Sample Schedule Ideas for Primary: 90-minute block
90-minute reading blocks are a critical part of any successful reading program. The 90-minute or 120-minute reading blocks need to be a revered time, it should be totally uninterrupted, it is one of the most important systemic changes struggling schools need to adopt. Schools that need intensive reading intervention school-wide should be doing two 90-minute reading blocks daily or a 120-minute reading block at a minimum. Uninterrupted means no special education pull-outs, no specials, and no interruptions.
[PDF]Welcome to the session “90 Minutes Plus.” Reading First teachers all ...
90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction per day in order for sufficient student ... Consequently, the reading block may require the minimum standard of 90.
[PDF]Elementary 90-minute Reading Block Template - Building RTI
2008 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency. Elementary 90-Minute Reading BlockTemplate. Range of. Time. Class Configuration. Teacher-Led.
An Example of the 90 Minute Reading Block | LD Topics | LD OnLine
120-minute block: 90 minute reading block with extended time for immediate intensive intervention (120 minutes total). See printable PDF of 120-minute block.
[PDF]Tier 1: 90-Minute Reading Block (This is an example format and ...
Office of Reading and Literacy. Tier 1: 90-Minute Reading Block. (This is an example format and should be based on the needs of your students). Instruction.
[PDF]Example: 90 minute Reading Block with Extended Time for Immediate ...
Example: 90 minute Reading Block with Extended Time for Immediate Intensive. Intervention (120 minutes total). Instruction. Possible. Range of. Time.
[PDF]What is the research regarding the uninterrupted 90-minute reading ...
instructional time AND elementary; 90-minute reading block AND elementary ... 1.pdf. Summary/Abstract: The Massachusetts Department of ...
[PDF]An Academic Support Plan for K-3 Readers 90 Minute Reading Block ...
Just Read, Florida! recommends at least a 90 minute reading block for K-5 students. In addition to the
[PDF]90 Minute Literacy B lock
Be sure to include at least 20 minutes of independent reading fluency practice to ... This instruction is in addition to the 90 minute literacy block requirement.
[PDF]90-Minute Reading Block - Smekens Education
about Indiana's K-6 Reading Framework and the 90-minute reading block. ... 90-minute block: whole group instruction, small group support, and independent ..
90-minute reading blocks are a critical part of any successful reading program. The 90-minute or 120-minute reading blocks need to be a revered time, it should be totally uninterrupted, it is one of the most important systemic changes struggling schools need to adopt. Schools that need intensive reading intervention school-wide should be doing two 90-minute reading blocks daily or a 120-minute reading block at a minimum. Uninterrupted means no special education pull-outs, no specials, and no interruptions.
"Converging research and evidence shows that the most effective teachers are those that deliver reading instruction with the greatest density. Density addresses pacing, content rigor, and instructional delivery. Dense reading instruction systematically delivers explicit concepts and implicit concepts, questions, directions and is scaffolded over time. And it differentiates across the classroom. Those most at-risk students require instruction with the greatest density and also requires vastly more daily reading instruction."
[PDF]Welcome to the session “90 Minutes Plus.” Reading First teachers all ...
90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction per day in order for sufficient student ... Consequently, the reading block may require the minimum standard of 90.
[PDF]Elementary 90-minute Reading Block Template - Building RTI
2008 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency. Elementary 90-Minute Reading BlockTemplate. Range of. Time. Class Configuration. Teacher-Led.
An Example of the 90 Minute Reading Block | LD Topics | LD OnLine
120-minute block: 90 minute reading block with extended time for immediate intensive intervention (120 minutes total). See printable PDF of 120-minute block.
[PDF]Tier 1: 90-Minute Reading Block (This is an example format and ...
Office of Reading and Literacy. Tier 1: 90-Minute Reading Block. (This is an example format and should be based on the needs of your students). Instruction.
[PDF]Example: 90 minute Reading Block with Extended Time for Immediate ...
Example: 90 minute Reading Block with Extended Time for Immediate Intensive. Intervention (120 minutes total). Instruction. Possible. Range of. Time.
[PDF]What is the research regarding the uninterrupted 90-minute reading ...
instructional time AND elementary; 90-minute reading block AND elementary ... 1.pdf. Summary/Abstract: The Massachusetts Department of ...
[PDF]An Academic Support Plan for K-3 Readers 90 Minute Reading Block ...
Just Read, Florida! recommends at least a 90 minute reading block for K-5 students. In addition to the
[PDF]90 Minute Literacy B lock
Be sure to include at least 20 minutes of independent reading fluency practice to ... This instruction is in addition to the 90 minute literacy block requirement.
