Monday, March 30, 2015

Winning Arguments vs. Winning Discussions

Winning Arguments vs. Winning Discussions | Why facts or emotions won't help you win an argument. 

When emotions get heated, reason disappears and the fight or flight response takes over, the discussion is over and the argument is on! Facts are the foundation of rational thought, opinions are rarely changed with unemotional dry facts. Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of beliefs, ideas, facts and yes opinions. Applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying new activities, rational or irrational intuitions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. Stating an argument and opinion are closely associated with such characteristically human activities as philosophy, Socratic dialogue, science, language, mathematics, and art and is normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Buddy, Partner or Paired Reading Anchor Charts

Buddy, Partner or Paired Reading: Building Wisdom, Knowledge and Fluency Together

Paired or Buddy reading is a powerful reading strategy in all grades. Many years of research show that it improves reading fluency, expression and word knowledge. The reading strategy is used to help struggling readers or emergent readers who lack fluency. This reading strategy is fast and simple and gets results fast, my students read aloud to each other daily. The buddy readers face back to front like cops cars, they monitor each others reading and finger tracking as they read.

Strategy: Buddy Reading

Definition: A more skilled reader models fluent reading for a less skilled reader, as in student-adult reading.

Two readers of equal ability can practice rereading a story after hearing the teacher read the passage.

Implementation Suggestions:

This strategy can be coupled with independent reading in which some students read independently and others read in pairs.

If possible, have a struggling reader in your class buddy read to a younger student at a lower grade level. With parental support, your students can practice reading at home to younger siblings or other younger relatives.

Buddy reading gives students an opportunity to read aloud. It is an effective strategy to practice oral reading fluency in preparation for an assessment.

Just like independent reading, make sure you give students a purpose for buddy reading, as well as a skill or strategy to focus on.

[PDF]Paired reading schemes: a teacher toolkit - National Literacy Trust
A paired reading scheme involves one pupil (the tutor) supporting another ... One of the first and most important tasks to do when setting up a reading buddy scheme ..... They are not responsible for the irpartner's attainment or reading level.

Reading buddies programs are an excellent way to address the learning needs of both ... Each buddy pair plays a word game or activity that promotes better ...

[PDF]Brief Partner reading - Evidence-Based Intervention Network
Partner Reading is a research‐based intervention that has been proven to increase ... Higher performing students are paired with students who are having.

[PDF]Fluency Intervention: Partner Reading
Pair higher-performing readers with lower-performing readers for fluency practice. To do this, rank the ... Model and explain Partner Reading procedures below.

[PDF]Does Buddy Reading Improve 1 DOES BUDDY READING - Northwest ...
fluency rates of third-grade students who participated in a buddy reading program .... programs have been also been termed: paired reading, book buddies, big .... teaching partner, “They take the stories home with them on the weekends and ...

[DOC]Using Peer Reading to Increase Reading Comprehension Scores
Not only does partner reading allow the students time to interact with their ... They are paired with apartner to journal about text being read together. .....

*Buddy Reading  buddy reading.docx Download

*Fluency Routines fluency routines.docx Download

*Recorded Reading recorded reading.docx Download

*Repeated Reading repeated reading.docx Download

*Phrasing Introduction phrasing introduction.docx Download

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Student Reading Anchor Charts Ideas

Reading Anchor Charts: Deeper Learning with Visual Thinking

Reading Anchor charts are a visual chart to support, build and reinforce essential reading skills and comprehension strategies in the classroom before, during or after reading instruction.

Purpose |

• Anchor charts build a culture of literacy in the classroom, as teachers and students make thinking visible by recording content, strategies, processes, cues, and guidelines during the learning process.

 • Posting anchor charts keeps relevant and current learning accessible to students to remind them of prior learning and to enable them to make connections as new learning happens. 

• Students refer to the charts and use them as tools as they answer questions, expand ideas, or contribute to discussions and problem-solving in class. from Expeditionary Learning is committed to creating classrooms where teachers can fulfill their highest aspirations and where students can achieve more than they think possible. Complete Anchor Chart Handout

Reading Anchor Chart Ideas?

More on the way!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

"Somewhere in America" Changing the World, One Word at a Time!

