Friday, October 25, 2019




alliteration, hyperbole, metaphor, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, paradox, parody, personification, pun, simile


Instructions: Write the correct term/word in the space before its definition/denotation. There may be more than one meaning or definition for each word. 

1. _______________ in rhetoric (educated speaking and writing), an obvious and deliberate exaggeration or overstatement, intended for effect and not to be taken literally, such as "He had a million excuses". (Cf. litotes.) 
2. _______________a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning. 
3. _______________a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a __________. 
4. _______________ to imitate in a humorous way, as in order to ridicule. 
5. _______________ a humorous imitation in print, music, or performance of a serious person, work of art, or publication. 
6. _______________ the formation or use of words whose sounds suggest the meanings of the words, such as "bang," "moo," or "jingle". 
7. _______________ a statement that contradicts or seems to contradict itself, yet often expresses a truth, such as "Less is more". 
8. _______________ the act or technique of ascribing human attributes to nonhuman or inanimate things. 
9. _______________ a phrase that describes something by comparing it to some other thing. 
10. _______________ a figure of speech in which an apparent contradiction makes or highlights a point, as in the phrase "a frozen flame". 
11. _______________ a person considered to be a perfect example or embodiment of some quality or other abstraction.  
12. _______________ the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.



Instructions: Complete these sentences using the words on this list.

 alliteration  hyperbole  metaphor  onomatopoeia  oxymoron  paradox  parody  personification  pun   simile

1. "Her words are pearls" is a _______________ .
2. "The clouds sped by in the wind like sailboats" is an example of a _______________ .
3. Mr. Taylor heard the last piece of pie calling his name 
is an example of a _______________ .
4. Much of the writer's humor arose from his brilliant use of _______________ .
5. Slam, splash, bam, babble, warble, gurgle, mumble, and belch 
is an example of a _______________ .
6. Here is a joke that has a _______________ : There was a mushroom who couldn't understand why nobody invited him to their parties. He thought he was such a fungi!
7. Open secret, Tragic comedy, Seriously funny, and Awfully pretty is an example of _______________
8. The spring musical, entitled "Spamlet, Prince of Cyberspace," is a _______________ of Shakespeare's play "Hamlet."
9. He was the _______________ of humility.
10. "She shears sheep" is an example of _______________ .
11. Foolish wisdom, Original copies is an example of a _______________
12. It may be a _______________ , but I believe that sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Reading Vocab Quiz 4 Name:

Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.

Infer/inference, drawing conclusions, sequence, chronological, idiom, understatement, allusion, satire, metaphor, simile, irony

1. idiom a phrase that describes something by comparing it to some other thing. "raining cats and dogs," "My kid's room is a disaster area."

2. simile a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a __________.

3. drawing conclusions an opinion reached after careful thinking.

4. understatement to state or represent incompletely or too conservatively, a verbal presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is. The opposite of Hyperbole.

5. Infer/inference to make a guess based on facts and observations; conclude. deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. "from these facts we can _______ that crime has been committed"

6.chronological order according to the order in time which events happen.

7. sequence a series of related or connected things, a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.

8. idiom a phrase that cannot be understood by understanding the meanings of each of its words. The phrase "fall out," meaning "have a disagreement," is an _____. "Get off my back!" is an _____ meaning "Stop bothering me!"

9.satire the use of irony or parody to ridicule or denounce human corruptness or folly.

10.satire a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usually through the use of parody or irony.

11. allusion/alluding an indirect reference to or mention of something. “You're acting like such a Scrooge!” ____________to Dickens's A Christmas Carol, this line means that the person is being miserly and selfish, just like the character Scrooge from the story.

12. irony contrast that is usually interesting or surprising between what one would normally expect and what the real thing or situation is. Examples of Situational________ An anti-facebook group sets up a facebook page to recruit new members.

Reading Vocab Quiz 4 Name:

1. During the debate, the candidate made several __________ to supposed wrongdoing on the part of his opponent. Allusions understated inferred conclusion

2. The poem contained many __________ to Biblical passages.

Allusions understatement sequence irony

3. He wrote a __________ family history.

Chronological understated irony inferred

4. The teacher asked us to arrange the events in __________ order.

Chronological inferred simile allusions

5. What is your __________ about my ideas? Do they make sense?

Conclusion allusions metaphor inferred

6. There was enough evidence to draw a quick __________ about how the accident happened.

Conclusion sequence simile satire

7. Cross your fingers - For good luck. Fell on deaf ears - People wouldn't listen to something. Get cold feet - Be nervous. Idiom understated metaphor allusions

8. I __________ from the books on his shelf that he enjoyed reading adventure stories.

Inferred sequence chronological idiom

9. It was an __________ when the sick person said he felt "just great."

Irony chronological sequence idiom

10. "Her words are pearls" is a __________.

