Setting daily Micro Goals with your students jump starts their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and self-confidence! Setting daily Micro Goals with students builds Self-Esteem, Perseverance, Grit, Resilience, and a renewed love of learning in students that may have lost interest in school. Setting daily Micro Goals shows students their accomplishments and achievements, students will take real ownership of their learning. Students see that they are truly capable and start setting bigger and more demanding Macro Goals. Building on real accomplishments and measurable results give students a stratagem and path to further academic success.
Micro-goals usually take 1-20 minutes to complete. Everyone can focus on a task for one-twenty minutes.
One-Five Minute Micro Goals Samples:
[PDF]Workbook for Goal-setting and Evidence-based Strategies for Success
Best Possible Future Self Sets the Stage for Goal-setting ......................................... ..... Not only has she proven that fleeting micromoments of happiness ..... that new meditators who persisted with a short meditation practice every day experienced ...... The following examples are from photos I've taken from cars on the highway.
[PDF]A powerful yet simple daily planner to help you ... - Schreiben wirktWe'll share additional content including videos and PDF guides on how ... between goal setting and goalachieving by giving you a system of execution that will ...
[PDF]Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed (PDF)Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed. Page 2 ..... cards and placed where you can see them daily and be reminded of positive aspects.
[PDF]Your 100 Personal Goals Worksheet - HubSpotTypically, the process for setting goals is part of the ... micromanaging. You are a professional .... and enthusiasm if you create an “every day” environment which.
[PDF]A powerful yet simple daily planner to help you ... - Schreiben wirktWe'll share additional content including videos and PDF guides on how ... between goal setting and goalachieving by giving you a system of execution that will ...
[PDF]Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed (PDF)Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed. Page 2 ..... cards and placed where you can see them daily and be reminded of positive aspects.
The best way to create sustained academic success, is to experience real academic success. Students that develop the habit of setting and meeting daily Micro Goals thrive in the positive feedback loop that is created. That feedback loop positively impacts a students desire, commitment, perseverance, resilience, and mindsets about school and academics.Micro Goals are about doing things in the NOW!
Academic decisions, goals, and actions or inaction's are based on academic attitudes and positive or negative academic habits. Micro goal setting circumvents unproductive intuitive responses, bias assessments of one's own ability, poor self-concept, flawed heuristics, and stinky thinking. Setting Micro Goals with your students is a Praxis (process)!
Why set Micro Goals with students?
- Macro goals can only be met with micro goals
- Micro goals when met show a measure of achievement
- Meeting micro goals "small success" leads to big wins and bigger goals
- Micro goals build a bridge between commitment and follow through
- Micro goals help keep you focused
- Micro goals that are met give you a sense of accomplishments
One-Five Minute Micro Goals Samples:
- I will praise my peers using a character trait I admire for one-five minutes
- I will exercise, dance, or do calisthenics for one-five minutes
- I will practice a difficult spelling word for one-five minutes
- I will study a close reading passage for one-five minutes
- I will deeply study a new math concept for one-five minutes
- I will organize my backpack, desk, cubby, or desk
- I will share 5 things I am passionate about with my family, peers, teachers, or friends
ü Goals, Tasks, Actions, and Missions
Yes, I Can! Yes, I Will:
Yes, I Did!
Yes, I Will Do it Again
ü Show Gratitude, Empathy, & Esteem to ALL People
ü Seek & Do [… ] Benevolent & Virtuous Activities
ü Ask Questions & Seek Clarity on NEW Concepts I’ve Learned: My Daily Queries Goal is [… ] Requests
ü Teach ONE New ELA/Math Concept to a Friend or Family Member TODAY!
ü Study, Review, & Reflect on [… ] new Math Concepts and [… ] new ELA Concepts
ü Study [… ] Phrases in Spanish, Latin, French or 漢字
ü Read [… ] Chapters of a GREAT BOOK
ü Write, Blog, or Journal about my Daily Learning (200-1000 words daily)
ü Make a New Friend or Renew an Old Friendship: Be Virtuous, Be Benevolent, Be Kind, Be Supportive
ü Find [… ] Things to Laugh & Smile About
[PDF]Workbook for Goal-setting and Evidence-based Strategies for Success
Best Possible Future Self Sets the Stage for Goal-setting ......................................... ..... Not only has she proven that fleeting micromoments of happiness ..... that new meditators who persisted with a short meditation practice every day experienced ...... The following examples are from photos I've taken from cars on the highway.
[PDF]A powerful yet simple daily planner to help you ... - Schreiben wirktWe'll share additional content including videos and PDF guides on how ... between goal setting and goalachieving by giving you a system of execution that will ...
[PDF]Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed (PDF)Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed. Page 2 ..... cards and placed where you can see them daily and be reminded of positive aspects.
[PDF]Your 100 Personal Goals Worksheet - HubSpotTypically, the process for setting goals is part of the ... micromanaging. You are a professional .... and enthusiasm if you create an “every day” environment which.
[PDF]A powerful yet simple daily planner to help you ... - Schreiben wirktWe'll share additional content including videos and PDF guides on how ... between goal setting and goalachieving by giving you a system of execution that will ...
[PDF]Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed (PDF)Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed. Page 2 ..... cards and placed where you can see them daily and be reminded of positive aspects.

There was a study done at Harvard between 1979 and 1989. Graduates of the MBA program were asked “Have you set clear written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?”
The results of that question were:
• Only 3% had written goals and plans
• 13% had goals but not in writing
• 84% had no specific goals at all Ten years later
Harvard interviewed the members of that class again and found:
1. The 13% who had goals but not in writing were earning on average twice as much as the 84% of those who had no goals at all
2. The 3% who had clear, written goals were earning on average 10 times as much as the other 97% of graduates all together. The only difference between the groups is the clarity of the goals they had for themselves.
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