Changing the World, One Word at a Time! | The Queen Latifah Show

Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen, members of the Get Lit organization perform "Somewhere in America".

Get Lit is dedicated to bringing the power of poetic expression to at risk teens through a standards-based curriculum fusing classic literature and poetry with contemporary Spoken Word performance techniques. Get Lit’s programs are designed to boost literacy, foster cultural understanding, and encourage creative self-expression. By immersing teens in the world of great books (often for the first time), Get Lit equips students for future success in college and the workplace by building concise writing skills and dynamic public speaking abilities and a foundation of self-confidence.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Social Emotional Brain Breaks

Social Emotional Brain Breaks

Nonsecular schools used to have daily readings of the Bible, fables, fairy tales and or morals based literature that helped students develop empathy, morals, wisdom and grace. Students need to understand that being grateful, caring, compassionate and selfless are just as important or more important than academic skills development. Social emotional education and morals classes are needed more today than in the past. A fun way that I build emotional intelligence in my class is share heart warming "nonsecular" videos and discussing their message.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Student Checklist CCSS Reading, Math and Writing

Student Checklist CCSS Reading, Math and Writing | A Student and Teacher Checklist for Everything! Amazing resource for teachers, parents and students. Complete Free Students Checklist. 

Highlights of Checklist for Improvement in all aspects of Student Work!

  • Checklists for Teachers to Use in Classroom Management
  • Checklist for Daily Housekeeping Duties in the Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . .78 
  • Checklist for Behavior Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 
  • Citizenship and Manners Checklist for a Class . . . . . .80 
  • Generic Skills Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 
  • Anecdotal Record for Referral to Special Education . .82 
  • Checklist for Ordering and Using Technology . . . . . . .85 
  • Checklist for an IEP Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 
  • Checklist for Planning a Field Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 
  • Checklist for Documenting Accommodations for Special Needs Students . . . . . . . .88

Students Observation Checklist! Student behavior plans and checklist. 

I use a student behavior checklist with all my intermediate students!  We reward exemplary behavior and have consequence for undesirable behavior. When you have 30 plus students you may need that little extra to maintain control. 

Student Behavior Checklist doc.
Students Behavior Checklist Google Doc.

Mr. Taylor's Home School Connection!
Student Behavior Tickets for Continued Rule Violations

Student Red Card Warnings! 
Student Red Card | Student Warning 
Student Red Card Doc 

More Students Behavior Plans and Checklist
pdf. files and doc. files

Student Behavior Checklist doc. I like this one!

Teaching Students Manners and Etiquette

The importance of manners and etiquette in schools can mean success or failure. My father taught me the importance of manners through his disciplined caring approach. Manners he explained are in short being humble and selfless, they show family, teachers, friends, and strangers that you care and respect them. Putting others first is not a concept some students or even parents will understand or take to heart but over time they see the true gift of manners. Teaching students and sometimes parents the golden rule is more important today than it has ever been in our history. "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself" Being polite, being friendly, being selfless, being responsible and disciplined are keys to a harmonious classroom.
I use a reward and punishment model to bring balance and some semblance of harmony the first weeks and months of school. Many students and parents chafe under the rules and discipline. Even simple rules like raise your hand or listen quietly while the teachers is giving directions is nye impossible for some. All students are given a weekly behavior log that tracks good behavior and areas that need work. We also practice NASCAR transitions and just like NASCAR they are practiced to perfection. Most classroom transitions can be done in under 30 seconds.

Classroom Expectations:

1. Be polite and well-mannered at all times.

2. Listen vigilantly to the teacher at all times.

3. Be responsible and focused at all times.

4. Be ready to learn and use class time wisely.

Excerpts From Behavior Log:

Areas to commend: Earn Extra Stars
exceptional work ethic
superb manners
great class leader and helper
Areas of Concern: Lose Stars
homework and papers are not signed and returned
incomplete or missing homework
staying on task / not paying attention
choosing not to work
unkind or mean to others
disrespectful or rude
interrupting the teacher
bad attitude
showing off
disrupting others / talking out in class
not following directions
Areas to Work On: Earn Knowledge
neatness and/or organization
multiplication facts
division facts
vocabulary knowledge
writing and sentence fluency

