Saturday, April 29, 2023

Readers Threaten: Snow-White and the Poop Emoji.

Snow White "Sneewittchen" and the Seven Emojis, the Poop Emoji? 

Act One

(As the curtain rises, we see the Evil Queen looking into her magic mirror.)

Evil Queen: (Speaking to the mirror) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

Magic Mirror: (In a booming voice) You are the fairest in the land, my queen.

Evil Queen: (Smiling) Excellent. And what of the princess, Sneewittchen? Is she still alive?

Magic Mirror: (Sadly) Yes, my queen. Sneewittchen is still alive, and her beauty grows each day.

Evil Queen: (Frowning) I cannot have that. I must get rid of her once and for all.

(She turns to her trusted servant, the Chocolate ice cream emoji.)

Evil Queen: (Commanding) Chocolate ice cream emoji, you must take Sneewittchen deep into the forest and poison her.

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: (Nervously) But my queen, I was not created for such a task.

Evil Queen: (Angry) Do not question me, you insolent emoji. Do as I say, or suffer the consequences.

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: (Resigned) Yes, my queen. As you wish.

(As the scene ends, the Chocolate ice cream emoji reluctantly sets out to find Sneewittchen and carry out the queen's wicked plan.)

Act Two

(We see Sneewittchen in the forest, singing to herself and picking flowers.)

Sneewittchen: (Singing) La la la, the forest is so bright, and the flowers are a lovely sight.

(She suddenly turns around and sees the Chocolate ice cream emoji approaching.)

Sneewittchen: (Surprised) Oh, hello there. Who are you?

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: (Feigning friendliness) Hello, young princess. I am just passing through the forest and thought I would say hello.

Sneewittchen: (Smiling) Well, that's very kind of you.

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: I have brought you a gift, I am a delicious emoji a chocolate sundae swirl with magical toppings.

Sneewittchen: (Hesitant) I'm not sure if I should eat that. You look a bit strange.

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: (Persuading) Oh, don't be silly. I'm just a new kind of chocolate emoji. Try me, you'll love it.

(Sneewittchen takes a bite of the poisoned emoji and immediately falls to the ground.)

Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji: (Evil laughter) Hahaha! The queen will be pleased.

(As the scene ends, the evil Chocolate ice cream emoji leaves Sneewittchen lying on the ground, apparently lifeless.)

Act Three

(We see the Seven Emojis, who have discovered Sneewittchen's body.)

Emoji 1: (Examining her) She's not breathing. She's dead.

Emoji 2: (Crying) Oh, how tragic. She was so young and beautiful.

Emoji 3: (Angry) We must find out who did this to her and bring them to justice.

Emoji 4: (Looking around) Look, there are footprints leading away from here. Maybe we can follow them and find the culprit.

Emoji 5: (Agreeing) Good idea. Let's follow those footprints.

Emoji 6: (Worried) But what if the person who did this is dangerous? We should be careful.

Emoji 7: (Brave) Don't worry, we'll be careful. We must find out who did this and make them pay.

(As the scene ends, the Seven Emojis set out to track down the person responsible for Sneewittchen's death.)

Act Four

(We see the Evil Queen in her castle, admiring herself in the magic mirror.)

Evil Queen: (To the magic mirror) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

Magic Mirror: (Replying) You, my queen, are the fairest in the land.

Evil Queen: (Smiling) Ah, I always knew it. But wait, what is this? (Noticing the Seven Emojis approaching) Who are these pests coming to my castle?

(The Seven Emojis enter the castle, determined to seek justice for Sneewittchen.)

Emoji 1: (Demanding) We know you poisoned Sneewittchen, and we have come to bring you to justice.

Evil Queen: (Defiantly) And who are you to accuse me of such a thing? What proof do you have?

Emoji 2: (Presenting the poisoned emoji) We found this near her body. It's the same kind of emoji you used to poison her.

Evil Queen: (Trying to cover up) That's just a coincidence. I have nothing to do with Sneewittchen's death.

Emoji 3: (Accusing) We don't believe you. We know you're lying.

Evil Queen: (Angry) How dare you accuse me? Guards, seize these emojis and throw them in the dungeon!

