Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Renaissance-themed board game inspired by Payday.

Renaissance-themed board game inspired by Payday. Let's call it "Renaissance Riches: The Path to Mastery". Here's a breakdown of the game elements:

Board Layout:
- 31 spaces representing the days of the month
- Start space: "Apprentice's Workshop"
- End space: "Master's Guild"

Player Roles:
- Apprentice Painter
- Apprentice Sculptor
- Apprentice Goldsmith
- Apprentice Architect

Game Objective:
The player who accumulates the most Florence (currency) and achieves the highest level of mastery by the end of the game wins.

Apprentice → Journeyman → Master

Special Spaces:
1. Commission Space: Draw a Commission card
2. Market Day: Buy or sell supplies
3. Patron's Favor: Draw a Patron card
4. Guild Hall: Pay dues or receive benefits
5. Feast Day: Skip a turn, but earn extra Florence
6. Plague Doctor: Pay for treatment or lose turns


1. Commission Cards:

- Complete a fresco for a church

- Create a sculpture for a noble family

- Design a new building for the city

- Craft jewelry for a wealthy merchant

2. Patron Cards:

- Receive funding for a large project

- Gain access to rare materials

- Introduce you to influential people

- Sponsor your work in a competition

3. Event Cards:

- Art fair: Sell your works for extra Florence

- Plague outbreak: Pay for protection or lose turns

- Royal visit: Chance to impress the monarchy

- New trade route: Access to exotic materials

4. Bill Cards:

- Studio rent

- Apprentice wages

- Material costs

- Guild membership fees

Game Mechanics:

1. Players roll a die to move around the board.

2. Land on spaces to draw cards or take actions.

3. Complete commissions to earn Florence and gain experience.

4. Pay bills and manage expenses.

5. Invest in skills and tools to increase earning potential.

6. Progress from Apprentice to Journeyman to Master.

Additional Elements:

- Art Supply Market: Purchase paints, canvas, marble, gold, etc.

- Skill Improvement: Spend Florence to learn new techniques

- Networking: Form alliances with other players for mutual benefits

- Reputation Track: Measure your standing in the art world


The game ends when all players have completed a full month (31 days). The player with the most Florence and highest level of mastery (Apprentice, Journeyman, or Master) wins the game.

This game concept combines the financial management aspects of Payday with the historical setting of Renaissance Italy, focusing on the art world and the progression of an artist's career. Players must balance earning money, improving their skills, and managing expenses while dealing with the challenges and opportunities of life in a Renaissance city.

Certainly! I'll expand the game concept to cover a longer period and add more details about earnings, expenses, and career progression. Let's call this expanded version "Renaissance Riches: The Grand Journey to Mastery".

Game Duration:

The game now spans 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), with each season representing 3 months. Players complete 12 turns around the board (31 spaces each) for a total of 372 day spaces.

Career Progression:

1. Junior Apprentice

2. Senior Apprentice

3. Journeyman

4. Master's Assistant

5. Master

To progress, players must earn a certain amount of Florence and complete a specific number of commissions at each level.

Starting Salaries (monthly):

- Junior Apprentice Painter: 10 Florence

- Junior Apprentice Sculptor: 12 Florence

- Junior Apprentice Goldsmith: 15 Florence

- Junior Apprentice Architect: 13 Florence

Salary increases with each career level (e.g., 20% increase per level).

Basic Monthly Expenses:

- Lodging: 5 Florence

- Food: 3 Florence

- Basic Materials: 2 Florence

Additional expenses may occur through Event cards or special spaces.

Commission Cards (examples with earnings):

1. Paint a family portrait (Junior Apprentice): Earn 15 Florence

2. Sculpt a small fountain (Senior Apprentice): Earn 30 Florence

3. Design a merchant's house (Journeyman Architect): Earn 50 Florence

4. Create a golden chalice (Master's Assistant Goldsmith): Earn 75 Florence

5. Paint a cathedral ceiling fresco (Master Painter): Earn 200 Florence

Patron Cards (examples):

1. Minor noble sponsors your work: Receive 20 Florence

2. Wealthy merchant becomes your patron: Receive 50 Florence and a free skill upgrade

3. Royal family takes interest in your work: Receive 100 Florence and move up one career level

Event Cards (examples):

1. Art fair: Sell a piece for 2x your current monthly salary

2. Plague outbreak: Pay 10 Florence for protection or lose 1 turn

3. Fire in the workshop: Pay 30 Florence for repairs or lose 2 turns

4. Invited to a royal ball: Pay 15 Florence for attire, gain a Patron card

Bill Cards (examples):