Parent’s signature__________________________

Classroom Behavioral Expectations:
1. Raise your hand and wait silently for assistance 
2. Ignore the inappropriate behavior of others (mind your own business)
3. Stay focused and on task (active listening)
4. Make positive comments (about school self and others)
5. Participating appropriately in class activities (manners, polite, quiet, responsible)
6. Remain in own personal area
7. Work without distracting others (be a good partner)
8. Follow directions (active listening)
9. Complete assignments
Positive Behavior: Earn Stars and Privileges
Negative Behavior: Lose Stars and Privileges
Example of Logical Consequences in Mr. Taylor’s Classroom!
Logical Consequence
Removal from the group or “time out in the responsibility room”
“When you play and act silly with your partner it distracts me from teaching and others from learning. Would you like to stay with your partner or go to the responsibility room where it is quiet? It’s your decision.”
Stay in for recess
“This is the time I have scheduled to do reading and writing. It is very important that you read so you can learn as much as you can. Recess is the scheduled time to play and talk to your friends. If you talk and play now, the only other time to finish reading is at recess. It’s your decision.”

Parent signature ______________________________________
Student signature ______________________________________

Behavior Consequence Log      Sample
Name:________________________________   Date ________

Teacher:______________________________ Grade _______

What school or class rule did I break?

Why did I do it?

Next time what can I do differently?

How can I show the class and my teachers respect?

I want to apologize to__________for_________
Students signature________________________
Parent signature _________________________


My consequence for showing a lack of Character:
There are two ways of living: a person may be careless and simply exist, or usefully and deliberately try to do so. The productive idea implies a usefulness not only about one's own life, but about that of the world, and the future possibilities of mankind.

 Lunch detention will be assigned until I receive 10 hand written copies of “There are two ways of living” Any parties or fun Friday activities will be missed until behavior has improved and the copy is completed.

Student signature_________________________________

Parent signature __________________________________


S.T.O.P ! Teachers Mean What They Say!
S. Stop T. Think O. Observe P. Plan

Stop before you get yourself and others in trouble!
Think about what you need to be doing to be successful!
Observe others when they are modeling excellent behavior!
Plan on being inspired, diligent, and successful!

Listening, Trying, Learning, and Achieving is the reason we go to school! School rules are easy to follow and are for you the student to maximize the learning, and create a successful learning atmosphere!

Class Rules
  1. Work Hard (Paying attention and doing your best is essential for success)
  2. Be Courteous (Being a positive role model is the highest honor!)

Consequences for not being courteous or working hard!
  1. Verbal Reminders of the Rules
  2. Critical Warning | Two ways of living Ticket | “Write why you received the ticket!”
  3. Second Critical Warning | S.T.O.P. Ticket | Official Referral and 5 Paragraph Essay
Student________________________ Parent ______________________________

Students Advice: Bill Gates on Real Life

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about
11 things they did not and will not learn in school . He
talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings
created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and
how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The
world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you
feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high
school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone
until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get
a boss.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your
Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't
whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as
boring as they are now. They got that way from paying
your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk
about how cool you thought you were. So before you save
the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's
generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and
losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have
abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY
TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't
bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get
summers off and very few employers are interested in
helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up
working for one.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Opinion Sentence Starters Openers

Opinion Sentence Starters | Opinion Sentence Openers

Prepare your students' for the end-of-year (EOG) Persuasive Writing/Opinion writing exams. Opinion, Claim, Thesis statements, Counterclaims, Argumentative Writing, Persuasive Writing, Opinion Writing, Essay, and Counterclaim Sentence Starters and sample student anchor papers.