Metaphor conclusion sequence inferred

11. The play is a _______ that lampoons upper-class mores.

Satire chronological sequence understated

12. Classes at our school follow the same __________ every day.

Sequence allusions satire chronological

13. Paula wrote a __________ of articles in the newspaper.

Sequence inferred metaphor conclusion

14. "The clouds sped by in the wind like sailboats" is an example of a __________.

Simile inferred sequence allusions

15. He __________ the extent of the damage.

Understated chronological simile allusions

16. You just hit the biggest lottery of all time! An __________ would be: "I'm kind of excited."

Understatement idiom chronological allusions

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Student Writing Samples Annotated Scored

Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Annotated Scored Student Writing Samples | Scored student essays with annotated explanations of scoring rubrics | Examples of student written responses to Smarter Balanced ELA/Literacy and PARCC Writing Assessments

[PDF] Student Writing Samples with AnnotationsMAAP Writing Rubric Scoring Guidance and Student Samples ... The following scores and annotations have been created by MDE staff who attended the.

[PDF]Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively - Institute of ...that address the challenges of teaching students in grades 6–12 to write effectively. This guide .... Sample writing strategies for the planning component of the writing process . . 9.
[PDF]AzMERIT Annotated Writing Samples - CMS - Arizona ...The structure of the sample AzMERIT writing test is similar to the actual ... CBT— On the CBT writing tests students will have access to one or more passages that.

[PDF]english language arts writing rubric interpretive guideAnnotated Scored Writing Samples . ... The MAP Writing Rubric measures four components in a student's writing response: • Development of Ideas. • Writing ...

[PDF]In Common: Effective Writing for All Students Collection of All ...These pieces provide examples of student writing for “a range of discipline-‐ ... Each piece in the collection is annotated using the language of the Common Core ... include PDF's of originalstudent work, including student writing and drawing.

[PDF]Common Core State Standards Sample Student Writing ...Student Writing ( of the ... 6+1® Trait scores and annotations were determined by Education Northwest staff ...

[PDF]ANNOTATED WRITING SAMPLESThe purpose of this guide is to provide examples of student responses used to train ... Each essay has annotations which explain the reasoning for the score the ...

[PDF]Annotated Examples of Student WritingAfter reviewing the annotated writing collections, training participants will ... second sample, which is based on a picture stimulus, the student explains the things ...

[PDF]Appendix C - Common Core State Standards InitiativeFollowing are writing samples that have been annotated to illustrate the criteria .... The followingstudent writing samples have been reprinted for the Common Core State ...... 31, 

[PDF]Annotated Writing SamplesThe ISA annotated writing samples illustrate different levels of the ISA ... Spelling criterion takes into account students' knowledge of phonetic and visual spelling ...

[PDF]Common Core State Standards Sample Student Writing ...Common Core State Standards Sample Student Writing Scored with 6+1® ... Student Writing( of the ... 6+1® Trait scores andannotations were determined by Education Northwest staff ...

[PDF]Student Work Samples for the Writing Prompt in the 2013-14 ...teachers with sample responses to actual prompts and annotations explaining the ... A key that lists the total scores for all student samples in this document.

[PDF]ANNOTATED WRITING SAMPLESThis engine will be the mechanism used to score students' WY-TOPP writing ... the scoringcriteria, an annotation follows the response to explain the prominent ...

[PDF]In Common: Effective Writing for All Students Collection of All ...These pieces provide examples of student writing for “a range of discipline-‐ ... Each piece in the collection is annotated using the language of the Common Core State ... include PDF's of originalstudent work, including student writing and drawing. ...... But in the 1950's, American kids began to score really low on math and.

[PDF]Student Writing Samples with AnnotationsMAAP Writing Rubric Scoring Guidance and Student Samples ... The following scores and annotations have been created by MDE staff who attended the.

[PDF]MISSISSIPPI ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (MAP) ENGLISH ...1.3 Annotated Scored Writing Samples . ... When using the rubric to score student writing in the classroom, it is imperative to refer back to the requirements of the ...

[PDF]mississippi academic assessment program (maap) - MDE1.3 Annotated Scored Writing Samples. ... When using the rubric to score student writing in the classroom, it is imperative to refer back to the requirements of the ...

