Thursday, March 1, 2012

AIMS Science Test Practice

AIMS Science Test Practice 
Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) is a standardized test administered by the state of Arizona. AIMS is a standards based assessment aligned to the Arizona Academic Content Standards. The AIMS science test is given in the fourth and eight grades in Arizona. The science test is a multiple choice reading test that is based on science standards taught for all previous to testing years.

Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School
[PDF]2008 CST Released Test Questions, Grade 5 Science - California ...
The following released test questions are taken from the Grade 5 Science ... academic content standards assessed on the Grade 5 Science Test; (2) the ...

[PDF]Introduction - Grade 5 Science - California Department of Education
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[PDF]Elemen Science Sampler - p-12 - Nysed

Level Science Test Sampler Draft is ready for distribution. School .... The two-hour written examination will be administered to students at the end of grade 8.

[PDF]grade 8 science - North Carolina Public Schools
North Carolina. READY End-of-Grade. Assessment. Science. Student Booklet. Grade 8. Released Form. RELEASED ... GRADE 8 SCIENCE. 4. Test Questions ...

[PDF]Grade 5 Science Released Form - North Carolina Public Schools
Jul 15, 2015 - Assessment. Science. Student Booklet. Grade 5. Released Form. Revised ... A anemometer. B graduated cylinder. C test tube. D thermometer.

[PDF]Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics - Standardized Testing ...
Sample Guide to Your STAR Student Report California Standards Tests ... Grade. Math. English–. Language Arts. Science. History–. Social Science. 2.

[PDF]Grade 3 Science - Virginia Department of Education - Commonwealth ...
Spring 2010 Released Test. GRADE 3. SCIENCE. Form S0110, CORE 1 ... reproduce any portion of these released tests for non-commercial educational ...

Grade 5 Sample Science Test 
Grade 5 Science Test Virginia 
Grade 8 Sample Test FCAT 
Grade 8 Sample Test North Carolina

California Science Test
Grade 5 science (PDF; 2MB; 37pp.)
Grade 8 science (PDF; 3MB; 21pp.)
Grade 10 science (PDF; 799KB; 21pp.)
Biology (PDF; 673KB; 30pp.)
Chemistry (PDF; 513KB; 31pp.)
Earth science (PDF; 579KB; 26pp.)
Physics (PDF; 627KB; 32pp.) 4th Grade Science Test Plants and Animals: Ecology



Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1.                    a series of living beings in which each serves as food for the next.
 food chain
2.                    the imitation by an organism of its environment or of other organisms as a means of survival.
3.                    the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
4.                    poisons, waste, or other materials that cause harm to the environment.
5.                    materials that are found in nature and that can be used by people in many ways. Fresh water, soil, coal, and forests are all examples of __________.
 natural resources
6.                    to put used things through a process that allows them to be used again.
7.                    an animal that eats the flesh of other animals.
8.                    an animal that only feeds on plants.
 natural resources
 endangered species
9.                    a community of living things, together with their environment.
10.                 the total number of people living in a country, city, or other area.
 natural resources
 food chain
11.                 a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger.
12.                 the act or process of migrating.
13.                 an animal that hunts other animals for food.
14.                 the natural environment of an animal or plant.
15.                 a species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.
 endangered species
16.                 a plant or organism that makes something useful.
 natural resources
17.                 a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surroundings. The military uses __________ to hide people, buildings, or vehicles from the enemy.
18.                 a person, animal or organism that uses products, goods or services.
19.                 something in food that helps people, animals, and plants live and grow.
20.                 the process by which a green plant uses sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into food for itself.
 natural resources
21.                 an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal.
22.                 in biology, the placing of plants and animals in groups, based on structure and other criteria; taxonomy.
23.                 a gas that is part of air. It has no color or smell. Most living things need __________ to live.
 natural resources


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1.                   the main part of a plant that supports the branches, leaves, and other parts.
2.                   the fine powder made by a flowering plants that helps the plant produce new plants.
3.                   the process by which a green plant uses sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into food for itself.
4.                   of, like, formed by, or pertaining to trees.
5.                   lasting throughout the year or for many years.
6.                   poisons, waste, or other materials that cause harm to the environment.
7.                   to start or cause to start growth; sprout.
8.                   the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
9.                   the green matter in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary to produce food for plants from sunlight.
10.               a natural or chemical substance that you add to soil to make it better for growing plants.
11.               the top layer of the earth's surface; dirt.
12.               having a life cycle of more than two years as a plant.
13.               the part of a plant that grows under the ground. __________ take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
14.               a gas that is part of air. It has no color or smell. Most living things need __________ to live.

4th Grade Science Test: Weather, Climate & Environment

4th Grade Science Test
Weather, Climate & Environment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1.                   everything that surrounds living things and affects growth and health; the natural world.
2.                   the conditions outside. __________ concerns such things as temperature, rain, snow, sun, and other things.
3.                   the act or process of changing from a gas to a liquid.
4.                   the forward edge of a mass of cold or warm air.
 greenhouse effect
5.                   of, pertaining to, or according to geology.
6.                   a sudden, strong flow of water onto land that should not be under water.
7.                   the usual weather conditions in a place.
8.                   to give off water from a surface in the form of vapor.

