Top 5 Way to Power-up Students' Memory and "IQ" Intelligence!
The average human brain has about 100 billion brain cells (neurons). Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, that is a very large capacity for learning and equivalent to a computer with a 1 trillion bit per second processor.

Working memory is a hypercritical function of learning new concepts and making connections to background knowledge. A core executive function that is related to academic success, yet it is neglected or misunderstood. Working memory is an adaptable and plastic cognitive system with an "underdeveloped capacity" that is responsible for the transient holding, processing, and manipulation of information. Working memory is an important process for reasoning and the guidance of decision-making and behavior.
"One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one's greatest efforts." —Albert Einstein
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive ...
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your .... In order to generate successfully intelligent output, a good working memory is pretty important. ... that if you want to continually increase your brain power over the course of your ... As a follow-up of the Jaeggi study, researchers in Sweden [pdf] ...
[PDF]Improving Long term retention and recall - Michigan State University ...
medical student is to select learning strategies that maximize retention and minimize loss ... 5. Adopt a deep approach to learning. How are long-term memories (LTM) stored? ... common study methods create “weak” memories that render retrieval all but .... try to recall the information (test yourself) shortly after you wake up.
[PDF]Power Up for Learning - California Department of Public Health
Power Up for Learning. A Physical Activity Supplement to the. School Idea ..... day and find ways to make healthier choices for snacks .... receiving a “top secret” assignment and the information in these ..... Lead the students in playing High 5 Memory Challenge using the ......
How to Improve Your Memory: Tips and Exercises to Sharpen Your ...
Whether you're a student studying for final exams, a working professional ... Improving your memory: 9 tips for boosting brain power at any age ... The best brain exercises break your routine and challenge you to use and ... level and work your way up as your skills improve —always pushing the envelope so ..... PDFversion ...
How to Increase Memory Power (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Do: Whenever the angry memory of that person budging in front ... You might also try learning different ways of using your senses ... Flash cards are a good example of how you can enlist ... Instead of remembering the number, 5-6-2-2-8-9-7, make it 562-28-97. ... Don't give up.
47 Ways to Boost Brainpower Now | Greatist
A Good Night's Sleep Stay up all night studying or hit the hay? ... quite catch enough Zzzs last night, a power nap may be just the thing to help stay focused. ... On the other hand, some scientists say naps only improve memory if they involve dreaming. 9.
10 Ways Improve Your Memory & Boost Brainpower - Lifehack
The 5-Hour Rule That Turns Ordinary People Into Successful Ones You're ... Get a good night's sleep and take naps. ... During sleep, the brain firms up memories of recently acquired information and getting ... and educators have found that by having students teach new concepts to others, ... 6 Ways to Power Up Your Brain.
6 Ways to Power Up Your Brain - Lifehack
Read six scientifically proven ways to increase your brain health, and ... So if you want to power up your child's or your own brain, then have more conversations. ... Ginkgo biloba (extracted from the ginkgo tree) has good effects on memory. ... 5. Get good quality sleep. The brain does not shut off when we are asleep.
12 Brain Rules for Thriving Academically!
5. Teach students good study habits that include self-quizzing strategies, flash cards, Cornell notes, games with competition, studying over time, creating test questions, summarizing, study buddies, highlighting, close reading, and combine academic content to make connections to background knowledge.
- Children that learn numeracy and number-sense with the aide of a Japanese abacus, score 15-20 IQ points higher on a Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Wechsler IQ Test
- Students that are engaged in daily music and singing practice score higher on language-based IQ tests.
- Students that engage in learning a second language also score higher on almost all standard IQ tests.
- Learning to read is my favorite!
- Learning to draw, paint, sculpt, pottery, handicrafts, dance, theater, and any daily arts integration.
The average human brain has about 100 billion brain cells (neurons). Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, that is a very large capacity for learning and equivalent to a computer with a 1 trillion bit per second processor.