1. Guild membership fee: Pay 10 Florence

2. Tool replacement: Pay 15 Florence

3. Luxury materials for a special project: Pay 25 Florence

4. Workshop expansion: Pay 50 Florence, increase monthly income by 10%

Art Supply Market (examples):

1. Basic paint set: 5 Florence

2. Fine marble block: 20 Florence

3. Gold leaf: 30 Florence

4. Exotic pigments: 15 Florence

Skill Improvement:

Players can spend Florence to improve skills, which increases the chance of successfully completing commissions and earning more.

- Basic skill upgrade: 20 Florence

- Advanced skill upgrade: 50 Florence

Career Progression Requirements:

1. Junior to Senior Apprentice:

- Accumulate 100 Florence

- Complete 5 Junior Apprentice commissions

2. Senior Apprentice to Journeyman:

- Accumulate 300 Florence

- Complete 8 Senior Apprentice commissions

- Have at least 2 basic skill upgrades

3. Journeyman to Master's Assistant:

- Accumulate 700 Florence

- Complete 10 Journeyman commissions

- Have at least 1 advanced skill upgrade

4. Master's Assistant to Master:

- Accumulate 1500 Florence

- Complete 15 Master's Assistant commissions

- Have at least 3 advanced skill upgrades

Game Mechanics to Ensure Fairness:

1. Catch-up mechanism: Players further behind in career progression receive bonus Florence when passing the "Apprentice's Workshop" space.

2. Skill challenges: Players can challenge each other in skill contests to earn extra Florence or steal commissions.

3. Collaboration opportunities: Players can team up for large projects, sharing both the cost and the reward.

4. Random events that can help players behind or hinder those in the lead.

5. Different paths to victory: Players can focus on completing many small commissions or fewer large ones.

Winning the Game:

The game ends after 12 full turns (4 seasons). Players earn points based on:

1. Total Florence accumulated

2. Career level achieved

3. Number of completed commissions

4. Skill upgrades acquired

5. Patron cards collected

The player with the highest total points wins and is declared the Greatest Master of the Renaissance!

This expanded version provides a more in-depth experience, allowing for longer gameplay and more strategic decisions. The multiple paths to victory and catch-up mechanics ensure that all players have a chance to win, regardless of their chosen specialty or early game performance.

Certainly! Here are 24 messenger scrolls with a mix of useful information, bills, advertisements, and humorous elements inspired by the Renaissance period and Horrible Histories style:

1. "Hear ye! The Medici Bank demands repayment of 50 Florence by next full moon. Failure to comply may result in a complimentary pair of cement shoes."

2. "Michelangelo seeks apprentice. Must be comfortable with heights and painting upside down. Neck brace provided."

3. "New from Gutenberg Press: '50 Shades of Beige - A Monk's Tale of Illuminated Manuscripts.' Order now!"

4. "Urgent! City ordinance requires all citizens to bathe at least once this year. Violators will be used as pig perfume."

5. "Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machine Emporium - 50% off all crash helmets with purchase!"

6. "Plague update: Black Death now available in fashionable Autumn colors. See your local rat catcher for details."

7. "Announcing the Annual Medici Poisoning Festival! Taste-testers wanted. Inquire within (if you dare)."

8. "Bill from Luigi's Leech Emporium: 20 Florence for last month's bloodletting session. No refunds for fainting."

9. "Botticelli's Hair Care Tips: 'How to Achieve that Windswept Look Without Going Outside.' Only 5 Florence!"

10. "Reminder: Guild meeting tonight. Topic: 'Is the Earth Really Flat, or Just the Bread We're Baking?'"

11. "Special offer from Marco Polo's Spice Shop: Buy one pepper corn, get a free sneeze!"

12. "Wanted: Brave soul to test Leonardo's latest invention. Must sign waiver and have own funeral arrangements."

13. "Now at the Uffizi: 'Paint by Numbers' night. Wine included, talent optional."

14. "Bill from Galileo's Telescope Rentals: 10 Florence. Extra charge for spotting new planets."

15. "New law: All jesters must be at least 20% funny. Unfunny jesters to be reassigned as tax collectors."

16. "Gutenberg's latest: 'The Idiot's Guide to Surviving the Inquisition.' Buy now before it's banned!"

