Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy Math Question Stems

My NWEA MAP TEST RIT Level Math Wall!
The Blooms Wall is Rotated Quarterly! 
Bloom's Taxonomy Math Question Stems | Creating a math dialogue with a Math Word Wall using Bloom's higher-level math questions stems!

Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom who also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals (referred to as simply "the Handbook" below). Although named for Bloom, the publication followed a series of conferences from 1949 to 1953, which were designed to improve communication between educators on the design of curricula and examinations.

Bloom's Taxonomy refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). Bloom's Taxonomy divides educational objectives into three "domains": Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor (sometimes loosely described as knowing/head, feeling/heart and doing/hands respectively). Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels. A goal of Bloom's Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education. source wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy Questions Stems Math
  • Knowing questions focus on clarifying, recalling, naming, and listing
    • Which illustrates...?
    • Write... in standard form....
    • What is the correct way to write the number of... in word form?
  • Organizing questions focus on arranging information, comparing similarities/differences, classifying, and sequencing
    • Which shows... in order from...?
    • What is the order...?
    • Which is the difference between a... and a...?
    • Which is the same as...?
    • Express... as a...?
  • Applying questions focus on prior knowledge to solve a problem
    • What was the total...?
    • What is the value of...?
    • How many... would be needed for...?
    • Solve....
    • Add/subtract....
    • Find....
    • Evaluate....
    • Estimate....
    • Graph....
  • Analyzing questions focus on examining parts, identifying attributes/relationships/patterns, and main idea
    • Which tells...?
    • If the pattern continues,....
    • Which could...?
    • What rule explains/completes... this pattern?
    • What is/are missing?
    • What is the best estimate for...?
    • Which shows...?
    • What is the effect of...?
  • Generating questions focus on producing new information, inferring, predicting, and elaborating with details
    • What number does... stand for?
    • What is the probability...?
    • What are the chances...?
    • What effect...?
  • Integrating questions focus on connecting/combining/summarizing information, and restructuring existing information to incorporate new information
    • How many are different...?
    • What happens to... when...?
    • What is the significance of...?
    • How many different combinations...?
    • Find the number of..., ..., and ... in the figure below.
  • Evaluating questions focus on reasonableness and quality of ideas, criteria for making judgments, and confirming the accuracy of claims
    • Which most accurately...?
    • Which is correct?
    • Which statement about... is true?
    • What are the chances...?
    • Which would best...?
    • Which would... the same...?
    • Which statement is sufficient to prove...? 
PDF]Mathmatics Question Stems
Help students work together to make sense of mathematics: "Who agrees? Disagrees? Who will explain why or why not?" "Who has the same answer but a ...

[PDF] Stem Questions to Promote the 8 Mathematical Practices
*Mathleadership.com (LCM2011 Hull, Balka, and Harbin Miles). **Pearson Stem Question Cards. Stem Questions to Promote the 8 Mathematical Practices.

[PDF]Developing Mathematics Thinking with HOTS (Higher Order Thinking ...
Developing Mathematics Thinking with HOTS (Higher Order Thinking. Skills) Questions. To promote problem solving… ♢ What do you need to find out?

HIGHER ORDER THINKING QUESTION STEMS. REMEMBER (Level 1). Recognizing and recalling. Describe what happens when___________. How is (are) ...

[PDF]Quality Questioning to Elicit Mathematical Thinking - HubSpot
Question and Prompt Examples for Mathematical. Thinking (Watson ... http://www.asdn.org/wp-content/uploads/Mathmatics-Question-Stems.pdf.

[PDF]Costa's Levels of Questioning Math - Irving ISD
Costa's Levels of Questioning. Math. Level 1. What information is given? What are you being asked to find? What formula would you use in this problem?

[PDF]Costas Question Stems by Content Area.pdf
Costa's Levels of Thinking and Questioning: Math. LEVEL 1. LEVEL 2. LEVEL 3. • What information is provided? • What additional information is needed to solve ...

[DOC]Blooms Taxonomy Math Question Stems
Blooms Taxonomy Math Question Stems. A goal of Bloom's Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of ...

Math Curriculum Resources: ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

Common Core Learning Standards Curriculum Placemats
Pre-K CCLS Placemat
Kindergarten CCLS Placemat
Grade 1 CCLS Placemat
Grade 2 CCLS Placemat
Grade 3 CCLS Placemat
Grade 4 CCLS Placemat
Grade 5 CCLS Placemat
Grade 6 CCLS Placemat
Grade 7 CCLS Placemat
Grade 8 CCLS Placemat

Common Core Standards for Mathematics Checklists
Kindergarten CC Math Checklist
Grade 1 CC Math Checklist
Grade 2 CC Math Checklist
Grade 3 CC Math Checklist
Grade 4 CC Math Checklist
Grade 5 CC Math Checklist
Grade 6 CC Math Checklist

Thousands of free high-quality math lesson plans, worksheets, curriculum maps, and sample word problems for all grades that are copy ready! One stop for every CCSS math standard with doc or pdf formats.

[PDF]Bloom's Taxonomy Mathematics Chart Levels Verbs ... - monte math
Bloom's Taxonomy Mathematics Chart. Levels. Verbs. Sample Tasks. KNOWLEDGE. Learn terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts. Draw, Recognize ...

[PDF]Sample Question Stems Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy ...
Sample Question Stems Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Remember. Understand. Apply. Who? Where? Which one? What? How? Why? How much?

