If given a chance to speak with,.... I would,…
- I have two/three takeaways after reading,…
- For me the most important/interesting idea/issue/fact was,…
- A few suggestions that I will give myself after reading/learning,…
- I have improved my understanding of,…
- Having learned about,… I feel/ know/ question/ think/ wonder/ understand/ doubt/ felt/ realized,…
- Because I do not fully comprehend I will need to,…
- My comprehension/ understanding/ knowledge was expanded after/ when I,…
- This knowledge could be essential for me in my,…
- Previously I thought (did not think),…
- My new understanding of,…began after I…
- I have developed a deep appreciation for,…
- Initially, I questioned my understanding about,…
- Having learned/ studied/ read I know feel/ think/ know/ realize/ wonder/ question/ know,…
- Initially, I never questioned my,…
- This new insight/knowledge/understanding is essential for me because,…
- After researching the important facts, I was surprised by,…
- This makes me feel,…
- For me, I am not yet certain about...
- The significant/relevant/poignant/important for me was,…
- What I discovered today is,…
- I've cogitated and digested many ideas on,…
- I've deliberated on many issues,…
- I've found a new way to look at this,…
- I see some ideas in a new light,…
- What I never considered before was,…
- What I was hoping to learn/discover/uncover is...
- I recently figured out why/how/who,…
- I was challenged when,…
- How I changed my mind and my stars (future) was,…?
- I changed my mind about,…
- I have some pretty strange notions about,…
- I know a little about,…
- It might be crazy to think,…
- I learned that...
- More often than not I …
- A different idea I have on,…
- A few interesting things I've learned,…
- Today, I was inspired to,…
- I’ve discovered that,…
- There are many/different ways to look at,…
- After careful deliberation,…
- What I like about,…
- I know there’s
- I’ve reflected on,....
- There is one thing that intrigues me about…
- I’m thoroughly impressed with …
- What I thought is,…
- The main theme of the poem is...
- If we really want to make a difference then …
- I have an exciting announcement …
- There are many proven strategies that I …
- I thought it would be interesting to share …
- I now know that...
- An interesting thing that I discovered was…
- The more I read/researched/studied the more I realize that …
- I am really intrigued to know/learn that …
- When ‘fishing for ideas’ I tend to …
- Wow! Sometimes the truth hurts because I…
Common Core Standards English Language Arts
Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom who also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals (referred to as simply "the Handbook" below). Although named for Bloom, the publication followed a series of conferences from 1949 to 1953, which were designed to improve communication between educators on the design of curricula and examinations.
My New Blooms Charts! |
My Old Blooms Charts! |
Reading Comprehension Connections: Students need to go beyond
the text and find the deeper meaning and understanding of complex concepts. Teacher need to use HOT (Higher Order Thinking) question stems while reading to develop students reasoning skills, connecting prior knowledge with new information. Questions Stems help Students Apply New Thinking Comprehension Strategies, Building Background Knowledge, Develop Effective Questioning Skills, Reflective Thinking Skills, and Making Connections with Complex Texts. Reading Comprehension Questions: Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World.
Knowing questions focus on making clear, recalling, naming, and listing
- Which resources would give more information about ...?
- Organizing questions focus on arranging information, comparing similarities/differences, classifying, and order
- Which experience is most similar to ...'s experience in the story?
- In what way are these stories the same?
- Which experience is most similar to the author?
- What modern symbol can be used to compare... to...?
- How are... and... similar?
- Applying questions focus on prior knowledge to solve a problem
- A theme of both selections might be...
- What other things cause...?
Analyzing questions focus on examining parts, qualities/ relationships/ patterns, and main idea
- Which experience most likely helped the author write this...?
- How do you think... felt after...?
- What are some effects that people experience because of this...?
- People who ... would most likely have which characteristics?
- Who would most likely need...?
- Generating questions focus on producing new information, inferring, predicting, and adding more details
- How would this experience help... the next time he...?
- How do you think this experience will change in the future?
- Which is an example of an activity that would result in...?
- Which would most people who share this author's opinion believe?
- What are some other ways... could have...?
- Which relationship is most similar to the relationship below? X:Y (based on personal knowledge, initial relationships from text, others from outside experience) ...'s relationship to... is most like...
- What is the most likely reason... instead of... ?
- What part of this story could happen in real life? (Or not happen in real life?)
- Critical Stance: Evaluate the author's craft. Analyze by determining the impact of literary elements/word choice/purpose/decision, comparing and contrasting, and evaluating the accuracy of information and ideas.
- Knowing questions focus on clarifying, recalling, naming, and listing
- Which words aroused emotion? Which emotion?
- How is... different from...?
- What do... and ... have in common?
- Which word would have been a better word to use in this sentence?
- Applying questions focus on prior knowledge to solve a problem
- What are some specific elements of this author's style?
- What technique does the author use to create an effect? (a dramatic beginning, short quick sentences, long sentences, repetition)
- This is an example of...? (technical language, slang, informal speech, formal speech)
- What supporting evidence does... give for her argument?
- What is the impact of the organization of the selection?
- Why does the author use flashbacks?
- What generalization does the author probably want you to make about... ?
- In the statement..., why is the word... in (quotations marks, italics, bold, etc.)?
- Why is ... in italics? (or underlined?)
- How does... change from the beginning to the end of the story? (Also considered an interpretation)
- What is the effect of beginning the selection with a... (simile/metaphor)?