17. "Attention Goldsmiths: Lead-to-gold conversion workshop cancelled. Alchemist turned himself into a newt."

18. "Venice Tourism Board announces: 'Gondola Racing Thursdays!' Winner gets a year's supply of canal water."

19. "Bill from Francesco's Fresco Supplies: 30 Florence for scaffolding rental. Falling is extra."

20. "Announcing: 'So You Think You Can Joust?' competition. Helmet rental available. No refunds for dismemberment."

21. "Reminder: Annual 'Dodge the Chamber Pot' marathon this Sunday. Last year's winner still in hiding."

22. "Now showing at the local theater: 'Romeo and Juliet - The Musical.' Audience expected to bring own poison."

23. "Bill from Machiavelli's Strategy Consulting: 100 Florence. Payment non-negotiable (we know where you live)."

24. "Gutenberg's Printing Press presents: 'Mona Lisa's Secret Diary.' Limited edition! Smirk included in every copy."

These scrolls provide a mix of game-relevant information, bills, and humorous content that should add flavor and fun to your Renaissance-themed board game.

Certainly! Here are 24 more messenger scrolls, tailored for 8-9-10 year olds, with a mix of fun, educational, and game-relevant content:

1. "Attention young artists! Free finger painting class at the town square. Warning: Paint may or may not be edible."

2. "Leonardo's Junior Inventors Club meets today. Bring your silly ideas and a snack to share!"

3. "Bill from Giggles the Jester: 5 Florence for making you laugh so hard you snorted milk out your nose."

4. "New at Gutenberg's: 'The Adventures of Captain Macaroni and the Spaghetti Monster.' Buy now and get a free noodle!"

5. "Wanted: Brave kids to test the first-ever ice cream flavor. Applicants must like surprise tastes!"

6. "Reminder: The annual 'Design Your Own Coat of Arms' contest starts tomorrow. No dragons allowed this year!"

7. "Now showing: 'Pirates of the Mediterranean' - a totally historically accurate play. Bring your own eyepatch!"

8. "Bill from Bouncy Castle Rentals: 10 Florence. Extra fee for over-enthusiastic bouncing."

9. "Join the Junior Explorers Club! First meeting: 'Is the moon really made of cheese?' Free telescope rental."

10. "Announcement: School cancelled tomorrow due to an outbreak of Giggle Fever. Stay home and practice your silliest laughs!"

11. "New from Gutenberg: 'Knock-Knock Jokes Through the Ages.' Now with 50% more 'who's there?'"

12. "Attention apprentices: Payday is tomorrow! Reminder: Chocolate coins are not accepted as real currency."

13. "Town fair this weekend! Try your luck at 'Pin the Feather on the Peacock' and 'Juggle the Jelly Beans'!"

14. "Warning: Beware of the Tickle Monster roaming the streets. Last seen armed with a feather and a silly hat."

15. "Bill from Candlelight Reading Club: 3 Florence for replacement candles. No more scary stories before bedtime!"

16. "Announcement: Junior Chef competition next week. Theme: 'Foods that make grown-ups say yuck!'"

17. "Lost: One pet frog named Sir Hops-a-lot. If found, please return to the pond behind the castle."

18. "New law: All vegetables must be eaten before dessert. Hiding them under the table is now illegal."

19. "Gutenberg's latest: 'How to Train Your Dragon (or Your Little Brother)' - now with extra fire safety tips!"

20. "Attention: The annual 'Fastest Snail Race' is tomorrow. Cheer loudly, but please don't startle the contestants!"

21. "Bill from Merry Minstrels Music School: 8 Florence for recorder lessons. Earplugs for parents sold separately."

22. "Now at the market: Magic beans! Grow your own beanstalk! (Climbing gear and cloud insurance not included)"

23. "Join us for 'Messy Art Day' in the town square. Wear your oldest clothes and bring a change of socks!"

24. "Reminder: The 'Great Bubblegum Bubble Blowing Contest' is this afternoon. Prize for biggest bubble without popping!"

These scrolls are designed to be more kid-friendly, with humor and themes that should appeal to 8-10 year olds while still maintaining the Renaissance game setting.

Here are 24 artist commissions with a humorous twist, tailored for your Renaissance-themed game:

1. "Michelangelo seeks apprentice to complete Sistine Chapel. Will pay 30 ducats on completion. Must provide own neck brace."

2. "Wanted: Artist to paint family portrait for the Borgias. Hazard pay included. Antidote provided."