Working memory is a hypercritical function of learning new concepts and making connections to background knowledge. A core executive function that is related to academic success, yet it is neglected or misunderstood. Working memory is an adaptable and plastic cognitive system with an "underdeveloped capacity" that is responsible for the transient holding, processing, and manipulation of information. Working memory is an important process for reasoning and the guidance of decision-making and behavior.
"One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one's greatest efforts." —Albert Einstein
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive ...
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your .... In order to generate successfully intelligent output, a good working memory is pretty important. ... that if you want to continually increase your brain power over the course of your ... As a follow-up of the Jaeggi study, researchers in Sweden [pdf] ...
[PDF]Improving Long term retention and recall - Michigan State University ...
medical student is to select learning strategies that maximize retention and minimize loss ... 5. Adopt a deep approach to learning. How are long-term memories (LTM) stored? ... common study methods create “weak” memories that render retrieval all but .... try to recall the information (test yourself) shortly after you wake up.
[PDF]Power Up for Learning - California Department of Public Health
Power Up for Learning. A Physical Activity Supplement to the. School Idea ..... day and find ways to make healthier choices for snacks .... receiving a “top secret” assignment and the information in these ..... Lead the students in playing High 5 Memory Challenge using the ......
How to Improve Your Memory: Tips and Exercises to Sharpen Your ...
Whether you're a student studying for final exams, a working professional ... Improving your memory: 9 tips for boosting brain power at any age ... The best brain exercises break your routine and challenge you to use and ... level and work your way up as your skills improve —always pushing the envelope so ..... PDFversion ...
How to Increase Memory Power (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Do: Whenever the angry memory of that person budging in front ... You might also try learning different ways of using your senses ... Flash cards are a good example of how you can enlist ... Instead of remembering the number, 5-6-2-2-8-9-7, make it 562-28-97. ... Don't give up.
47 Ways to Boost Brainpower Now | Greatist
A Good Night's Sleep Stay up all night studying or hit the hay? ... quite catch enough Zzzs last night, a power nap may be just the thing to help stay focused. ... On the other hand, some scientists say naps only improve memory if they involve dreaming. 9.
10 Ways Improve Your Memory & Boost Brainpower - Lifehack
The 5-Hour Rule That Turns Ordinary People Into Successful Ones You're ... Get a good night's sleep and take naps. ... During sleep, the brain firms up memories of recently acquired information and getting ... and educators have found that by having students teach new concepts to others, ... 6 Ways to Power Up Your Brain.
6 Ways to Power Up Your Brain - Lifehack
Read six scientifically proven ways to increase your brain health, and ... So if you want to power up your child's or your own brain, then have more conversations. ... Ginkgo biloba (extracted from the ginkgo tree) has good effects on memory. ... 5. Get good quality sleep. The brain does not shut off when we are asleep.
12 Brain Rules for Thriving Academically!
1. Teach all critical language, vocabulary, and academic concepts using Multisensory methods that repeat and review constantly. Using visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and tactile modalities in fun engaging ways helps the brain's neurons fire together and wire memories together using all learning pathways, each time students are required to remember academic concepts, the brain re-wires its physical brain structure "neuroplasticity" making learning faster, stronger and deeper.
"Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neuralconnections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment."
"Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neuralconnections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment."
2. Teach all directions and tasks in small steps and have students repeat all steps with a shoulder partner. Repeat to remember and rehearse and model over and over to strengthen concepts.
3. Use pictures and physical "pictorial/symbolic" gestures to tap into visual-spatial memory neural pathways.
4. Teach auditory processing and auditory memory as a key element of all academic instruction. Think academic Simon says, listening and following complex oral directions. Teaching vocabulary, spelling, math facts, poetry recitation, and old schools rote memorization skills using chants, songs, mnemonic devices and part of daily lessons.
5. Teach students good study habits that include self-quizzing strategies, flash cards, Cornell notes, games with competition, studying over time, creating test questions, summarizing, study buddies, highlighting, close reading, and combine academic content to make connections to background knowledge.