Thursday, September 5, 2024

Kindness 101 Lesson Plan: Kindness Fortune Tellers

Kindness 101 Lesson Plan: Kindness Fortune Tellers


Students will create kindness-themed fortune tellers to promote positive interactions, empathy, and support among peers. These fortune tellers will include messages of love, joy, peace, friendship, and kindness, and can be given to students in need of encouragement.

Materials Needed:

  • Square sheets of paper (one per student)
  • Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Stickers (optional)
  • Templates for younger students (optional)

Lesson Duration:

1 hour

Grade Levels:

Kindergarten through 6th grade


Lesson Outline:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Discussion on Kindness: Begin with a class discussion on what kindness means and why it is important. Ask students to share examples of kind acts they have experienced or performed.
  2. Purpose of the Activity: Explain that they will be making kindness fortune tellers to spread joy and support among their classmates.

Demonstration (10 minutes)

  1. How to Make a Fortune Teller: Show students how to fold a paper fortune teller. Provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrate each fold.
  2. Decorating the Fortune Teller: Explain how they can decorate their fortune tellers with kind messages and drawings.

Activity (30 minutes)

  1. Creating Fortune Tellers: Distribute materials and let students create their own kindness fortune tellers. Encourage them to include messages like “You are loved,” “You bring joy,” “Peace be with you,” “You are a great friend,” and “Kindness is your superpower.”
  2. Personalization: Allow students to personalize their fortune tellers with drawings, colors, and stickers.

Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)

  1. Pair and Share: Have students pair up and share their fortune tellers with each other. Encourage them to read the messages aloud and discuss how it feels to give and receive kind words.
  2. Class Reflection: Gather the class and reflect on the activity. Ask students how they felt making and sharing their fortune tellers and how they think these can help someone who is feeling sad or in need of encouragement.

Ideas for Kindness Fortune Tellers:

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade:

  1. Simple Messages: “You are special,” “Smile today,” “You are brave,” “You are kind.”
  2. Drawings: Hearts, stars, smiley faces, rainbows.
  3. Actions: “Give a hug,” “Share a toy,” “Say thank you,” “Help a friend.”

3rd - 4th Grade:

  1. Encouraging Words: “You can do it,” “Believe in yourself,” “You are awesome,” “Keep trying.”
  2. Positive Actions: “Compliment someone,” “Help with chores,” “Write a thank you note,” “Share a snack.”
  3. Friendship Messages: “You are a great friend,” “Let’s play together,” “You make me happy,” “Friends forever.”

5th - 6th Grade:

  1. Inspirational Quotes: “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” “Kindness is free, sprinkle it everywhere,” “You are capable of amazing things,” “Spread love wherever you go.”
  2. Acts of Kindness: “Help a classmate with homework,” “Pick up litter,” “Donate to a charity,” “Volunteer your time.”
  3. Affirmations: “You are strong,” “You are intelligent,” “You are creative,” “You are important.”

Extensions and Variations:

  1. Kindness Chain: Create a classroom kindness chain where each link represents a kind act performed by a student.
  2. Kindness Journal: Have students keep a journal of kind acts they perform and receive.
  3. Kindness Wall: Create a classroom wall where students can post kind messages and notes to each other.
  4. Role-Playing: Engage students in role-playing scenarios where they practice giving and receiving kindness fortune tellers.


End the lesson by emphasizing the importance of kindness in everyday life. Encourage students to continue spreading kindness and using their fortune tellers to uplift others. Remind them that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day.

Absolutely! Here are 40 additional positive and uplifting messages for your kindness fortune tellers:

  1. You are amazing!
  2. You light up the room.
  3. You are a star.
  4. You make a difference at Rio Vista.
  5. You are loved.
  6. You are unique.
  7. You are important.
  8. You are a great listener.
  9. You are thoughtful.
  10. You are creative.
  11. You are strong.
  12. You are brave.
  13. You are capable.
  14. You are inspiring.
  15. You are wonderful.
  16. You are a good friend.
  17. You are generous.
  18. You are kind-hearted.
  19. You are talented.
  20. You are fun to be around.
  21. You are full of potential and talent.
  22. You are a joy to know.
  23. You are a blessing.
  24. You are awesome.
  25. You are a treasure.
  26. You are a ray of sunshine.
  27. You are a gift.
  28. You are a hero.
  29. You are a champion.
  30. You are a miracle.
  31. You are a delight.
  32. You are a gem.
  33. You are a wonder.
  34. You are a marvel.
  35. You are a joy.
  36. You are a dream come true.
  37. You are a beacon of light.
  38. You are a breath of fresh air.
  39. You are a true friend.
  40. You are a beautiful soul.

These messages can help spread positivity and make your students feel valued and appreciated. Enjoy creating and sharing these kindness fortune tellers! 🌟

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