3. "Commission: Design a new hat for the Doge of Venice. Must be waterproof and double as a small boat. 25 ducats offered."

4. "Leonardo da Vinci seeks assistant to help flip his notebook writings. Warning: May cause extreme dizziness. 20 ducats reward."

5. "Urgent: Sculptor needed to fix David's nose after unfortunate sneezing incident. 15 ducats for discreet repair."

6. "Wanted: Painter to create still life of fruit that won't spoil. 40 ducats if you can make it last a whole week."

7. "Commission: Design new stained glass windows for cathedral. Theme: 'Saints vs Dragons'. 50 ducats for most epic battle scene."

8. "Seeking artist to illustrate 'The Monk's Guide to Partying'. 30 ducats offered. Discretion appreciated."

9. "Botticelli needs help untangling hair in 'Birth of Venus'. 20 ducats and a free comb for successful de-knotting."

10. "Commission: Paint Pope's new summer palazzo. Must include secret passages and trap doors. 100 ducats, no questions asked."

11. "Wanted: Artist to design new coins. Must make Holy Roman Emperor look less... Holy Roman Emperor-ish. 35 ducats reward."

12. "Urgent: Sculptor needed to carve gargoyles for Notre Dame. Must be scary enough to frighten pigeons but not tourists. 45 ducats offered."

13. "Commission: Paint mural of 'The Last Supper'. Extra 10 ducats if you can make Judas look more suspicious."

14. "Seeking artist to restore frescoes damaged by overzealous cleaning lady. 25 ducats and a year's supply of gentler soap."

15. "Wanted: Goldsmith to create crown that won't fall off during coronation. 60 ducats if it stays on for entire ceremony."

16. "Commission: Design new Carnival masks. Must be festive yet terrifying. 30 ducats for design that makes children cry."

17. "Urgent: Artist needed to touch up Mona Lisa's smile. Make it more... smirk-y. 40 ducats for most enigmatic grin."

18. "Seeking apprentice to help catalogue Leonardo's unfinished projects. 15 ducats and free therapy sessions offered."

19. "Commission: Paint battle scene where both sides win. 50 ducats for most diplomatic interpretation."

20. "Wanted: Artist to design new sundial. Must work on cloudy days. 35 ducats for most creative solution."

21. "Urgent: Sculptor needed to create statue of Hercules. Must make muscles look realistic without steroids. 55 ducats offered."

22. "Commission: Illustrate cookbook for exotic New World foods. 25 ducats and taste-testing role (at own risk) available."

23. "Seeking artist to paint family tree for Medici family. Must fit on single canvas. 70 ducats for most creative branch arrangement."

24. "Wanted: Apprentice to help restore Leaning Tower of Pisa. 40 ducats if you can make it lean the other way."

These commissions offer a mix of historical references, artistic challenges, and humorous twists that should add fun and flavor to your game while providing opportunities for players to earn ducats.

Certainly! Here are 24 more artist commissions with a humorous twist for your Renaissance-themed game:

1. "Urgent: Artist needed to paint flattering portrait of Duchess of Milan. 50 ducats if you can make her look 20 years younger."

2. "Commission: Design new fountain for town square. Must feature water-spitting fish that don't look seasick. 35 ducats offered."

3. "Wanted: Sculptor to create statue of local hero. Must make horse rear dramatically without toppling over. 45 ducats reward."

4. "Seeking artist to illustrate 'A Day in the Life of a Plague Doctor'. 30 ducats, mask and pointy stick provided."

5. "Commission: Paint ceiling of merchant's new villa. Theme: 'Money doesn't grow on trees (but we wish it did)'. 60 ducats available."

6. "Urgent: Goldsmith needed to create chalice that turns water into wine. 100 ducats if it actually works."

7. "Wanted: Artist to design new playing cards. Must make Jack, Queen, and King look less related. 25 ducats offered."

8. "Commission: Sculpt new gargoyles for cathedral. Theme: 'Sins that are fun but we're not supposed to do'. 40 ducats for most creative set."

9. "Seeking painter to restore faded fresco of St. Francis. 35 ducats if you can make the animals look less bored."

10. "Urgent: Artist needed to create map of the known world. Extra 15 ducats if you can fit in a sea monster or two."

11. "Commission: Design new chess set for the King. 50 ducats if you can make the pawns look happier about their role."

12. "Wanted: Sculptor to create statue of Cupid that doesn't look creepy. 30 ducats and a date with a local beauty as reward."