CCSS ELA Writing Posters Opinion, Claim and Counterclaim Sentence Starters for Students 
  1. My opinion is...
  2. My first point is... 
  3. To begin I would like to say, claim, argue . . . 
  4. Have you ever thought about..., this way...
  5. I suspect my initial thoughts are...
  6. The lack of facts leaves me...
  7. Do you need a second opinion . .?
  8. Do you think that...?
  9. You might think,believe, feel, that . .
  10. Isn’t it time to seek a practical, provable, simple truth... 
  11. Only a fool would believe that...
  12. Some believe, feel, think... 
  13. My argument, claim, assertion, declaration, is...
  14. I strongly think, believe, feel...
  15. The best way, method, idea, is...
  16. A common argument is...
  17. Suspend your disbelief when I tell you...
  18. Of course, I believe...
  19. Most critics agree/disagree that...
  20. The worst way, method, idea, is...
  21. My claim is...
  22. My counterclaim is...
  23. Here are more, some, two, reasons why...
  24. Bottom line I...
  25. On the other hand I think, believe, find, ...
  26. The flip side of...
  27. How I see this matter is ...
  28. My view point is...
  29. I would argue that...
  30. I would state infallibly that ...
  31. I still believe, think, feel...
  32. Let me restate my opinion, claim, belief, understanding...
  33. As far as I can see ...
  34. I discovered that ...
  35. After deep thought, consideration, study I...
  36. I find it intuitive/counterintuitive that ...
  37. My rationale is...
  38. I would tend to agree with this,_____ but, actually, however, in my opinion, yet, you will see ...
  39. Here's my take on …
  40. I feel that ...
  41. My point is...
Some people believe, feel, claim that...,___ but..., actually..., however..., in my opinion..., yet..., you will see...._____

Many, most, all, some people agree that..., ______ 
but..., actually..., however..., in my opinion..., yet..., you will see....____

Many, most, all, some people disagree that..., _______but..., actually..., however..., in my opinion..., yet..., you will see....____

[PDF]Argumentative Essay Examples Sentence Starters - Tabitha PangThe following are sentence starters or frames that you can start with ... The One Sentence Main Claim THESIS STATEMENT

[PDF]Claims, Claims, ClaimsFollowing are examples of descriptive thesis statements students write in high school. ... Arguable Claim. Opinion: —Twinkies are delicious. —I like dance music. ... Usually, it‟s important to address counterclaims in your writing. .... Correction: Don‟t confuse a claim, an argument for a thesis statement or a topic sentence.

[PDF]Useful Argumentative Essay Words and Phrases - is34.orgBelow are examples of signposts that are used in argumentative essays. Signposts ... Signposting sentences explain the logic of your argument. They tell the ...

[PDF]Model Argumentative Essay with Counterclaim and Rebuttal Topic ...Model Argumentative Essay with Counterclaim and Rebuttal. Topic: Argue whether ... Hook & Counterclaim. Thesis. Mention of claims. MAIN IDEA PARAGRAPH.
Missing: Opinion

[PDF]Claims, Reasoning, Evidencereasoning, evidence, and counterclaim;. □ Learn to write and ... writing power sentences for claims, reasoning, and evidence;. □ Employ ... Following are examples of descriptive thesis statements students write in high school. Each is drawn ...

[PDF]Grade 5 On-Demand Opinion Writing SamplesGrade 5, Prompt for Opinion Writing. Common Core Standard W.CCR.1. (Directions should be read aloud and clarified by the teacher). Name: Before you begin: ...

[PDF]Fifth Grade Range of Writing Opinion Writing SamplesOpinion/Argument. Grade 5. Range of Writing. Global Warning. Deep in the Arctic a mother polar is returning from a long, hard day of hunting. But looking ahead ...

[PDF]5th grade Opinion Writing - Murfreesboro City Schools Teacher ...5th Grade- Opinion Writing Unit (6 weeks). 5.1 Write opinion ... Prompt Instruction Week (dissect prompts to determine appropriate response). MCS Opinion ...

[PDF]Grade 5 Opinion WritingGrade 5. Opinion Writing. Until two weeks ago, recess was really fun. But since the recess ladies said football was too dangerous and the school banned it,.
Springfield Public Schools Great Resource for Transitions/Signal Words |
Persuasive Writing: Signal Words

In my opinion
I believe
It is my belief that
There is no doubt that
From my point of view
It seems to me that
I question whether
I (dis) agree with
I maintain that

For the reasons above
As you can see
As I have noted
In other words
On the whole
In short
To be sure
Without a doubt
In brief
In any case
In any event

First Furthermore
Second In addition
Third Also
Finally Last
Equally important
In the first place
Besides Further
Next Again
Moreover Similarly

