Thursday, October 11, 2018

IEP Reading Goals & Objectives “SMART IEP GOAL's"

The lost art of writing actionable, child specific SMART goals and objectives. 

SMART IEP Goals and objectives are explicit and clearly written statements in plain English that all stakeholders can easily understand. They are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to the child's academic levels, and timely. They describe in very easy to understand specific and measurable terms what a student will be learning and focusing on. An IEP Goal is the long-term or MACRO view of what a student is expected to learn and the objective is short-term or the micro process by which they will get there. Big plans and small steps using researched and science-based progress monitoring. 

SMART IEPs White Paper 

IEP goals and objectives need to be clearly written for each of the specific types of reading skills that are being REDRESSED and targeted. The IEP reading goals need to be based on a comprehensive evaluation of a student's current academic levels. 

S      Specific | Scholarly | Studious
M     Measurable | Meaningful | Mighty
A      Attainable | Adroit | Accelerated at Times
R      Relevant | Rigorous | Robust

T      Timely | Tailored | Targeted

A student's IEP reading goals and objectives should reflect the student's current academic levels i.e. strengths and weakness in phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, reading fluency, and reading comprehension: inferencing, drawing conclusions, finding key details, themes, ideas. IEP academic goals need to be based on current 
state academic standards, and they should be "SMART" and strengths-based.

Example of a well-written SMART reading goal: 

Annual IEP Goal # 1 
Reading Skill: Reading Accuracy and Fluency

Given an end of fifth-grade level (5.8) reading passage, Sean will read a "nationally normed" multi-paragraph reading passage aloud in a small group setting, fluently (>155 words per minute), and with 95% accuracy as measured by teacher observations using a running record on three separate occasions each semester.

Example of well-written objectives

1. Sean will read fifth-grade level (5.0) Dolch sight words aloud accurately 85% of the time, as measured by teacher observations using a running record on three separate occasions each quarter.

2. Sean will apply phonetic rules to decode and sound out fifth-grade level (5.8) phonetically-irregular words when reading aloud 85% of time, as measured by teacher observations using a running record on three separate occasions each quarter.

3. Given fifth-grade level (5.8) reading material, Sean will read sentences aloud with 85% word accuracy at 165 words per minute or faster, as measured by teacher observations using a running record on three separate occasions each quarter.

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