13. "Seeking artist to paint mural of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. 55 ducats if you can make Pestilence look less contagious."

14. "Commission: Illustrate new edition of Dante's Inferno. 40 ducats, plus free therapy for nightmares."

15. "Urgent: Painter needed to touch up fading 'Beware of Dog' sign for local nobleman. 20 ducats if it scares away the tax collector."

16. "Wanted: Artist to design new guild emblems. 30 ducats for set that doesn't make the Candlemakers Guild look like arsonists."

17. "Commission: Create tapestry of famous local battle. 65 ducats if you can tactfully show both sides winning."

18. "Seeking goldsmith to create self-filling wine goblet for the Pope. 80 ducats and a blessing if successful."

19. "Urgent: Sculptor needed to carve new reliefs for city gates. Theme: 'Why our city is better than Venice'. 50 ducats offered."

20. "Wanted: Artist to paint portraits of city council members. 35 ducats each, extra 10 if you can make them all look awake."

21. "Commission: Design new weather vane for town hall. Must predict weather with 50% accuracy. 40 ducats and title of 'Town Meteorologist' offered."

22. "Seeking painter to create trompe l'oeil of overflowing treasure chest for local bank. 45 ducats if it fools at least one depositor."

23. "Urgent: Artist needed to redesign family crest for newly wealthy merchant. Must subtly imply ancient noble lineage. 55 ducats reward."

24. "Commission: Sculpt new public fountain that doubles as emergency beer dispenser. 70 ducats from grateful city council."

These additional commissions continue to blend historical references, artistic challenges, and humorous elements to add more variety and fun to your game.

Certainly. I'll rewrite these rules to create a Renaissance Atelier simulation game for children, where they play as apprentices in different styles of workshops, receive commissions over decades, and progress from novice apprentices to masters. Here's a reimagined version:

Renaissance Atelier: The Apprentice's Journey


The goal is to become the most renowned master artisan by the end of the game. Players decide in advance how many in-game decades will be played (each decade represents one round).


- Game board depicting a Renaissance city with various workshops

- One die

- Playing pieces representing apprentices

- Artisan currency (Florins)

- Commission cards

- Patron cards

- Skill tokens


Each player starts as a 12-year-old apprentice with 100 Florins. Players choose their Atelier type:

- Painting

- Sculpture

- Goldsmithing

- Tapestry weaving

- Woodworking


Players take turns rolling the die and moving around the board. Each space represents an event or opportunity in an apprentice's life.

Commission and Patron cards:

Landing on certain spaces allows players to draw Commission or Patron cards. Commissions provide opportunities to earn Florins and improve skills. Patrons offer long-term support and special privileges.

Skill Development:

Players gain skill tokens by completing commissions, attending workshops, or through mentorship. Skills include:

- Technique

- Creativity

- Business acumen

- Reputation

Stages of Mastery:

- Novice Apprentice (Age 12-16)

- Senior Apprentice (Age 17-20)

- Journeyman (Age 21-25)

- Master (Age 26+)

Players must meet skill requirements to advance to the next stage.

Special Spaces:

- Guild Hall: Pay fees, gain privileges

- Market: Purchase materials or sell works

- Cathedral: Receive religious commissions

- Royal Court: Chance for prestigious patronage

- Rival's Workshop: Challenge another player


Each decade (round) features a historical event that affects all players, such as:

- Plague outbreak

- New artistic technique discovered

- War declaration

- Religious reformation


Players can invest in their workshop, take loans from patrons, or save Florins. Interest is calculated at the end of each decade.


At the end of the final decade, players score points based on:

- Mastery level achieved

- Wealth accumulated

- Reputation (skill tokens)

- Completed commissions

- Patron support

The player with the highest score becomes the most renowned master artisan and wins the game.

Additional Rules:

1. Collaboration: Players can collaborate on large commissions, sharing rewards and risks.

2. Apprenticeship: Master-level players can take on other players as apprentices, sharing skills but also a portion of earnings.

3. Innovation: Players can attempt to create new techniques or styles, risking failure but potentially gaining significant reputation.

4. Art Exhibitions: Periodic events where players can showcase their works, competing for prizes and patronage.

This reimagined version maintains the spirit of financial management and chance from the original Payday game, while incorporating elements of skill development, historical context, and the progression of an artist's career during the Renaissance period. It allows children to role-play as apprentices, make decisions about their artistic development, and experience the challenges and triumphs of becoming a master artisan.

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