Free Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson Plans | Free Printable Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson Plans
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rates
Students begin their sixth grade year investigating the concepts of ratio and rate. They use multiple forms of ratio language and ratio notation, and formalize understanding of equivalent ratios. Students apply reasoning when solving collections of ratio problems in real world contexts using various tools (e.g., tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, tables, equations and graphs). Students bridge their understanding of ratios to the value of a ratio, and then to rate and unit rate, discovering that a percent of a quantity is a rate per 100. The 35 day module concludes with students expressing a fraction as a percent and finding a percent of a quantity in real world concepts, supporting their reasoning with familiar representations they used previously in the module.
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 1.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Teacher Materials (11.4 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Student Materials (2.67 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Copy Ready Materials (776.01 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (7.05 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (788.46 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Teacher Materials - Zip file of Word documents (11.63 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Student Materials - Zip file of Word documents (6.49 MB)
Grade 6 Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions
In Module 1, students used their existing understanding of multiplication and division as they began their study of ratios and rates. In Module 2, students complete their understanding of the four operations as they study division of whole numbers, division by a fraction and operations on multi-digit decimals. This expanded understanding serves to complete their study of the four operations with positive rational numbers, thereby preparing students for understanding, locating, and ordering negative rational numbers (Module 3) and algebraic expressions (Module 4).
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 2.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Module 2: Teacher Materials (3.41 MB)
Grade 6 Module 2: Student Materials (808.1 KB)
Grade 6 Module 2: Copy Ready Materials (679.68 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 2: Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (4.9 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 2: Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (789.83 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 2: Lessons - Zip file of Word documents (8.95 MB)
Grade 6 Module 3: Rational Numbers
Students are familiar with the number line and determining the location of positive fractions, decimals, and whole numbers from previous grades. Students extend the number line (both horizontally and vertically) in Module 3 to include the opposites of whole numbers. The number line serves as a model to relate integers and other rational numbers to statements of order in real-world contexts. In this module's final topic, the number line model is extended to two-dimensions, as students use the coordinate plane to model and solve real-world problems involving rational numbers.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Module 3: Teacher Materials (5.06 MB)
Grade 6 Module 3: Student Materials (1.37 MB)
Grade 6 Module 3: Copy Ready Materials (898.89 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 3: Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (15.07 MB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 3: Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (640.47 KB)
Grade 6 Mathematics Module 3: Lessons - Zip file of Word documents (18.82 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Expressions and Equations
In Module 4, Expressions and Equations, students extend their arithmetic work to include using letters to represent numbers in order to understand that letters are simply "stand-ins" for numbers and that arithmetic is carried out exactly as it is with numbers. Students explore operations in terms of verbal expressions and determine that arithmetic properties hold true with expressions because nothing has changed—they are still doing arithmetic with numbers. Students determine that letters are used to represent specific but unknown numbers and are used to make statements or identities that are true for all numbers or a range of numbers. They understand the relationships of operations and use them to generate equivalent expressions, ultimately extending arithmetic properties from manipulating numbers to manipulating expressions. Students read, write and evaluate expressions in order to develop and evaluate formulas. From there, they move to the study of true and false number sentences, where students conclude that solving an equation is the process of determining the number(s) that, when substituted for the variable, result in a true sentence. They conclude the module using arithmetic properties, identities, bar models, and finally algebra to solve one-step, two-step, and multi-step equations.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Module 4: Teacher Materials (9.08 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Student Materials (3.15 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Copy Ready Materials (1.59 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (7.37 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (1.97 MB)
Grade 6 Module 4: Lessons - Zip file of Word documents (17.83 MB)
Grade 6 Module 5: Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems
In this module, students utilize their previous experiences in order to understand and develop formulas for area, volume, and surface area. Students use composition and decomposition to determine the area of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons. Extending skills from Module 3 where they used coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points on a coordinate plane, students determine distance, perimeter, and area on the coordinate plane in real-world contexts. Next in the module comes real-life application of the volume formula where students extend the notion that volume is additive and find the volume of composite solid figures. They apply volume formulas and use their previous experience with solving equations to find missing volumes and missing dimensions. The final topic includes deconstructing the faces of solid figures to determine surface area. To wrap up the module, students apply the surface area formula to real-life contexts and distinguish between the need to find surface area or volume within contextual situations.
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 5.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Module 5: Teacher Materials (11.55 MB)
Grade 6 Module 5: Student Materials (3.2 MB)
Grade 6 Module 5: Copy Ready Materials (1.91 MB)
Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (4.86 MB)
Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (807.25 KB)
Lessons - Zip file of Word documents (19.59 MB)Grade 6 Module 6: Statistics
In this module, students move from simply representing data into analysis of data. Students begin to think and reason statistically, first by recognizing a statistical question as one that can be answered by collecting data. Students learn that the data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution that is often summarized in terms of center, variability, and shape. Throughout the module, students see and represent data distributions using dot plots and histograms. They study quantitative ways to summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context and to the shape of the distribution. As the module ends, students synthesize what they have learned as they connect the graphical, verbal, and numerical summaries to each other within situational contexts, culminating with a major project.
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 6.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources
Grade 6 Module 6: Teacher Materials (9.97 MB)
Grade 6 Module 6: Student Materials (3.31 MB)
Grade 6 Module 6: Copy Ready Materials (762.61 KB)
Module Overview and Assessments - Zip file of Word documents (3.88 MB)
Topic Overviews - Zip file of Word documents (824.5 KB)
Lessons - Zip file of Word documents (15.74 MB)
- Ratios and Unit Rates Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson Plans
- Plans Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson
- Plans Rational Numbers Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson
- Expressions and Equations Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson Plans
- Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems Grade 6 CCSS Math Lesson Plans
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Grade 6 Mathematics Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rates
Students begin their sixth grade year investigating the concepts of ratio and rate. They use multiple forms of ratio language and ratio notation, and formalize understanding of equivalent ratios. Students apply reasoning when solving collections of ratio problems in real world contexts using various tools (e.g., tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, tables, equations and graphs). Students bridge their understanding of ratios to the value of a ratio, and then to rate and unit rate, discovering that a percent of a quantity is a rate per 100. The 35 day module concludes with students expressing a fraction as a percent and finding a percent of a quantity in real world concepts, supporting their reasoning with familiar representations they used previously in the module.
Module 1
Topic A Representing and Reasoning About Ratios
Topic B Collections of Equivalent Ratios
Topic C Unit Rates
Topic D Percent
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources

Grade 6 Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions
In Module 1, students used their existing understanding of multiplication and division as they began their study of ratios and rates. In Module 2, students complete their understanding of the four operations as they study division of whole numbers, division by a fraction and operations on multi-digit decimals. This expanded understanding serves to complete their study of the four operations with positive rational numbers, thereby preparing students for understanding, locating, and ordering negative rational numbers (Module 3) and algebraic expressions (Module 4).
Module 2
Topic A Dividing Fractions by Fractions
Topic B Multi‐Digit Decimal Operations—Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying
Topic C Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals
Topic D Number Theory—Thinking Logically About Multiplicative Arithmetic
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources

Grade 6 Module 3: Rational Numbers
Students are familiar with the number line and determining the location of positive fractions, decimals, and whole numbers from previous grades. Students extend the number line (both horizontally and vertically) in Module 3 to include the opposites of whole numbers. The number line serves as a model to relate integers and other rational numbers to statements of order in real-world contexts. In this module's final topic, the number line model is extended to two-dimensions, as students use the coordinate plane to model and solve real-world problems involving rational numbers.
Module 3
Topic A Understanding Positive and Negative Numbers on the Number Line
Topic B Order and Absolute Value
Topic C Rational Numbers and the Coordinate Plane
Downloadable Resources

Grade 6 Module 4: Expressions and Equations
In Module 4, Expressions and Equations, students extend their arithmetic work to include using letters to represent numbers in order to understand that letters are simply "stand-ins" for numbers and that arithmetic is carried out exactly as it is with numbers. Students explore operations in terms of verbal expressions and determine that arithmetic properties hold true with expressions because nothing has changed—they are still doing arithmetic with numbers. Students determine that letters are used to represent specific but unknown numbers and are used to make statements or identities that are true for all numbers or a range of numbers. They understand the relationships of operations and use them to generate equivalent expressions, ultimately extending arithmetic properties from manipulating numbers to manipulating expressions. Students read, write and evaluate expressions in order to develop and evaluate formulas. From there, they move to the study of true and false number sentences, where students conclude that solving an equation is the process of determining the number(s) that, when substituted for the variable, result in a true sentence. They conclude the module using arithmetic properties, identities, bar models, and finally algebra to solve one-step, two-step, and multi-step equations.
Module 4
Topic A Relationships of the Operations
Topic B Special Notations of Operations
Topic C Replacing Letters and Numbers
Topic D Expanding, Factoring, and Distributing Expressions
Topic E Expressing Operations in Algebraic Form
Topic F Writing and Evaluating Expressions and Formulas
Topic G Solving Equations
Topic H Applications of Equations
Downloadable Resources

Grade 6 Module 5: Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems
In this module, students utilize their previous experiences in order to understand and develop formulas for area, volume, and surface area. Students use composition and decomposition to determine the area of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons. Extending skills from Module 3 where they used coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points on a coordinate plane, students determine distance, perimeter, and area on the coordinate plane in real-world contexts. Next in the module comes real-life application of the volume formula where students extend the notion that volume is additive and find the volume of composite solid figures. They apply volume formulas and use their previous experience with solving equations to find missing volumes and missing dimensions. The final topic includes deconstructing the faces of solid figures to determine surface area. To wrap up the module, students apply the surface area formula to real-life contexts and distinguish between the need to find surface area or volume within contextual situations.
Module 5
Topic A Area of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons
Topic B Polygons on the Coordinate Plane
Topic C Volume of Right Rectangular Prisms
Topic D Nets and Surface Area
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 5.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Downloadable Resources

In this module, students move from simply representing data into analysis of data. Students begin to think and reason statistically, first by recognizing a statistical question as one that can be answered by collecting data. Students learn that the data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution that is often summarized in terms of center, variability, and shape. Throughout the module, students see and represent data distributions using dot plots and histograms. They study quantitative ways to summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context and to the shape of the distribution. As the module ends, students synthesize what they have learned as they connect the graphical, verbal, and numerical summaries to each other within situational contexts, culminating with a major project.
The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in Module 6.
The copy ready materials are a collection of the module assessments, lesson exit tickets and fluency exercises from the teacher materials.
Module 6
Topic A Understanding Distributions
Topic B Summarizing a Distribution that is Approximately Symmetric Using the Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation
Topic C Summarizing a Distribution that is Skewed Using the Median and the Interquartile Range
Topic D Summarizing and Describing Distributions

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