[PDF]90-Minute Reading Block - Smekens Education
about Indiana's K-6 Reading Framework and the 90-minute reading block. ... 90-minute block: whole group instruction, small group support, and independent ..

Reading Boot Camp is the Highest Quality Reading Instruction!
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster
READING BOOT CAMP is a FREE researched based RTI intervention program that uses best instructional practices with a qualification, teach to the very TOP, expose every student to grade level and above ELA concepts, lift all students using Socratic learning tactics, teach and treat all students as GIFTED, be flexible and have fun, set rigorous goals, and differentiate through scaffolding and cooperative learning. This is a philosophy that many disagree with and believe it is not pedagogically sound, usually by teachers that try to ability group and differentiate for 2-7 grade levels. RBC has 13 years of proven results, the RTI reading intervention improves reading test scores by one full grade level in 20 days. Reading Boot Camp is used in hundreds of classrooms and a handful of schools as a proven school-wide and classroom turnaround program.
Buddy Reading, Fluency Drills, & Mini Socratic Seminar
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10 minutes Reading Fluency Practice: Paired Buddy Reading, Fluency Drills, and Reading Comprehension | Students do a ONE minute timed fluency drill with partners and record the CWPM. After both partners have read they do a Mini Socratic Seminar (Students take 2-3 minutes to converse, summarize and elaborate on keys ideas found in their reading fluency drills) THIS is only done for Hot and Warm reads never a Cold or first-time fluency drill!
Mini Socratic Seminar Student Lead Question Stems:
Why did the author write this text?
What is the theme/main or big idea of the passage?
Can you define or summarize the important vocabulary the author used?
What effective questions would you use to quiz your partner?
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The Pacing, Order of activities, Time on task, and all ELA activities are very flexible and left to the teacher's judgment. The critical parts and must do parts of READING BOOT CAMP, reading fluency, tier 1, 2, and 3-word work, and reading comprehension activities that are revisited every 45 minutes or at a minimum every 90 minutes.
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3 minutes Mini-Lesson-Lecture Tier 2 Vocabulary Review: Tier 2 Target Vocabulary (compare and contrast) Whole Group WORD WORK Instruction, contextual exemplars and application of the word using target questions.
3 minutes Mini-Lesson-Lecture Tier 3 Vocabulary Review: Tier 3 Target Vocabulary (protagonist and antagonist)
Engagement Protocols: Think-Pair-Share, Student Self-quiz, Glass-Bugs-Mud and or Red Card Green Card!
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3-5 Minute Brain Break
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Whole Group Instruction Socratic Read-Aloud: Start
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10 minutes "Read-along Read-Alouds that teaches “Metacognitive Thinking Strategies" Socratic Read-Aloud | This can be done with a short passage, picture book, poem, or chapter book.
WHY and the "5ws" Interrogational Socratic Question Stems:
What is your point of view,….are their people with other points of view?
How would you summarize the,…?
How would you elaborate further…?
Tell me why…and …are alike/different.
Tell me why … felt/discovered/believed when ….?
Why is…significant/interesting/confusing…. ?
Why is this opinion …true/false?
Why do you think … felt when (or about) _____?
Engagement Protocols: Think-Pair-Share, Student Self-quiz, Glass-Bugs-Mud or Red Card Green Card, equity-sticks and cold-calls!
15 Minutes Small Cooperative learning Groups | ELA Learning Centers: audio book listening station, word sorts, phonics station, flash card games, word family station, book club center, haiku poetry center, book illustration art center, buddy reading fluency station, poetry listening station, Mad-Libs, journaling station and writing center (IWE, Writers Workshop), science articles station, social studies articles station, READ AND WRITE WITH YOUR TEACHER!
TEAM 1: Vocabulary Games (Interleaved Reading and Vocabulary Practice)
TEAM 2: Writing Station and Journaling (IWE, Writers Workshop) TEAM 3: Socratic Read-Aloud Audio Book (Listening and Speaking Station) TEAM 4: Buddy Reading Fluency Station TEAM 5: Book Illustration and Art Station: Reading Comprehension, (Imagination and imagery, Elaboration, Summarizing) Students read a book passage and use their imagination to make an illustration (pictorial summation and embellishment of the passage)! TEAM 6: READ AND WRITE WITH YOUR TEACHER! (Response to Literature) |
15 Minute Recess
Whole Group Instruction: Socratic Read-Aloud Continued
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15 minutes "Read-along Read-Alouds that teaches “Metacognitive Thinking Strategies" Socratic Read-Aloud | Teachers need to model Socratic Thinking! First asking the HOT questions and answering the questions. Modeling metacognition at the beginning using a think aloud format. After repeated exposure to the Socratic thinking process student will be able to engage fully!
