Sunday, August 4, 2024

Redwall-Inspired D&D Adventure: One-Shot for Kids FREE PDF

One-page Dungeons & Dragons style adventure in the style of Redwall, suitable for students aged 10 and up:

Title: The Acorn Crown's Peril


In the heart of Oakenholt Forest stands the ancient Redwood Castle, home to the wise Queen Maple, a red squirrel revered by all woodland creatures. For generations, the Acorn Crown has rested upon her head, its magic keeping the forest safe and prosperous. But dark whispers spread through the land - the crown's power is fading, and with it, the protection of Oakenholt. As autumn leaves begin to fall, four unlikely heroes must embark on a perilous quest to save their home.


The party consists of four animal characters:
1. A brave mouse warrior
2. A clever rabbit scout
3. A strong badger healer
4. A mischievous otter trickster

Act 1: The Call to Adventure
- Queen Maple summons the heroes to Redwood Castle.
- She reveals the Acorn Crown's magic is linked to the Great Oak's roots.
- A dark force is poisoning the roots, threatening all of Oakenholt.
- The heroes must journey to the heart of the forest to save the Great Oak.

Act 2: Into the Dark Wood
- The party travels through increasingly dangerous parts of the forest.
- They face challenges like:
- Crossing a raging river
- Outsmarting a cunning fox
- Escaping a swarm of angry hornets

Act 3: The Heart of Darkness
- The heroes discover an evil mole sorcerer poisoning the Great Oak's roots.
- They must defeat the sorcerer and his minions in a final battle.
- Using their unique skills, they work together to overthrow the villain.
- The Acorn Crown's magic is restored, saving Oakenholt Forest.

The heroes return to Redwood Castle as champions, honored by Queen Maple and all the woodland creatures. The forest flourishes once more, and peace returns to Oakenholt.

Instructions for young players:
1. Choose your animal character and decide on a name.
2. Think about your character's special skill and how it can help the team.
3. Work together to overcome challenges - each character is important!
4. Use your imagination to describe your actions during the adventure.
5. Roll dice to determine the success of your actions (higher numbers are better).
6. Have fun and be creative in how you solve problems!

Remember, in this game, you get to be the hero of the story. Your choices and teamwork will determine the fate of Oakenholt Forest!

Extended Detailed Instructions:

1. Choosing Roles:
- One student will be the Game Master (GM).
- The other students will each choose one of the four animal characters.

2. Character Creation:
- Players choose a name for their character.
- Each player gets 3 points to distribute among these skills: Strength, Agility, Intelligence.
- Write down your character's special ability:

Mouse: Sneaking
Rabbit: Quick Thinking
Badger: Healing Touch
Otter: Swimming

3. Gameplay Basics:
- The GM describes the scene and asks players what they want to do.
- For challenges, players roll a 6-sided die (d6).
- Add +1 to the roll if using a skill you have a point in.
- Add +2 if using your special ability.
- Generally, 4 or higher is a success.

4. Teamwork:
- Players can help each other. If you describe how you're helping, the active player gets +1 to their roll.

5. Health:
- Each character has 3 health points.
- If you fail a dangerous challenge, you might lose 1 health point.
- The badger can heal 1 health point for a character once per act.

Game Master Script:


"Welcome, brave animals of Oakenholt Forest! You've been summoned to Redwood Castle by Queen Maple. As you approach the grand tree, you see worry etched on the faces of the woodland creatures. What do you do?"

(Let players describe their actions and how they enter the castle)

Queen Maple's Request:

"Queen Maple, a regal red squirrel, addresses you: 'Thank you for coming, young heroes. Oakenholt is in grave danger. The magic of the Acorn Crown is fading because something is poisoning the Great Oak's roots. You must journey to the heart of the forest and save our home. Will you accept this quest?'"

(Allow players to ask questions and accept the quest)

Act 1: The Journey Begins
"You leave Redwood Castle and enter the forest. The path soon becomes overgrown, and you hear strange noises. Suddenly, you come to a wide, rushing river. How do you plan to cross it?"

(Let players discuss and propose solutions. Have them roll for any actions they attempt)

Act 2: The Dark Wood
"As you venture deeper into the forest, the trees grow thicker, blocking out the sun. You smell something foul. Suddenly, a sly fox steps out from behind a tree. 'Well, well,' he says, 'what tasty morsels have wandered into my part of the woods?' What do you do?"

(Encourage players to use their skills and teamwork to outsmart or evade the fox)

Act 3: The Heart of Darkness
"You reach a clearing where the Great Oak stands. Its leaves are brown and withering. At its base, you see a sinister mole wielding a glowing staff, chanting dark words. Roots writhe in pain around him. How do you approach this final challenge?"

(Guide players through the final confrontation, encouraging creative use of their abilities)

"With the mole defeated and the Great Oak saved, you feel the forest coming back to life around you. Birds sing, flowers bloom, and you know it's time to return to Redwood Castle. How do you celebrate your victory?"

Throughout the game, the GM should ask questions like:
- "What does your character do?"
- "How do you use your special ability here?"
- "Can anyone help with this challenge?"
- "What do you say to the other animals you meet?"

Remember to be flexible, encourage creativity, and make sure everyone gets a chance to contribute to the story. The goal is for everyone to have fun while working together to save Oakenholt Forest!

Here are 10 text-to-art epic prompts for black and white line drawings to illustrate your Redwall-style D&D one-shot adventure:

1. "Majestic Redwood Castle perched in an ancient oak tree, with woodland creatures bustling below, black and white line art"

2. "Wise Queen Maple, a regal squirrel wearing the Acorn Crown, addressing four animal heroes, intricate ink drawing"

3. "Mouse warrior, rabbit scout, badger healer, and otter trickster standing heroically at the edge of a dark forest, detailed line illustration"

4. "Turbulent river cutting through a forest, with the four animal heroes devising a way to cross, black and white sketch"

5. "Sly fox cornering the animal heroes in a shadowy part of the woods, dramatic line art scene"

6. "Angry swarm of hornets chasing the animal heroes through dense forest underbrush, dynamic ink drawing"

7. "Evil mole sorcerer with a twisted staff, poisoning the roots of the Great Oak, dark and foreboding line illustration"

8. "Epic battle scene with the four animal heroes facing off against the mole sorcerer and his minions, detailed black and white art"

9. "Great Oak tree with its roots glowing with renewed magic, surrounded by celebrating woodland creatures, intricate line drawing"

10. "Triumphant return of the four animal heroes to Redwood Castle, with Queen Maple and forest inhabitants cheering, elaborate black and white illustration"

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