Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Academic Science Words / Fourth Grade Science Test Online:

Fourth Grade Science Test:
Academic Science Words


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1.                a kind of energy that is used for light and heat and for making things operate.
2.                in biology, the placing of plants and animals in groups, based on structure and other criteria; taxonomy.
3.                a piece of equipment used for weighing.
4.                anything that carries or allows passage of heat, electricity, or sound.
5.                power, energy, or physical strength.
6.                the remains or trace of a living animal or plant from a long time ago. __________ are found embedded in earth or rock.
7.                a material or device that does not conduct electricity, such as an object of glass or porcelain, that is used to insulate and support electric wires.
8.                in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to survive and multiply.
9.                solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
10.           the act of depositing something, or the thing deposited.
11.           the fact of continuing to live through dangerous or hard conditions.
12.           something that gives proof of or a reason to believe something.
13.           the conditions outside. __________ concerns such things as temperature, rain, snow, sun, and other things.
14.           the opposing power of one force against another.
15.           to make a new plant, human, or animal. In humans, to __________ is to produce offspring.
16.           a person or animal who uses or buys goods or services.
17.           wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
18.           an individual living thing, such as a plant, an animal, or a bacteria.
19.           a substance in the earth that does not come from an animal or a plant. Some __________, like iron and calcium, are important for human health.
20.           the rubbing of one object or surface against another.
21.           the act of moving or changing places.
22.           a person or company that makes something.

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