Sunday, August 18, 2024

Customizable Multiplication Practice with UDL

 Fourth Grade Multiplication Practice Choice Board

Assignment Title

Assignment Description

Multiplication Bingo

Create a bingo card with multiplication facts and play with friends.

Chant Your Facts

Write a fun chant or song that includes multiplication facts.

Flashcard Race

Use flashcards to practice multiplication and race against a partner.

Multiplication Games

Play an online multiplication game and track your scores.

TPR Multiplication

Use Total Physical Response (TPR) to act out multiplication problems.

Create a Multiplication Story

Write a short story that includes multiplication problems to solve.

Multiplication Art

Draw a picture that represents a multiplication problem and label it.

Fact Family Tree

Create a tree diagram showing a multiplication fact and its related division facts.

Partner Quiz

Partner up and quiz each other on multiplication facts for practice.

Here's a choice board for fourth grade multiplication practice based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, incorporating different levels, games, chants, and Total Physical Response (TPR) gestures using Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) techniques:





1. Multiplication Bingo

2. Multiplication Rap

3. Multiplication Hopscotch

4. Play-Doh Factor Trees

5. Online Multiplication Game

6. Multiplication Chants with Gestures

7. Human Calculator

8. Multiplication Puzzle

9. Multiplication Flashcards

10. Multiplication Song Creation

11. Multiplication Dance

12. Multiplication Board Game

Detailed descriptions:

  1. Multiplication Bingo: Play bingo with multiplication facts.
  2. Multiplication Rap: Create or learn a rap about multiplication tables.
  3. Multiplication Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch grid with multiplication problems; solve them while hopping.
  4. Play-Doh Factor Trees: Create factor trees using Play-Doh.
  5. Online Multiplication Game: Play an interactive online game focusing on multiplication.
  6. Multiplication Chants with Gestures: Learn and perform multiplication chants with corresponding TPR gestures.
  7. Human Calculator: Students form groups to represent digits and physically act out multiplication problems.
  8. Multiplication Puzzle: Complete a jigsaw puzzle where pieces fit together based on correct multiplication answers.
  9. Multiplication Flashcards: Use traditional flashcards for practice.
  10. Multiplication Song Creation: Write and perform an original song about multiplication facts.
  11. Multiplication Dance: Create a dance routine where movements correspond to multiplication facts.
  12. Multiplication Board Game: Design and play a board game incorporating multiplication problems.

This choice board offers options for various learning styles and preferences, allowing students to engage with multiplication concepts in ways that best suit their individual needs and interests. Would you like me to elaborate on any specific activity or provide additional options?


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