For example
In fact
For instance
As evidence
In support of this

Because of
Due to
For this reason
Caused by
This results in
As a result of
Leads to
In effect
Brought about
Made possible
As might be expected
Give rise to
Was responsible for

Compared to
In like manner
On the other hand
Even though
In the same way
On the contrary
As opposed to
Rather than
As well as
Have in common
All are
The same as
Whether of not
In spite of

I realize you
I understand you
Even though you
Although you
Some people
It may be that you
Your idea to ____ deserves some merit
Although this may be true, in contrast
Different from
Of course ..., but
On the other hand
On the contrary
At the same time
In spite of
Even so / Though
Be that as it may
Then again
Above all
In reality
After all
(And) Still
I doubt
I question
Let me explain
On the other hand
As much as
Even though


When you want to start an example or illustration:

She loves fine clothes. For example, her prom dress cost nearly two hundred dollars.

Jim sometimes becomes bored easily. For instance, I remember something that happened last summer.

When you want to contrast one thing with another:

Mary is one of my best friends. However, she sometimes makes me angry by being late.

Jack is a good swimmer. Even so, he has never won a trophy,

I saw her once when I felt awful. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful time.

When you want to add another idea:

Tom is crazy about his motorcycle. Furthermore, he does all the maintenance on it himself.

Mr. Johnston is an excellent teacher. Moreover, he is very popular with his students.

Everybody likes Lou. In addition, he seems to like everyone he meets.

When you want to show that one thing causes another:

Sam isn't very organized. Consequently, he sometimes doesn't seem to know what he is doing.

One time he forgot his wife's birthday. As a result, she was very angry.

Al jogs three miles a day. Therefore, he is in good shape. .

When you want to summarize or generalize:

That really bothered me. But on the whole, he is a pretty good guy.

He is sensitive, warm, and considerate. In short, I love him.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Writing With Structure and Style Student Samples

How to Teach Writing to ALL Students—Engaging Boys and Girls Who Hate Writing, Dyslexic Learners, and Struggling Emergent Writers!

Help every student develop a love for writing while mastering the skills needed to succeed on the PARCC, Smarter Balanced, or CCSS ELA writing assessments!! 

 Writing with (IEW) Structure and Style: A Common-Sense Approach to Teaching Writing

Writing with Structure and Style is a common-sense approach to teaching writing. It is the best curriculum I have piloted because its linear, explicit direct instruction methods and models are exceptionally easy for teachers to master. Closing the writing gap becomes simplified!

I am amazed at how this straightforward program elevates struggling writers and motivates those who previously could not or would not write, encouraging them to thrive and develop a genuine passion for writing.

The program emphasizes teacher training and replaces stacks of books and scripted lessons with high-quality writing practices. Lessons are not only easy and fast to implement but also engaging for students. Many teachers appreciate its flexibility and prescriptive, corrective approach to closing the achievement gap for all students. This curriculum helps your students produce high-quality essays that meet any Common Core assessment.

One of its most significant advantages is its ability to transform reluctant boys and girls—as well as hesitant readers and writers—into confident communicators by teaching them to read and analyze texts like skilled writers. The initial units on note-taking and summarizing employ the best close-reading strategies I have ever used with my students.

Writing with Structure and Style is grounded in best practices, including K–12 teacher training, mentor texts, college-ready outlines, checklists, rubrics, and anchor texts. Students quickly learn through a spiraling, pedagogically sound model that helps them develop rich, beautiful language. This approach ignites their passion for writing, elevating my fourth-grade class to a level reminiscent of high school students. In fact, my gifted writers and advanced readers now teach their peers using these methods, creating an amazing and contagious synergy. Advanced writers excel beyond their peers who do not use these techniques.

Teaching writing is no longer a dreaded task for my students, and I have rediscovered my passion for writing instruction. The Student Writing Intensive curriculum—IEW’s “Writing Boot Camp”—provides a rapid, linear approach that equips students to succeed on any writing assignment or assessment.

My 4th grade students are going to share excerpts from their 4th grade science reports and share what they have learned the last 5 weeks using the curriculum. 

