Saturday, December 2, 2017

FSA Writing Test GRADE 4, 5, 6 [PDF]

Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 PDF Pre-Test FSA Writing Assessment

Florida Standards Assessments English Writing

Pre-Test grade 3, 4, and 5 FSA Writing Assessment Packet

Paper-based Practice Writing Tests
Grade 4 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 5 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 6 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 7 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 8 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 9 FSA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]
Grade 10/Retake FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test[PDF]

Practice Test Answer Keys
Grade 4 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 5 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 6 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 7 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 8 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 9 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]
Grade 10 FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Practice Test Rubric[PDF]

Five-Paragraph Essay Outline

I. Introduction (5-7 Sentences)
  1. Attention getter: State Main Ideas or Opinions
  2. Must State Main Idea or Opinion: Evidence and Information:
  3. Thesis statement: State ideas on the three topics you will discuss in your essay

II. 1st Body Paragraph (Summary of Source 1 Article) (7-14 Sentences)
  1. Topic sentence: (state the main ideas or opinions you will discuss)
  2. Introduce a quote from the text (relates to topic sentence; an example that will help prove thesis)
  3. MUST USE Text Based Evidence, and Opinions, Analysis of Article (1-3 Sentences)
  4. Must Use Elaboration, thoughts, and or feelings (1-3 Sentences)
  5. Clincher and or Transition Sentence

III. 2nd Body Paragraph (Summary of Source 2 Article) (7-14 Sentences)
  1. Topic sentence (state the main ideas or opinions you will discuss)
  2. Introduce a quote from the text (relates to topic sentence; an example that will help prove thesis)
  3. MUST USE Text Based Evidence, and Opinions, Analysis of Article (1-3 Sentences)
  4. Must Use Elaboration, thoughts, and or feelings (1-3 Sentences)
  5. Clincher and or Transition Sentence (Ask a Question, Thoughtful remark, or…)

IV. 3rd Body Paragraph (Summary of Source 3 Article) (7-14 Sentences)
  1. Topic sentence (state the main ideas or opinions you will discuss)
  2. Introduce a quote from the text (relates to topic sentence; an example that will help prove thesis)
  3. MUST USE Text Based Evidence, and Opinions, Analysis of Article (1-3 Sentences)
  4. Must Use Elaboration, thoughts, and or feelings (1-3 Sentences)
  5. Clincher and or Transition Sentence

V. Conclusion (5-7 Sentences)
A. Restate your important ideas or opinions in a new or interesting way
B. Summarize your main points or opinions in detail
C. Close with a thoughtful remark or question

  1. Use Topic Sentence Openers to grab the r
  2. eader’s attention
  3. USE TRANSITION WORDS to help ideas flow!
  4. Clinchers, Hooks, and Attention Getters: Ask a question, Tell a story, Compare or contrast ideas, Use Quotes!

Grades 3-5 Text-based Writing Rubrics: Opinion/Persuasion
Purpose Focus and Organization Scoring Rubric (Grades 3-5)
The response is fully sustained and consistently focused within the purpose, audience, and task; and it has a clearly stated opinion and effective organizational structure creating coherence and completeness. The response includes most of the following:
  • Strongly maintained opinion with little or no loosely related material
  • Skillful use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between and among ideas
  • Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end with a satisfying introduction and conclusion
Evidence and Elaboration (Grades 3-5)
The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence for the writer’s opinion that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details. The response includes most of the following:
  • Relevant evidence integrated smoothly and thoroughly with references to sources
  • Effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques, demonstrating understanding of the topic and text
  • Clear and effective expression of ideas, using precise language
  • Academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
  • Varied sentence structure, demonstrating language facility
Grades 3-5 Text-based Writing Rubrics: Informative/Explanatory
Purpose, Focus, and Organization
The response is fully sustained and consistently focused within the purpose, audience, and task; and it has a clearly stated controlling idea and effective organizational structure creating coherence and completeness. The response includes most of the following:
  • Strongly maintained controlling idea with little or no loosely related material
  • Skillful use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between and among ideas
  • Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end, including a satisfying introduction and conclusion
Evidence and Elaboration
The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details. The response includes most of the following:
  • Relevant evidence integrated smoothly and thoroughly with references to sources
  • Effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques (including but not limited to definitions, quotations, and examples), demonstrating an understanding of the topic and text
  • Clear and effective expression of ideas, using precise language
  • Academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
  • Varied sentence structure, demonstrating language facility
Grades 3-5 Text-based Writing Rubrics: Conventions
Conventions Scoring Rubric (Grades 3-5)
The response demonstrates an adequate command of basic conventions. The response may include the following:
  • Some minor errors in usage but no patterns of errors
  • Adequate use of punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling

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