[PDF]english language arts writing rubric interpretive guide3.3 Annotated Scored Writing Samples . .... When using the rubric to score student writing in the classroom, it is imperative to refer back to the requirements of the ...

[PDF]Annotated Examples of Student WritingAfter reviewing the annotated writing collections, training participants will ... second sample, which is based on a picture stimulus, the student explains the things ...

[PDF]Grade 6 Writing Scoring Manual - State of NJcomponents: a writing sample, which assessed students' abilities to write .... The scoring rubric permits an analysis of students' strengths and needs when.
[PDF]AzMERIT Annotated Writing Samples - CMS - Arizona ...Sample 1 (S-1) Student Response Score Point 4/4/2 . ... grade levels. The structure of the sample AzMERIT writing test is similar to the actual. AzMERIT writing ...

[PDF]Language Arts Literacy Assessment Samples - NJ.govPages 3-25 provide the grade 3 samples of a narrative writing task and a narrative reading ... Appendix A provides an annotated answer key for the multiple-choice ... scoring rubrics used toscore student responses to the writing tasks and ...

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Worksheet for Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting
Paraphrasing involves researching and collecting the best ideas,
facts, questions, and/or opinions from a passage or collection of passages; those key details are then condensed and clarified by either discussions and/or written in your own words. A paraphrase that is used in academic writing must be cited and or attributed to the original text source! 

Paraphrasing is a critical process and skill for close reading and one of the first strategies that should be taught to improve reading comprehension! The deepest reading comprehension and best understanding of complex texts is reached when students have a good working understanding and skill of paraphrasing.

Paraphrase Power: Activities and Lessons

Paraphrasing Teaching Sequence

[PDF] PARAPHRASING W R I T I N G1. W R I T I N G paraphrasing 1 exercises exercises. A Make a different word, using the prompt in brackets. e.g. development (change to verb) - to develop.

[PDF]Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing - Hardin County ...distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. This handout ... What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?

[PDF]PARAPHRASING ACTIVITIESPARAPHRASING ACTIVITIES. ACTIVITY 1. Read the original text below. Highlight the words that you think are specialized words or words that should not be ...

[PDF]Paraphrasing ExerciseParaphrasing is a verbal summary of the key ideas of your partner's ... Make a statement in response to one of the items on the paraphrase activity exercises.

[PDF]Paraphrase Writing - ESL WritingLesson 1: Paraphrase with Synonyms. What to do: Find a synonym for the words/phrases that are underlined. Re-write each sentence using these new words or ...

[PDF]Paraphrasing and Summarising - Curtin UniversityParaphrasing is re-writing another person's words so that the original meaning of their ..... following exercises will allow you to practice that skill. Practice activity.

[PDF]ParaphrasingWhen paraphrasing, a writer should restate the author's words or ideas in ... Paraphrasing also allows a writer to express another author's key points using fewer ...

[PDF]Paraphrase WorksheetParaphrase Worksheet. Whether working on a research paper or a personal narrative, presenting the ideas of a credible source using your own language is an ...

[PDF]Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing - Douglas CollegeParaphrasing is using your own words to tell the reader what another author said while .... Do the exercises below to test your understanding of paraphrasing.

[PDF]Paraphrasing ExercisesParaphrasing Exercises adapted from

[PDF]Summarizing and ParaphrasingBell Labs serves as the original location of the discovery of cosmic background radiation. In 1964, During research on satellite signals, a quiet hum was.

Reading Comprehension Skill: Summarize Fiction and Nonfiction Reading Passages and Worksheets with Answer Keys GRADE 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 pdf

Summarizing Reading Strategies for Reading Comprehension 

Grade 3 Readings Passages with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Animal Studies
REALISTIC FICTION: Community Meeting

Grade 4 Readings Passages with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: A Chicago Changer

Grade 5 Readings Passages with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: City Systems

Grade 6 Readings Passages with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Prairie Ecology
FICTION: Letter to Grandmother

Grade 7 Readings Passages with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way. Teaching students to summarize improves their memory for what is read. Summarization strategies can be used in almost every content area.

Summarizing Sentence Starters:

  • In summary...
  • The story/passage is mainly about...
  • The character solved the conflict by...
  • To sum up...
  • To summarize...
  • Putting it all together...
  • My initial/final ideas are...
  • My rating/ranking...
  • To wrap things up...
  • To conclude/review/analyze...
  • To weigh in...
  • My appraisal...
  • In short...
  • All in all...
  • All things considered...