- Based on the information in the selection, which relationship is most similar to the relationship below? X:Y (based on the selection and all relationships found in the text)
- What technique does the author use to make his selection colorful? (precise details, short sentences, slang, figurative language)
- How does the author make the story colorful?
- The author alludes to... ... is a symbol of what?
- What is the message of this ironic selection?
- What is ...'s attitude to...?
- What is the most likely reason the... is included in the selection?
- What is the impact of the author's word choice?
- What words are clue to the author's feelings?
- What is the impact of the use of a propaganda technique?
- Which statement is the main idea of paragraph...?
- What evidence reflects the author's biases?
- Why does the author compare... to...?
- Why did the author choose this title?
- Why does the author use... to stand for...?
- What could the author have added that would made his position stronger?
- How is the selection organized?
- Why did the author choose to use dialect/slang/regional speech in this selection?
- What effect does... have on the selection?
- What is the purpose of comparing... to...?
- In what way does the author of this selection best help the reader to understand...?
Generating questions focus on producing new information, inferring, predicting, and elaborating with details
- How does... justify her position?
- What impact does the author's use of foreshadowing have on the selection?
- In what way could the author make... more believable?
- Why does the author most likely (include...?)(begin/end the selection by saying...?)(mention...?)
- How are...'s and...'s feelings at the end of this selection similar?
- What are some things the author does to make sure this selection... (entertains, informs, persuades, etc.)?
- Which details offer support of the author's suggested solution?
- What are some details the author uses to help you visualize the images in the selection?
- What details help you to visualize the story?
- Which... does the author believe is the most important reason for...?
- What is the author's most important reason for ...?
- Which details are most relevant to the author's point of view?
- What could the author have added to make his opinion more valid?
- Which detail is irrelevant to the author's judgment?
- With which statement would the author most likely agree?
Knowing questions focus on clarifying, recalling, naming and listing
1. Based on the context of paragraph..., what does... mean? (vocabulary in context)
2. Which best describes...? (clearly stated in the selection)
3. What metaphor does the author use to compare... to...?
4. Which word would best be substituted for the word... in paragraph/line...?
5. When and where did this story occur?
6. What is the selection supposed to help you do?
7. What does the word... mean in paragraph...?
8. Which clue helped you determine the meaning of the word... as it is used in this selection?
9. What is the purpose of guide words?
10. How is the text organized?
11. When the author used the word..., which meaning does she want you to associate with it?
12. What is the plot of the story?
13. Based on this story, how would you describe...?
14. What is another meaning for the word...?
15. What is the purpose of the stage directions?
16. What kind of source would you use to find information about...?
17. What is the rhyme scheme?
18. Who is the speaker in this selection?
19. What can you tell from the conversation about ... ?
Organizing question focus on arranging information, comparing similarities/ differences, classifying, and putting in order
- Which detail best completes the graphic organizer?
- The author compares... to...?
- What are some words the author uses that are clues to her feelings?
- What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source?
- What are the characteristics of this specific genre that make it different from others?
- Applying questions focus on prior knowledge to solve a problem
- What is the purpose of the... subheading in the selection?
- Which details support his opinion?
- What is the extended metaphor the author uses?
- What did the author want you to consider as you read this selection?
- Why does the selection include illustrations/a list of materials, etc.?
- What is the main idea of the selection? (purpose, summary)
- What piece of information is missing from the selection?
- What is the author's purpose?
- Which is the most important reason for... ?
- What is the author's message?
- Which is the best statement of the theme of this selection?
- What significance does the title have?
- What is the main problem or conflict in the selection?
- What does... symbolize in this selection?
- If this skit was performed, what costumes would the characters wear?
- What can you tell from the dialogue/conversation about...?
- Why did the author write this selection?
- Why did the author write this selection?
- Based on the information in the selection, how would you describe...?
- Which is the best summary for this selection?
- What is the author's general attitude about...?
- What are the multiple effects of...?
- What does the author think about this topic?
Evaluating questions focus on reasonableness and quality of ideas, criteria for making judgments, and confirming accuracy of claims
- Which is the most important reason for...?
- Knowing questions focus on clarifying, recalling, naming, and listing
- During the selection, the mood changes from... to...
- Which word means the same as...?
- Based on the selection, which is the best definition of...?
- Which words can the author use that have a more positive connotation?
- How did the plot develop, from the beginning to the end?
- What does... think about...?
- What is... (part of the selection) supposed to help you do?
- How did... feel at the end of this selection?
- Why did...?
- Which is an example of figurative speech?
- How is... different from...?
- Which detail belongs in the empty circle?
- People who... are most likely to have which characteristics?
- How are... (e.g., a modern fable) and... (e.g., an ancient fable) different?
- Applying questions focus on prior knowledge to solve a problem
- What is the tone/mood of this selection?
- How did... solve the problem?
- What will be the result of this step in the directions?
- In what ways are these ideas important to the topic/theme?
- How does the setting impact the mood or tone?
- Why does the author compare this problem to...?
- How does the author's use of... (irony, humor, personification) contribute to...?
