Sunday, January 27, 2019

STUDENT PLEDGE school pledge

STUDENT PLEDGE Student Agreements
  • I WILL COME TO SCHOOL WITH A GRATEFUL HEART and show gratitude through kind words, good deeds, and positive actions! 
  • I will come to school on time every day with a positive attitude and READY TO LEARN!
  • I will work smart, hard, and push myself daily to empower my learning and grow my understanding. 
  • I will respect my peers, parents, school staff, and teachers. 
  • I will be a super citizen and behave in a way that helps me and my peers to learn in class. 
  • I will let my teachers and family know when I need help. 
  • I will read on my own and with my family every day. 
  • I will practice my basic math skills daily, using materials my teacher has sent home. 
  • I will write down assignments, do my homework every day, and turn it in when it is due. 
  • I will read with my family and let my family hear me read. 
  • I will limit my TV, computer, and video game time during school nights.
  • I will talk to my family daily about what I am learning in school and what I find fascinating. 
  • I will ask my family to review my homework daily.
  • I will show through words and actions that I value my education and that school is important. 
  • I will use reading and math materials the school sends home to help me grow wise. 
  • I will ask my parents to be actively involved in my school by, bringing needed classroom supplies, volunteering at my school, reading the weekly class and student agendas, and reading the school newsletters.
Student Signature__________________________________ Date ________________________

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