Reading Comprehension Skill: Infer the Main Idea

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Saving Your Family's Energy Dollar
FICTION: The Ants and the Grasshopper

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Animal Studies

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Plants and Food
FABLE: North American Fable

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
HISTORICAL FICTION: The Gulls of Salt Lake

Skill: Identify Fact and Opinion

Grade 3 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
A Very Helpful Resource

Grade 4 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
Natural Gas: An American Treasure

Grade 5 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
Chicago Changes

Grade 6 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
Seasons on the Prairie

Grade 7 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
Bold Plans, Big Dreams, City Progress

Grade 8 NONFICTION Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
South Africa
Changing the Ecosystem

Skill: Infer Meaning from Context

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: What is a Fable?
FABLE: The Tortoise and the Hare

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Learning about the Solar System
FICTION: The Astronaut's Diary

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: An American Legacy

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Prairie Ecology

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Symbols, Maps and Art--Read to Learn

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Plants and Places
FICTION: My Career as a Botanist

Skill: Identify/Analyze Sequence

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Chicago Changes
FICTION: Letter to Grandmother

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Staying in Phoenix
FICTION: Living in the Desert

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: American Explorers
FICTION: Traveling with Lewis and Clark

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Traveling West
FICTION: Stopping in Denver

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Today's Telephone
FICTION: Pigeon Express

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Transportation Changes

Skill: Infer Predictions

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Working at the Hospital
FICTION: My New Brother

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Working at the Television Station
REALISTIC FICTION: We're on the News

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
REALISTIC FICTION: Changing Our Street

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Transportation Workers
FICTION: The Technology Trip

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: City Systems

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Chicago High Schools
REALISTIC FICTION: My First Day of High School

Skill: Compare and Contrast

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Chicago's First Leader
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Reversing the Chicago River
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Before Chicago
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Learning about the Solar System
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Harold Washington's Acceptance Speech
HISTORICAL FICTION: Potawatomie Prairie

Skill: Locate and Classify Information

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Before Chicago
FICTION: Spring is Coming

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

NONFICTION: Changing the Prairie
REALISTIC FICTION: The Prairie Project

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: From Many Places

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Nutrition Lesson
FICTION: The Food Change

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Breaking the Food Chain
REALISTIC FICTION: Letter from Chicago

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Public Transportation
FICTION: Changing Transportation Routes

Skill: Identify and Infer Character Traits

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: The Turtle and the Ducks
NONFICTION: The Chicago Fire

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: A Proud Flight
NONFICTION: Pigeon Creek

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Valley Forge

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FABLE: The Lion and the Spider
NONFICTION: Maintaining Cultural Continuity

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Remarks of Senator Barack Obama--Wesleyan University Commencement

Skill: Analyze/Infer Motive

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Choosing a Park
REALISTIC FICTION: Letter from Chicago

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Prairie Pioneers
FOLKTALE: How the Firefly Got Its Light

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Election Choices

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: The First Flyers
FICTION: My Cousin's Lesson

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Changing America

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: A Chicago Changer

Skill: Analyze/Infer Relationships

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: City Government
REALISTIC FICTION: Community Meeting

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Pioneer Families

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: The Captain's Job

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: Changing Chicago
REALISTIC FICTION: My Father's Miracle

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: The Football Team

Skill: Analyze/Infer Mood, Tone

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: The Little Red Hen

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: The Little Red Hen
REALISTIC FICTION: The History Mystery

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: Nature's Violet Children
FICTION: The Cloud

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: The Elves and the Shoemaker

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
REALISTIC FICTION: My First Baseball Game

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
REALISTIC FICTION: My Sister, the Soldier

Skill: Figure out how the Author Uses Techniques to Communicate

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
POEM: This Little Light of Mine

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: The Different Bird
POEM: We Shall Overcome

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
POEM: His Eye is on the Sparrow

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FICTION: Sir Gobble
POEM: I've Got Peace Like a River

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
SPEECH: Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
POETRY: He Had His Dream

Skill: Analyze/Infer the Author's Point of View

Grade 3 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
FABLE: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
POEM: Raindrops

Grade 4 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
NONFICTION: The Working Tools of Insects
REALISTIC FICTION: Why Did Mama Change Her Mind?

Grade 5 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
REALISTIC FICTION: Mama's Happy Christmas

Grade 6 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
SPEECH: President Obama Labor Day Address

Grade 7 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
HISTORICAL FICTION: Columbus and the Egg
SPEECH: Deval Patrick's Acceptance Speech

Grade 8 Readings with Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions:
SPEECH: Deval Patrick's Acceptance Speech
HISTORICAL FICTION: Training for the Presidency