- Which... is an example of...?
- How is informational text organized differently from a narrative text?
- What are strategies for reading...?
- What is the result of...?
- In which part of the selection does the author give information about what happened before the story began?
- What is the significance of...'s decision to...?
- What was the significance of...?
- Which statement about... is supported by the selection?
- Which best describes...?(not clearly stated in the selection)
- Which quotation from the selection tells the most about...?
- This character could be described as...?
- What is the main problem?
- What caused this event/problem?
- Which detail explains the significance of...?
- What is the significance of the author's statement that...?
- Which particular group is the author targeting?
- What caused... to...? Use information from the selection to support your answer.
- Which... does the author offer as evidence of the effect of...?
- What has been the effect of...'s decision, actions, etc.
- What mood does the author create? How?
- What is most likely true about...?
- In which situation would you use this...?
- What is most likely the reason... ?
- Which is the most important information about... given in the selection?
- What lesson should... have learned about...?
- What is the lesson that the reader can learn from this selection?
- According to the selection, how does... affect...?
- What is the main message of this selection?
- What is the main reason...?
- Which characteristics are given to...?
- Why was... important to...?
Generating questions focus on producing new information, inferring, predicting, and elaborating with details
- What conclusion about... can be made from...?
- What might be inferred from the fact that...?
- Where might the author have gotten the idea for this selection?
- What is another possible solution to this problem?
- What might be another cause that is suggested but not clearly stated?
- What will most likely happen? If...?
- What could you infer about the author from this information?
- With which opinion would the author probably agree?
- If..., what else would be true?
- What was most likely the situation at the beginning of the selection?
- What is the story meant to explain?
- What does the final paragraph/stanza suggest about...?
- Which... best expresses...'s attitude toward ... as shown in the beginning of the selection?
- How would the mood change if the setting were...?
- How would ...'s actions be different if the setting were...?
- Which group of people might this problem impact most?
- Why is this information significant to this topic?
- What can a reader tell about... from...?
- Evaluating questions focus on reasonableness and quality of ideas, criteria for making judgments, and confirming accuracy of claims
- What could the author add to this selection to help you understand it better?
- Which theme best fits the story?
- Which facts and details that support the author's view are important?
- Which statement is true? Which... is most important in this story?
Reading Comprehension
- What resources would give more information about ...?
- How are ... and ... similar?
- What other things cause .... ?
- Who would most likely need ... ?
- What are some other ways ... could have ... ?
- .......'s relationship to .... is most like ....
- What part of the story could happen in real life? (Or not happen in real life?)
- How do you think .... felt after ....?
Evaluation of the Author's Skills
- Which words aroused emotion? (Which emotion?)
- Which word would have been a better word to use in this sentence?
- Why is ..... in italics? (or underlined?)
- Why did the author choose this title?
- What details help you to visualize the story?
- What is the author's most important reason for ..... ?
- How does the author make the story colorful? (imagery)
- Which statement is the main idea of paragraph .......?
Initial Understanding
- What is the plot of the story?
- What words are clues to the author's feelings?
- Which is an example of figurative speech?
- What is the main problem or conflict in the story?
- What can you tell from the conversation about ...?
- Based on this story, how would you describe ........ ?
- Which is the most important reason for .... ?
- When and where did this story occur?
- How would you describe ... ?
- Who is the speaker in ..... ?
- How did the plot develop, from the beginning to the end ?
- How is ..... different from ..... ?
- How did ..... solve the problem?
- Why was ..... important?
- What is another possible solution to this problem?
- What can a reader tell about ... from .... ?
- Which .... is most important in this story?
- What does .... think about ... ?
- In what part of the story does the author give information about what happened before the story began?
- What lesson should .... have learned about ....?
- Why was .... important to ....?
- If ..... , what else would be true?
- What is the story meant to explain?
Knowledge (Remembering)
Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Quote, Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write
Blooms Taxonomy Verb Quiz Knowledge
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.
















Comprehension (Understanding)
Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize, Identify, Illustrate, Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Tell
Blooms Taxonomy Verb Quiz Comprehension (Understanding)
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.

















Application (Applying)
Apply, Change, Choose, Compute, Dramatize, Interview, Prepare, Produce, Role-play, Select, Show, Transfer, Use
Blooms Taxonomy Verb Quiz Application (Applying)
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.













Analysis (Analyzing)
Analyze, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Debate, Deduce, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Outline, Relate, Research, Separate
Blooms Taxonomy Verb Quiz Analysis (Analyzing)
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.

















Synthesis (Creating)
Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent, Make, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite
Blooms Taxonomy Verb Quiz Synthesis (Creating)
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.















Evaluation (Evaluating)
Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Conclude, Critic, Decide, Evaluate, Judge, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select
Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.