Effective Questions for Developing Mathematical Thinking

Developing Mathematical Thinking with Effective Questions To promote problem-solving, ask… 

• What information do you have? 
What do you need to find out? 
• What strategies are you going to use? 
• Will you do it mentally? With pencil and paper? Using a number line? 
• What tools will you need? Will a calculator help? 
• What do you think the answer or result will be? 

To promote problem-solving, ask… 
• How would you describe the problem in your own words? 
• What facts do you have? 
• What do you know that is not stated in the problem? 
• How did you tackle similar problems? 
• Could you try it with simpler numbers? Fewer numbers? Using a number line? What about putting things in order? 
• Would it help to create a diagram? Make a table? Draw a picture? • Can you guess and check? 
•If you compared your work with anyone else’s, what did they try? 

To make connections among ideas and applications, ask… 
• How does this relate to…?
 • What ideas that we have learned were useful in solving this problem? 
• What uses of mathematics did you find in the newspaper last night? 
• Can you give me an example of…? To encourage reflection, ask… 
• How did you get your answer? 
Does you answer seem reasonable? Why or why not? 
• Can you describe your method to us? Can you explain why it works? 
• What if you had started with… rather than…? 
• What if you could only use…? 
• What have you learned or found out today? 
• Did you use or learn any new words today? What did they mean? • What are the key points or big ideas in this lesson?

Developing Mathematical Thinking with Effective Questions To help students build confidence and rely on their own understanding, ask… 

• Why is that true? 

How did you reach that conclusion?
 • Does that make sense?
 • Can you make a model to show that? 

To help students learn to reason mathematically, ask… 
•Is that true for all cases? Explain. 
• Can you think of a counterexample? 
• How would you prove that? 
• What assumptions are you making? 

To check student progress, ask… 
• Can you explain what you have done so far? 
What else is there to do? 
• Why did you decide to use this method? 
• Can you think of another method that might have worked? 
•Is there a more efficient strategy? 
• What do you notice when…? 
• Why did you decide to organize your results like that? 
• Do you think this would work with other numbers? 
• Have you thought of all the possibilities? 
How can you be sure? 

To help students collectively make sense of mathematics, ask…
 • What do you think about what ____ said? 
• Do you agree? Why or why not? 
• Does anyone have the same answer but a different way to explain it? 
• Do you understand what _____ is saying? 
• Can you convince the rest of us that your answer makes sense? To encourage conjecturing, ask… 
• What would happen if…? What if not? 
• Do you see a pattern? Can you explain the pattern? 
• Can you predict the next one? What about the last one? 
• What decision do you think he/she should make?

  1. What do the numbers used in the problem represent?
  2. What is the relationship of the quantities?
  3. How is _______ related to ________?
  4. What is the relationship between ______and ______?
  5. What does_______mean to you? (e.g. symbol, quantity,
  6. diagram)
  7. What properties might we use to find a solution?
  8. How did you decide in this task that you needed to use...?
  9. Could we have used another operation or property to
  10. solve this task? Why or why not?
  11. What mathematical evidence would support your solution?
  12. How can we be sure that...? / How could you prove that...?
  13. Will it still work if...?
  14. What were you considering when...?
  15. How did you decide to try that strategy?
  16. How did you test whether your approach worked?
  17. How did you decide what the problem was asking you to
  18. find? (What was unknown?)
  19. Did you try a method that did not work? Why didn’t it
  20. work? Would it ever work? Why or why not?
  21. What is the same and what is different about...?
  22. How could you demonstrate a counter-example?
  23. What number model could you construct to represent the problem?
  24. What are some ways to represent the quantities?
  25. What is an equation or expression that matches the diagram,
  26. number line.., chart..., table..?
  27. Where did you see one of the quantities in the task in your equation or expression?
  28. How would it help to create a diagram, graph, table...?
  29. What are some ways to visually represent...?
  30. What formula might apply in this situation?\
  31. What mathematical tools could we use to visualize and represent the situation?
  32. What information do you have?
  33. What do you know that is not stated in the problem?
  34. What approach are you considering trying first?
  35. What estimate did you make for the solution?
  36. In this situation would it be helpful to use...a graph..., number line..., ruler..., diagram..., calculator..., manipulative?
  37. Why was it helpful to use...?
  38. What can using a ______ show us that _____may not?
  39. In what situations might it be more informative or helpful to use...?
  40. What mathematical terms apply in this situation?
  41. How did you know your solution was reasonable?
  42. Explain how you might show that your solution answers the problem.
  43. What would be a more efficient strategy?
  44. How are you showing the meaning of the quantities?
  45. What symbols or mathematical notations are important in this problem?
  46. What mathematical language..., definitions..., properties can you use to explain...?
  47. How could you test your solution to see if it answers the problem?
  48. What observations do you make about...?
  49. What do you notice when...?
  50. What parts of the problem might you eliminate..., simplify...?
  51. What patterns do you find in...?
  52. How do you know if something is a pattern?
  53. What ideas that we have learned before were useful in solving this problem?
  54. What are some other problems that are similar to this one?
  55. How does this relate to...?
  56. In what ways does this problem connect to other mathematical concepts?
  57. Explain how this strategy work in other situations?
  58. Is this always true, sometimes true or never true?
  59. How would we prove that...?
  60. What do you notice about...?
  61. What is happening in this situation?
  62. What would happen if...?
  63. Is there a mathematical rule for...?


  1. I accidently hit "Biased" and lost it before I changed it. I apologize.
    This information is helpful to me as a reading teacher to familiarize students with the language of math and I will share it with colleagues. Thank you for posting! ltw

  2. Love it thanks for sharing!


Thank you!