Twenty Questions Academic Vocabulary Games: This investigative vocabulary game encourages Creativity, Curiosity, Deductive Reasoning, Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions.
Teaching students Socratic/Investigative questioning or purposeful Higher Order Thinking (HOT) methods that involve uncovering ideas and facts and making connections to prior knowledge is the key to academic success. The Socratic questioning methods is an effective stress-free way for students to learn disciplined questioning practices. The disciplined questioning that must be used to find the mystery word and distinguish what we know from what we don't know, to follow up with new questions based on logical inferential thought and solve the mystery in 20 questions is a powerful learning protocol.
The Academic Vocabulary Game can be used to pursue many ideas in a systematic hierarchy and for many academic purposes, including: to explore complex vocabulary and text ideas, to get to the new facts, to explore new information and seek clarification, to uncover and make connections, and to analyze concepts. The key to distinguishing Socratic questioning from everyday formative teacher questioning per se is that Socratic questioning is systematic, disciplined, deep and usually focuses on fundamental concepts, principles, theories, issues or designed to solve problems.
YES, NO, or MAYBE! Yes, No, Maybe, Always, Sometimes, Unknown, Irrelevant, Probably, Mostly, Depends, Rarely, Partly
[PDF] 20 Questions Lesson Plan - CS Unplugged For either version, ask the students if they have everplayed 20 questions. If yes, have a ... Tell the students that you have picked an object in the classroom, and they need to figure out what it is.
[PDF]Effective Questioning and Classroom Talk - NSEADTeachers ask questions from the start of the lesson until the ... How and why do we use Questions and Talk in the classroom? ...... Long term over 20 years .... ideas on Post-It notes, living graphs and fortune lines, role play, mantle of the expert ...
[PDF] Classroom QuestioningWhat are the purposes of teachers' classroom questions? ... twenty-six—are concerned with the relative effects on student learning produced by questions at ...
[PDF]Building Relationships with your students - Milwaukee Public SchoolsCan take time and have students do questions as a whole class or attach the dice roll to ... If they made a movie of your life what actor would play you? What two ...
[PDF]Hot Seat: Student-Generated Interactive Questions and Conversation ...have limited experience in the classroom, this student-led process of asking and ... At the end of the session, the teacher has the list of questions that students ...
Missing: 20 | Must include: 20
[PDF]Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee)Think Break – Ask a rhetorical question, and then allow 20 seconds for students to .... Make It Personal – Design class activities (or even essays) to address the real ...... student or multiple students participating in the role-play.
[PDF] fun activities for teaching english - YWAM Montanasomeone asks you to teach an impromptu English class with little time and zero preparation. ..... Digital Scavenger Hunt (A2), Newspaper Role Play (A4), 20 Questions (B1), ..... Download PDF in varying sizes (one, two, or nine cards per page)
Links to PDF Academic Word List The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project
NWEA MAP Test VOCABULARY for the Web-based MAP® system
Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Marzano based list
The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project Prepared for the State of Tennessee Department of Education by Marzano & Associates
NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Reading Test Questions
CST and CAHSEE Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary At a Glance – New Vocabulary Words by RIT Bands for Reading
ISAT Reading Vocabulary List (Word) doc
ISAT Language Usage Vocabulary List (Word)
ISAT Math Vocabulary List (Word)
Tier 3 Academic Math Vocabulary from Granite Schools Utah
Math Vocabulary Cards
Kindergarten CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Kindergarten
1st Grade
1st Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade M-Z
2nd Grade
2nd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade M-Z
3rd Grade
3rd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade M-Z
4th Grade
4th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade M-Z
5th Grade
5th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade M-Z
6th Grade
6th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade M-Z
7th Grade
7th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade A thru M
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade N thru Z
8th Grade
8th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 8th Grade A thru L
Vocabulary Cards 8th Grade M thru Z
Secondary 1 Math
Secondary 1 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 A thru L
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 M thru Z
Secondary 1 Student Glossary
Math Vocabulary Word List
K-6 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
K-8 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Sec 1 – Sec 3 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Secondary 1 Math
Secondary 1 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 A thru L
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 M thru Z
Secondary 1 Student Glossary
Math Vocabulary Word List
K-6 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
K-8 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Sec 1 – Sec 3 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Tier 2 Vocabulary list
Grades K-12 Tier II Vocabulary Lists
Kindergarten Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Kindergarten - NEW 100 Vocabulary Words - 2014-2015
Grade 1 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 1 - NEW 100 Vocabulary Words - 2014-2015
Grade 2 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 3 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 4 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 5 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 6 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 7 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 8 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 9 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 10 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 11 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 12 Tier II Vocabulary List
Twenty Questions is a spoken parlor game which encourages deductive reasoning and creativity. It originated in the United States and was played widely in the 19th century. It escalated in popularity during the late 1940s when it became the format for a successful weekly radio quiz program. WIKI

The Twenty Questions Vocabulary Game is played with one player or cooperative group that is chosen to be the answerer. That person or cooperative group chooses an academic subject and a tier 3 academic word associated with that subject but does not reveal this to the other students. All other students are questioners. The students each take turns asking a question which can be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No."
Sample questions could be:
Deceiving is never allowed during the game. If a student guesses the correct answer, that student wins and becomes the answerer for the next game round. If 20 questions are asked without a correct guess, then the answerer has stumped the questioners and gets to be the answerer for another round.
Sample questions could be:
- FIRST QUESTION, Is the concept related to Reading, Writing and or Arithmetic?
- Can you read/write/talk about it?
- Is the concept taught in the primary/intermediated/middle school/high school?
- Is the vocabulary word related to a math operation?
- Is the word related grammar/text features/poetry?
- Does it require learned knowledge to use it?