Student Writing Samples: after 5 weeks of IEW Lessons

Science Report Introduction 

Have you ever thought of what makes a potato chip crispy? My experiment is testing soaked potato v.s non soaked potato and which one will be more crispy. Washing potato slices will remove most starch consequently making it crunchy. Because the starch keeps the potato from becoming crispy and crunchy. Food science is extremely tasty! Why do you think people crave potato chips.

Let me educate you about food science because nutrition is extremely important. Potatoes have lots of lovely nutrition like protein, minerals, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Who knew 1 potato could have all that nutrition! But frying  a potato ( Includes any vegetable ) will wipe out all the great nutrition. Potatoes are a important part of a healthy diet. Hopefully you eat potatoes everyday! Do you only use potatoes to make potato chips? 

You'll be amazed to learn how to make a healthy potato chips in a oven! My method of making thin, crispy chips is to bake them with olive oil which makes them tantalizing! The first step is to cut a big, tasty looking potato into long strips. Then pulp the potato slices into a large bowl of cold water ( Do the exact same thing just with warm water. ) Take the slippery potatoes and dry them extremely well with dishcloth. Now for the fun part, baking! Put them on a baking sheet and then preheat the oven to 425'F. Sprinkle a little bit of of sea salt and drizzle a bit of olive or canola oil ( Your choice! ) After that insert the soggy slices into the oven and wait for 15 - 20 minutes. Then take them out, and observe. Does the cold or warm water effect it?

Rosa 4th grade

Its fascinating to think and learn about electricity and magnetism. My experiment is to successfully design a serise circuit and a parallel circuit to test conductors and insulators. because electricity traves through conductors  it is not a open circuit or a short circuit phones or other devises do not work. electricity ultimately powers the world. why do you think the sun having a hicop destroys every circuit? 

My science experament is safely learning about conductors , insulators and different tipes of circuits. its facinating to learn and think about conductors and insulators. first let me talk about what is an insulator. an insulator is electricity that cant pass and shock you. now let me talk about what a conductor is. a conductor is when electricity can pass through a wire witch is the foundation of every circuit. now let me talk about a parallel circuit , a series circuit , an open circuit , a short circuit , and a closed circuit.a parallel circuit is a parallel wiring that allows the electric current to move through the wire. a sereis circuit is a circuit that when resistors are conected in a sieres. an open circuit is when a circuit is accidentally established beatween two points in an electric circuit. a closed circuit is a circuit providing a endless path for the flow of a current.
its facinating to explore how to make electric circuits conductors and insulators. i am cooking and designing a batch of electric squishy circuits. because playing with playdough is fun playing with electricole playdough is more jollit. do you think you can make a electric circuits?  Now let me tell you how , first get all your ingreadeants witch have to be cooked. one batch has acied and salt witch is the conductor the other dosent witch is the insulator. you might need to put conductive playdough with the insulating playdough to make the seriese circuit.  

Angela 4th 



Have you ever discovered that meteorologist can prediced the weather in 10 days in advanced.My experiment is measuing the humidity to see how meteorologist prediced the weather.Becuase it is impotant to prediced the weather incase people plan future events.Forecasting the weather is extremly important.Do you know what weather event kills more people?

You will understand more that every thing to do with weather,the height of the troposphere is always changing. Speaking the average height of troposphere around the world is 6 miles. Humidity is important for clouds because they are made of water that can be used to make
clouds we could have.

First I will attach the thermometers firmly to a small board or sturdy of Styrofoam. The bulbs of the thermometers should stick out past the end of the board .Then I will wrap the gauze around the bulb of one of the thermometers,and tape it in place. After that I will wet the gauze with water. then I will have my first wet bulb thermometer. To measure the relative humidity,air needs to be moving past the wet bulb that cauces evaporations. Then I will use a small fan to blow on two thermometers or see the Variations section for an alternative method. Take readings from the two thermometers at regular intervals. The dry bulb thermometers readings should remain constant. The wet bulb thermometers reading should stop chanding within 2or3 minutes .When the wet bulb reading is stable,write down both the dry bulb and the wet bulb readings.T o figure out the relative humidity I need to subtract the dry bulb reading from the wet bulb reading ,then use the table (Miami Museum of Science,2000),or use the online calculator referenced in Bibliography (Brice and Hall, date unknow).a. Note:for the online calculator ,you will also need to know the current barometric pressure at your location. If you don’t have your own barometer,you can make one ,or look up the information online .In the U.S., you can use the National Weather Service website  

Nicole 4th 


Have you ever wondered if there usually is a physical reaction when you lie? It is virtually impossible for the human race not to lie. People begin to lie convincingly at around the age of four. Have you ever detected when someone was lying to you? Obviously some lies are undeniably easier to detect than other lies.