9.                   the movement or transfer of heat through a liquid or gas because of the natural rising of the heated parts and sinking of the cooled parts.
10.                the earth's crust.
11.                snow, sleet, rain, or hail that falls to the surface of the earth, or the amount of it that falls in a given period of time.
12.                to guess or estimate or predict the weather, it will rain tomorrow or the storm will hit the town.
13.                a form of matter that can flow and is neither a solid nor a gas. Water is the most common kind of __________ on earth.
14.                having to do with or coming from the sun.
15.                water vapor or moisture in the air.
16.                the gases that are in the space around the earth.
 greenhouse effect

17.                a white or gray mass of small drops of water high in the sky above the earth.
18.                air as it moves over the surface of the earth created by the heat of the sun.
19.                tiny pieces of a liquid or solid that float in a gas.
20.                made entirely of a single material or thing, not a gas or liquid.
 greenhouse effect
21.                the warming of the earth's surface that takes place when heat from the sun is held in by the earth's atmosphere. The __________ can be caused by too much carbon dioxide being released into the air from the burning of fossil fuels.
 greenhouse effect
22.                to turn from liquid into gas; pass away in the form of vapor.
23.                a long period with little or no rain.

4th Grade Energy & Magnetism Science Test

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1.                    to cause people or animals to want to be near.
2.                    a longitudinal pressure wave in an elastic medium such as air, especially one that is in an audible range.
 sound wave
3.                    power, energy, or physical strength.
4.                    the form of energy that you feel as warmth.
 direct current
5.                    the start or place the electricity is generated.
 sound wave
6.                    electricity held or discharged by an insulated body.
 static electricity
 direct current
7.                    a device that uses electrical energy and changes them into something that can be seen, heard, or used. Televisions, telephones, and radios all work by using electricity.
8.                    natural electricity produced in clouds and appearing as a bright flash of light in the sky.
9.                    a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. __________ give power to many things, including cars, toys, and watches.
 sound wave
10.                  the form of energy that makes it possible for the eye to see. The sun produces __________.
11.                  a part of an electric circuit that provides resistance to some of the current.
 direct current
12.                  the power of a magnet to attract.
 direct current
13.                  the amount of sound.
14.                  a material or device that does not conduct electricity, such as an object of glass or porcelain, that is used to insulate and support electric wires.
15.                  the ability to have force or power or to do work. There are many kinds of __________ such as physical, electrical, nuclear, or chemical.
 kinetic energy
16.                  the complete path followed by an electric current.
 kinetic energy
17.                  to push back or force back. Positive & positive magnetic fields and negative & negative magnetic fields __________.
18.                  a kind of energy that is used for light and heat and for making things operate.
19.                  an electric current that flows in one direction.
 static electricity
 kinetic energy
 direct current
20.                  energy resulting from motion.
 kinetic energy
21.                  an iron or steel core with wire wound around it. It becomes magnetic when an electric current is passed through the wire.

4th Grade Science Test: Technology

Free 4th Grade Science Test
  Technology          Name:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each test question.
1.                   a set of instructions for a computer to follow so that it can do certain things.
 word processor
2.                   a person who writes programs for a computer.
3.                   a device for storing information on a computer's hard disk. A __________ can be built into a computer or can sit outside the computer and be connected to it by a cable.
 hard drive
4.                   facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used in different ways.
5.                   of, pertaining to, or using a type of high-speed data transmission that allows signals at different frequencies, such as audio and video, to be transmitted simultaneously along a single wire.
 word processor
6.                   an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.
 computer science
 word processor
7.                   an instrument that uses a lens to make very small objects larger so that they can be seen by the eye.
8.                   a location on the World Wide Web. A __________ contains a home page and other pages that are linked to the home page.
 alternating current
9.                   an electric current that flows in one direction.
 direct current
10.                products that are developed using knowledge from science and industry.
 alternating current
11.                a place used for scientific experiments.
 hard drive
12.                the science and study of computers, including how they are made and how they work.
 computer science
13.                (usually spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet.
 fire wall
14.                a row or rows of keys on a machine or instrument.
 alternating current
15.                an electronic machine that is used to store, sort, and work with information at a high speed.
16.                a telephone or computer that works without wires.
17.                electrical current that reverses direction at regular intervals. (Cf. direct current.)
 alternating current
 computer science
18.                (used with a singular verb) the science that is concerned with the flow of electrons and their uses.
 hard drive
 fire wall
19.                computer parts and equipment. Computer __________ includes all the parts of a computer that make it work, except for the programs.
 fire wall
20.                a computer or a computer program used to write, change, print, and save text.
 word processor
21.                the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the __________ are the World Wide Web and e-mail.
22.                to send a message or image by computer.
23.                a message that you write and send from one computer to another; electronic mail.
 direct current
24.                a field of knowledge having to do with the use of science and industry to help solve common problems of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi this questions are really good, by any chance do you have the answer key? Thank you


Thank you!