Sunday, September 17, 2023

7 best Free AI Text Generators for Teachers

The Top 7 Free AI Writing Tools for Teachers in 2023 2024 (And How to Use Them)

1. ChatGPT (OpenAI) - This conversational AI chatbot was created by OpenAI and uses a large language model trained on massive amounts of text data. It is not open source, so the full model is a black box. But it can generate remarkably human-like text on a wide range of topics through machine learning.

2. Sudowrite (Anthropic) - An AI writing assistant created by Anthropic using a technique called constitutional AI to make it more beneficial and honest. The core models are not open-source black boxes, but Anthropic has an ethics review process. Useful for generating long-form text.  

3. Shortly (Shortly AI) - Shortly was developed by Shortly AI to summarize content using natural language processing and machine learning trained on news articles. It is not open source, so the model is a black box. Great for condensing text.

4. Rewordly (Rewordly AI) - This paraphrasing tool was created by Rewordly AI using advanced NLP models, but details are scarce. It is not open source, so it is a black box. Helpful for rewriting text.

5. CreativeNLP (CreativeNLP) - CreativeNLP developed poetry and lyric generation tools using machine learning models trained on poems and lyrics. The models are not open-source black boxes. Interesting for creative writing.

6. Rytr (Rytr) - Rytr's content creator tools were developed using OpenAI's GPT-3 API and fine-tuned on different types of text content. The core models are black boxes, but Rytr allows custom tuning. Helpful for generating written content. 

7. ( - built conversational copywriting tools using natural language generation models, but keeps the backend models proprietary. Useful for crafting engaging text.

8. Claude (Anthropic) - Claude was created by Anthropic using constitutional AI for safety. The core models are not open-source black boxes, but Claude focuses on being helpful, harmless, and honest. Useful for generating explanations, dialogues, and more.

The applicability of these AI tools for teachers depends on using them appropriately. They can aid in generating text, but critical evaluation and editing is still essential. Used judiciously, they may enhance some teaching workflows. However, transparency and ethical development practices should be encouraged in this fast-developing space.
Generative AI text tools are powerful new technologies that can be used to create new and exciting learning experiences for students. By using these tools, teachers can help students to be more creative, to think more critically, and to learn more effectively.
There are many ways that teachers can use generative AI text tools in their classrooms. Here are a few examples:
  • Creating personalized learning materials:
    Generative AI text tools can be used to create personalized learning materials for each student. This can be done by generating materials that are tailored to each student's individual learning needs and abilities.
  • Encouraging creativity and critical thinking:
    Generative AI text tools can be used to encourage students to be more creative and to think more critically. This can be done by asking students to use the tools to generate new ideas, to solve problems, and to create new works of art.
  • Improving student achievement:
    Generative AI text tools can be used to improve student achievement. This can be done by using the tools to provide students with additional practice opportunities, to help them to understand complex concepts, and to assess their progress.
Overall, generative AI text tools are a powerful new technology that can be used to improve the learning experience for students. By using these tools, teachers can help students to be more creative, to think more critically, and to learn more effectively.
Here are some additional tips for teachers who want to use generative AI text tools in their classrooms:
  • Start by exploring the different generative AI text tools that are available. There are a variety of tools available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Choose a tool that is appropriate for your needs and the needs of your students.
  • Provide your students with training on how to use the generative AI text tool that you choose. This will help them to get the most out of the tool.
  • Use the generative AI text tool to supplement your teaching, not to replace it. The tool can be a valuable asset, but it should not be the only way that you teach your students.
  • Monitor your students' use of the generative AI text tool. This will help you to identify any potential problems and to address them early on.
By following these tips, you can use generative AI text tools to create new and exciting learning experiences for your students.

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