The science of the human mind is extremely complex and mysterious. We as humans have only touch the surface of what the mind is capable of. Mankind have sought ways to discern the truth from the lies in individuals suspected of doing wrong. Various techniques have been tried over the centuries,many being cruel and unusual. Unfortunately in some cultures when you lie it can potentially lead to death.

My experiment is conducting a simple but precise lie-detector test using what was given to us from birth. I am going to demonstrate how to detect a lie by asking my volunteers to first write down three of their likes and dislikes. Then I will ask each volunteer to stand with me face to face at an arm distance. My volunteer will extend out their arm as I place my hand on top of their wrist. Finally I will ask my volunteer to say a few phrases while keeping their arm up as I apply constant pressure. Consequently I will be able to detect if each phrase is a lie or truth by the resistance or lack of when I apply pressure.

Julianna 4th 

You’d be fascinated to know more about using solar energy and power! My experiment is using the sun to cook a meal in my solar oven,consequently i’m saving electricity. Because saving electricity can be useful during times,and using a solar oven can be a fun way to cook a meal. Sun cookers are amazingly efficient! What are different ways of using the suns heat?

It’s incredible to think that solar ovens can be very useful in other places that don’t have gas stoves or ovens. Solar ovens work by the aluminum foil that reflects the suns light aiming it directly at the pot. Solar ovens have a shelf that serves two purposes,first it holds a pot second and most importantly it acts as a heat sink.The shelf then radiates the heat,and this radiant energy stays mostly trapped in the inner box which warms it. Solar ovens heat up to (>10C and 50F)

You’ll be amazed to know that solar ovens are fun to use and don’t take much time to build,i’m going to be talking about the procedures and materials that you will need to make this project. First you will need two boxes,you will need a big box and a smaller box. Next you will need to cut the big box in half in the middle of the top and bottom side of the box. Then you push the top and bottom side of the box together to make it exactly the same size as the smaller box. Finally you will need to cover inner box with aluminum foil so that the aluminum foil will absorb the suns heat,and you will also need to make the top lid for the solar oven. You will also need to put aluminum foil on the flap of the lid so that the suns light will reflect off the aluminum foil so that it can directly hit the pot the first attempt I will make in my solar oven is rice.

Esteban 4th 

     It’s fascinating to think and learn about electromagnetism, electricity,conductors insulator,and all circuits. My experiment is to safely construct circuits and a series circuits to test conductors and insulator. Because electricity can not travel through a conductors if it is an open circuits or a short circuits such as in radios tv’s phones and other elections. Electricity ultamatly powers the world .Why do you think having a coronal mass ejection would destroy all electronic devices?

 let me clarify what exactly a short circuit is and a parallel circuit. A short circuit is a electric cord made up of wires covered by an insulator. A parallel circuit is in a series circuit that light bulbs are placed one after the other. Now let me educate you about what is an insulator and what is a conductor. A insulator is a barrier to electricity. Now let me tell you what is a conductor a conductor is electricity that can pass through the wire.

It’s fascinating to learn about making your own elections light up playdough. Experimenting with two different types of play dough a conductor and an insulator. I am cooking a play dough with two badges to design a squishy circuit. Because playing with play dough is fun but playing with electric play dough is incredible fun! First let me tell you and teach you about how to make a conductive play dough and insulating play dough. All you need is a cooking pan and all kinds of mixing bowls to make your insulating play dough conductive. Cooking and insulating play dough and a conductive play dough is incredible fun! All you do is take a series circuit and turn it into three-dimensional structure.

