Thursday, March 1, 2012

4th Grade Science Test: Technology

4th Grade Science Test: Technology

Free 4th Grade Science Test
  Technology          Name:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each test question.
1.                   a set of instructions for a computer to follow so that it can do certain things.
 word processor
2.                   a person who writes programs for a computer.
3.                   a device for storing information on a computer's hard disk. A __________ can be built into a computer or can sit outside the computer and be connected to it by a cable.
 hard drive
4.                   facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used in different ways.
5.                   of, pertaining to, or using a type of high-speed data transmission that allows signals at different frequencies, such as audio and video, to be transmitted simultaneously along a single wire.
 word processor
6.                   an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.
 computer science
 word processor
7.                   an instrument that uses a lens to make very small objects larger so that they can be seen by the eye.
8.                   a location on the World Wide Web. A __________ contains a home page and other pages that are linked to the home page.
 alternating current
9.                   an electric current that flows in one direction.
 direct current
10.                products that are developed using knowledge from science and industry.
 alternating current
11.                a place used for scientific experiments.
 hard drive
12.                the science and study of computers, including how they are made and how they work.
 computer science
13.                (usually spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet.
 fire wall
14.                a row or rows of keys on a machine or instrument.
 alternating current
15.                an electronic machine that is used to store, sort, and work with information at a high speed.
16.                a telephone or computer that works without wires.
17.                electrical current that reverses direction at regular intervals. (Cf. direct current.)
 alternating current
 computer science
18.                (used with a singular verb) the science that is concerned with the flow of electrons and their uses.
 hard drive
 fire wall
19.                computer parts and equipment. Computer __________ includes all the parts of a computer that make it work, except for the programs.
 fire wall
20.                a computer or a computer program used to write, change, print, and save text.
 word processor
21.                the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the __________ are the World Wide Web and e-mail.
22.                to send a message or image by computer.
23.                a message that you write and send from one computer to another; electronic mail.
 direct current
24.                a field of knowledge having to do with the use of science and industry to help solve common problems of life.

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