Saturday, April 29, 2023

Readers Théâtre Science: 'Earthquakes

 Narrator: Welcome to our reader's theater about earthquakes and seismic waves. Let's meet our characters!

(Characters enter the stage one by one and introduce themselves)

Geological Fault: Hi, I'm Geological Fault. I'm a break or fracture in the Earth's crust where tectonic plates move past each other.

Seismic Waves: Hey everyone, I'm Seismic Waves. I'm the waves of energy caused by earthquakes and are responsible for the shaking of the Earth's surface.

Epicenter: Hi, I'm Epicenter. I'm the point on the Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake occurs.

Earthquake: Hey there, I'm Earthquake. I'm the sudden movement of the Earth's crust caused by the release of built-up energy in tectonic plates.

Tectonic: Greetings, I'm Tectonic. I'm the movement of the Earth's crust caused by the interaction of tectonic plates.

Seabed: Hello, I'm Seabed. I'm the bottom of the ocean where tectonic plates meet and where most earthquakes occur.

Seismograph: Hi, I'm Seismograph. I'm the instrument used to measure and record seismic waves caused by earthquakes.

Narrator: Now that we've met our characters, let's see how they interact in our story.

(Earthquake enters the stage and begins shaking the other characters)

Geological Fault: Whoa, Earthquake! What's going on?

Earthquake: Sorry, Geological Fault. I just had to release some built-up energy.

Seismic Waves: Look out, everyone! Here come my waves!

Epicenter: Hold on tight, everyone! I'm right above the center of the action!

Tectonic: Whoa, this is intense! I'm feeling all the movement caused by Earthquake.

Seabed: Earthquake, you're causing a lot of shaking down here on the Seabed!

Seismograph: Don't worry, Seabed. I'm recording all of Seismic Waves' movements on my graphs.

Narrator: And so, the characters of our readers theater demonstrate the powerful forces at work during an earthquake and how seismic waves can cause movement and damage to the Earth's surface.


Geological Fault: a break or fracture in the Earth's crust where tectonic plates move past each other.

Seismic Waves: waves of energy caused by earthquakes and are responsible for the shaking of the Earth's surface.

Epicenter: the point on the Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake occurs.

Earthquake: the sudden movement of the Earth's crust caused by the release of built-up energy in tectonic plates.

Tectonic: the movement of the Earth's crust caused by the interaction of tectonic plates.

Seabed: the bottom of the ocean where tectonic plates meet and where most earthquakes occur.

Seismograph: the instrument used to measure and record seismic waves caused by earthquakes.

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