Zeinab 4th 


Monday, March 2, 2015

Grade 6 PARCC Math Test PDF

Grade  6 PARCC Sample Released Practice Math Test 2015

Grade  6 PARCC Math Test PDF PBA Practice Tests

Grade 5 PARCC Pearson Released Practice Math PBA Practice Tests PBA Practice Tests
Accommodated Screen Reader Version Braille ASCII File (.brf)

Grade 5 PARCC Math Test PDF EOY Practice Tests
Kindergarten CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Kindergarten
1st Grade
1st Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade M-Z
2nd Grade
2nd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade M-Z
3rd Grade
3rd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade M-Z
4th Grade
4th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade M-Z
5th Grade
5th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade M-Z
6th Grade
6th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade M-Z
7th Grade
7th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade A thru M
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade N thru Z
8th Grade
Secondary 1 Math
Secondary 1 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 A thru L
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 M thru Z
Secondary 1 Student Glossary
Math Vocabulary Word List
K-6 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
K-8 CCSS Vocabulary Word List

Common Core Math Vocabulary Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8

PBA Practice Tests
Computer-Based Practice Test 
Paper-Based Practice Test 
Spanish Paper-Based Practice Test 
Large Print Paper-Based Practice Test
Accommodated Screen Reader Version 
Braille ASCII File (.brf) 
Braille Tactile Supplement 
Braille Mathematics Reference Sheet

EOY Practice Tests
Computer-Based Practice Test
Paper-Based Practice Test 
Large Print Paper-Based Practice 
Screen Reader Version 
Braille ASCII File (.brf)
Braille Mathematics Reference Sheet

Grade 8

Common Core Math Vocabulary | Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8Common Core Math Glossary (pdf, 149kb)

Common Core Mathematical ContentThe Common Core Math Standards lay out the mathematics content and vocabulary concepts that should be learned at each grade level from kindergarten to Grade 8 (age 13-14), as well as the mathematics to be learned in high school. The Standards do not dictate any particular pedagogy or what order topics should be taught within a particular grade level. Mathematical content is organized in a number of domains. At each grade level there are several standards for each domain, organized intoclusters of related standards. There are four main domains to be taught from kindergarten (age 5-6) to fifth grade (age 10-11):

Operations and algebraic thinking;
Number and operations in base 10;
Measurement and data;
Geometry.In kindergarten, children also learn about counting and cardinality. In Grades 3 to 5, students learn about fractions.
In Grades 6 through 8 the four main domains students study are:

The number system;
Expressions and equations;
Statistics and probability.
The Common Core Math Standards mandate that eight principles of mathematical practice be taught:
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
English/Language Arts Glossary of Terms
(pdf, 196kb)

Links to PDF Academic Word List

Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Marzano based list
School Speak Word List
The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project

Academic Tier 3 Reading Glossary

Word Academic Tier 3 Mathematics Glossary

Word Academic Tier 3 Writing Glossary

WordAcademic Tier 3 English Language Arts Glossary

PDFAcademic Tier 3 History / Social Studies Glossary

Academic Tier 3 Science Glossary (Glossary at the end of the PDF doc,)


NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Reading Test Questions
CST and CAHSEE Academic Vocabulary

ISAT Reading Vocabulary List (Word) doc
ISAT Language Usage Vocabulary List (Word)
ISAT Math Vocabulary List (Word)

Math Unpacking StandardsKindergarten
(pdf, 6.7mb)
1st Grade
(pdf, 11.8mb)
2nd Grade
(pdf, 8.8mb)
3rd Grade
(pdf, 889kb)
4th Grade
(pdf, 1.4mb)
5th Grade Math
(pdf, 1.9mb)
6th Grade
(pdf, 2.1mb)
7th Grade
(pdf, 909kb)
8th Grade
(pdf, 1.9mb)
(pdf, 229kb)
(pdf, 260kb)
(pdf, 224kb)
Number and Quantity
(pdf, 294kb)
Statistics and Probability
(pdf, 181kb)

English Language Arts Unpacking StandardsKindergarten
(pdf, 276kb)
1st Grade
(pdf, 274kb)
2nd Grade
(pdf, 286kb)
3rd Grade
(pdf, 278kb)
4th Grade
(pdf, 282kb)
5th Grade
(pdf, 298kb)
6th Grade
(pdf, 315kb)
7th Grade
(pdf, 300kb)
8th Grade
(pdf, 340kb)
English I & II
(pdf, 303kb)
English III & IV
(pdf, 302kb)