- Is the vocabulary word a noun/verb?
- Is it an abstract or figurative language concept?
- Are there different types?
- Is it used to calculate?
Deceiving is never allowed during the game. If a student guesses the correct answer, that student wins and becomes the answerer for the next game round. If 20 questions are asked without a correct guess, then the answerer has stumped the questioners and gets to be the answerer for another round.
The game can be played with cooperative partners, and the teacher can give test prep tier 3 academic vocabulary to review.
Careful selection of questions can greatly improve the odds of the questioner winning the game. For example, a question such as "Does the word involve written communications, reading and writing?", "Does the word involve a short amount of time to complete? can allow the questioners to cover a broad range of areas using a single question that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". If the answerer responds with "yes," the questioner can use the next question to narrow down the answer; if the answerer responds with "no," the questioner has successfully eliminated a number of possibilities for the answer.
Variants: Twenty Questions Vocabulary Game
One lifeline question allowed, "Can you give me an antonym/synonym or word in the same family?"
3Rs "Reading, Writing and Arithmetic" This version starts with the answerer telling the questioners whether the academic subject belongs to Reading, Writing and or Arithmetic.
Careful selection of questions can greatly improve the odds of the questioner winning the game. For example, a question such as "Does the word involve written communications, reading and writing?", "Does the word involve a short amount of time to complete? can allow the questioners to cover a broad range of areas using a single question that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". If the answerer responds with "yes," the questioner can use the next question to narrow down the answer; if the answerer responds with "no," the questioner has successfully eliminated a number of possibilities for the answer.
Variants: Twenty Questions Vocabulary Game
One lifeline question allowed, "Can you give me an antonym/synonym or word in the same family?"
3Rs "Reading, Writing and Arithmetic" This version starts with the answerer telling the questioners whether the academic subject belongs to Reading, Writing and or Arithmetic.
[PDF] 20 Questions Lesson Plan - CS Unplugged For either version, ask the students if they have everplayed 20 questions. If yes, have a ... Tell the students that you have picked an object in the classroom, and they need to figure out what it is.
[PDF]Effective Questioning and Classroom Talk - NSEADTeachers ask questions from the start of the lesson until the ... How and why do we use Questions and Talk in the classroom? ...... Long term over 20 years .... ideas on Post-It notes, living graphs and fortune lines, role play, mantle of the expert ...
[PDF] Classroom QuestioningWhat are the purposes of teachers' classroom questions? ... twenty-six—are concerned with the relative effects on student learning produced by questions at ...
[PDF]Building Relationships with your students - Milwaukee Public SchoolsCan take time and have students do questions as a whole class or attach the dice roll to ... If they made a movie of your life what actor would play you? What two ...
[PDF]Hot Seat: Student-Generated Interactive Questions and Conversation ...have limited experience in the classroom, this student-led process of asking and ... At the end of the session, the teacher has the list of questions that students ...
Missing: 20 | Must include: 20
[PDF]Interactive Techniques (Kevin Yee)Think Break – Ask a rhetorical question, and then allow 20 seconds for students to .... Make It Personal – Design class activities (or even essays) to address the real ...... student or multiple students participating in the role-play.
[PDF] fun activities for teaching english - YWAM Montanasomeone asks you to teach an impromptu English class with little time and zero preparation. ..... Digital Scavenger Hunt (A2), Newspaper Role Play (A4), 20 Questions (B1), ..... Download PDF in varying sizes (one, two, or nine cards per page)
Links to PDF Academic Word List The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project
NWEA MAP Test VOCABULARY for the Web-based MAP® system
Oklahoma Academic Vocabulary Suggested Words and Terms Marzano based list
The Tennessee Academic Vocabulary Project Prepared for the State of Tennessee Department of Education by Marzano & Associates
NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Academic Vocabulary
NWEA Reading Test Questions
CST and CAHSEE Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary At a Glance – New Vocabulary Words by RIT Bands for Reading
ISAT Reading Vocabulary List (Word) doc
ISAT Language Usage Vocabulary List (Word)
ISAT Math Vocabulary List (Word)
Tier 3 Academic Math Vocabulary from Granite Schools Utah
Math Vocabulary Cards
Kindergarten CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Kindergarten
1st Grade
1st Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 1st Grade M-Z
2nd Grade
2nd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 2nd Grade M-Z
3rd Grade
3rd Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 3rd Grade M-Z
4th Grade
4th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 4th Grade M-Z
5th Grade
5th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 5th Grade M-Z
6th Grade
6th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade A-L
Vocabulary Cards 6th Grade M-Z
7th Grade
7th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade A thru M
Vocabulary Cards 7th Grade N thru Z
8th Grade
8th Grade CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards 8th Grade A thru L
Vocabulary Cards 8th Grade M thru Z
Secondary 1 Math
Secondary 1 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 A thru L
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 M thru Z
Secondary 1 Student Glossary
Math Vocabulary Word List
K-6 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
K-8 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Sec 1 – Sec 3 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Secondary 1 Math
Secondary 1 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 A thru L
Vocabulary Cards Secondary 1 M thru Z
Secondary 1 Student Glossary
Math Vocabulary Word List
K-6 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
K-8 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Sec 1 – Sec 3 CCSS Vocabulary Word List
Tier 2 Vocabulary list
Grades K-12 Tier II Vocabulary Lists
Kindergarten Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Kindergarten - NEW 100 Vocabulary Words - 2014-2015
Grade 1 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 1 - NEW 100 Vocabulary Words - 2014-2015
Grade 2 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 3 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 4 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 5 Tier II Vocabulary Word List
Grade 6 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 7 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 8 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 9 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 10 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 11 Tier II Vocabulary List
Grade 12 Tier II Vocabulary List
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