The "5ws" of Interrogational Socratic Questions:
DOK LEVEL 2 Question Stems:
DOK LEVEL 3 Question Stems:
Engagement Protocols: Think-Pair-Share, Student Self-quiz, Glass-Bugs-Mud or Red Card Green Card, equity-sticks and cold-calls!
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3 minutes Mini-Lesson-Lecture and Sparkle Vocabulary Game: Tier 2 Target Vocabulary (New Words: cause and effect) (Quick Review: compare and contrast ) Whole Group WORD WORK Instruction, contextual exemplars and application of the word using target questions.
3 minutes Mini-Lesson-Lecture Tier 3 Target Vocabulary: (New Words: tall tale and fable ) (Quick Review protagonist and antagonist)
Engagement Protocols: Sparkle Vocabulary Game, Think-Pair-Share-Listen-Repeat, Student Self-quiz, Glass-Bugs-Mud and or Red Card Green Card!
10 minute Alternative Tier 1 Word Work: Weekly spelling words, basal reading vocabulary or the National Reading Vocabulary. Buddies read the list of weekly vocabulary words to practice fluency, then students take turns using the word in a kid friendly sentence. After a buddy uses the word in a sentence their partner has to repeat the sentence to show they are listening. | |
10 minute Sparkle Vocabulary Game: Game words, cause, effect, compare, contrast, protagonist, antagonist, tall tale, and fable
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3-5 Minute Brain Break
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Response to Literature and Self-Reflection
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10 Minutes Paired Learning Groups ELA Writing Stations: Students are paired and start, work on or complete a writing product. Keyword Outline, Story Map, Response to Socratic Seminar Readings, Self-Quiz Questions, Review Flashcards, Writers Workshop, Flash cards, Keyword Outline Sentence or Paragraph.
Paired Students: READ AND WRITE WITH YOUR TEACHER! (Response to Literature using Cornell Notes)
Paired students or individual student work on one aspect of the writing process. BRAINSTORMING, PRE-WRITING, DRAFTING, REVISING, EDITING AND PUBLISHING.
90 Minute Reading Block Must Do's
NO FLAT BUTT LEARNING! Standing, alternative seating, dynamic active cooperative learning, and FUN!
Reading Fluency: The ability to read with accuracy, automaticity, and with satisfactory rate to comprehend the text(speed), expression and phrasing
Word Work, Vocabulary, Word Analyses: The knowledge of words, their denotations, and connotations, their parts prefix-suffix-roots. and their contextual meaning. The understanding of the meaning of words in a text is the foundation for reading comprehension.
Response to Literature and Journaling: Paired students or individual student work on one aspect of the writing process. BRAINSTORMING, PRE-WRITING, DRAFTING, REVISING, EDITING AND PUBLISHING. Response to Literature or Journaling, as you read, is the most effective way of understanding a work of literature and strengthening understanding of the writing process at the same time. With journaling you integrate reading and writing instruction, students will relate to the story/text more completely, they will deepen their knowledge of the ideas, themes, opinions, conflicts, settings, images, conversations, characters, and interesting facts.
Interleaved Reading Practice (ELA GAMES!): Mixed practice literacy games that stretch students knowledge using fun engaging literacy activities.
Socratic Learning and Thinking: Tactics and Strategies: "Read-along Read-Alouds that teaches “Metacognitive Thinking Strategies" Socratic Read-Aloud | This can be done with a short passage, picture book, poem, or chapter book.
Differentiated Literacy Stations: Self-guided “Independent” reading activities and learning stations provide opportunities for students to practice newly learned tasks, review concepts, summarize new information, reflect and self-evaluate what they’ve learned or what they are not clear on. They use five of the most powerful mind-tools for learning new information. Demonstrate mastery of previously taught skills. When students are released to work in small groups or pairs students build soft skills like cooperation, academic conversation, active listening and speaking.
Listening, Speaking and Effective Question: Embedding language skills in all reading lessons are critical to learning, students learn the fastest when they are using all their language skills to have discussions and teach other peers.
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: The conscious awareness that words are made up of segments of our own speech that are represented with letters. Phonological Awareness is a more encompassing term than phoneme awareness Phonics: The relationship between letters and the sounds they represent
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