(The guards enter and capture the Seven Emojis.)

Emoji 4: (Struggling) Let us go, you can't do this!

Evil Queen: (Laughing) Oh, but I can. And I will. You will all stay in the dungeon until I decide what to do with you.

(As the scene ends, the Seven Emojis are taken away to the dungeon, trapped and at the mercy of the Evil Queen.)

Act Five

(The scene opens with the Seven Emojis sitting in their dungeon cell, defeated and hopeless.)

Emoji 5: (Sighing) I can't believe we let the Evil Queen get the best of us.

Emoji 6: (Agreeing) Yeah, we're stuck in here while she's out there, probably planning her next evil scheme.

Emoji 7: (Determined) We can't give up hope. We have to find a way out of here and save Sneewittchen.

Emoji 1: (Curious) But how? We're locked up tight.

(Just then, a small mouse scurries into their cell.)

Emoji 2: (Surprised) Look, a mouse!

Emoji 3: (Realizing) Wait, it's carrying something in its mouth.

(The mouse drops a small key in front of the Emojis before running away.)

Emoji 4: (Picking up the key) This must be the key to our cell.

(The Emojis use the key to unlock their cell and sneak out of the dungeon. They make their way to Sneewittchen's glass coffin.)

Emoji 5: (Examining the coffin) She looks so beautiful, even in death.

Emoji 6: (Noticing something strange) Wait, why is there a chocolate ice cream emoji in her hand?

Emoji 7: (Realizing) That must be the poisoned emoji that the Evil Queen used on her.

Emoji 1: (Determined) We have to find a way to revive her.

(The Emojis remember a magical spring that can bring people back to life. They set out to find it and eventually stumble upon it deep in the forest.)

Emoji 2: (Excited) This must be it! The magical spring!

Emoji 3: (Nervous) But how do we use it?

Emoji 4: (Recalling) I remember reading about this in a book. We have to pour the spring water over Sneewittchen's body.

(The Emojis pour the water over Sneewittchen's body, and she begins to stir.)

Sneewittchen: (Opening her eyes) Where am I? What happened?

Emoji 5: (Relieved) You were poisoned by the Evil Queen, but we found a way to revive you.

Emoji 6: (Proudly) We defeated the Evil Queen and saved your life.

Sneewittchen: (Grateful) Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done without you. (The Emojis and Sneewittchen return to the castle.)

(We see the Evil Queen, still admiring herself in the magic mirror, when suddenly she gasps in horror.)

Evil Queen: (To the magic mirror) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

Magic Mirror: (Replying) You, my queen, are no longer the fairest in the land. Sneewittchen, the princess you tried to kill, is alive and well, and now the fairest of them all.

Evil Queen: (Panicked) What? That's impossible!

(Just then, Sneewittchen enters the queens chamber, followed by the Seven Emojis.)

Sneewittchen: (Confidently) It's true, Evil Queen. You may have tried to kill me, but you failed. And now, justice will be served.

Evil Queen: (Desperate) No, please! I'll do anything!

Sneewittchen: (Firmly) It's too late for that. You will be punished for what you've done.

(The Evil Queen is taken away to be punished for her crimes.)

Sneewittchen: (Grateful) Thank you, Seven Emojis, for helping me and bringing the Evil Queen to justice.

Emoji 1: (Smiling) It was our pleasure, Princess.

Emoji 2: (Agreeing) We're just glad you're safe.

Emoji 3: (Joking) And we're especially glad we don't have to spend any more time in that dungeon!

(Everyone laughs as the scene ends, and the story of Sneewittchen (Snow White) comes to a happy ending.)

(Act Six is a flashback that shows how the Chocolate Swirl Ice Cream Emoji became the Poop Emoji.)

Narrator: And now, a flashback to how the Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji became the Poop Emoji.

(The stage transforms to a different setting, showing the Evil Queen in her laboratory with a cauldron boiling.)

Evil Queen: (To herself) I need a way to get rid of Sneewittchen once and for all.

(She looks around and sees the Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji sitting on a nearby shelf.)

Evil Queen: (Thinking) Wait a minute, that could work.

(She picks up the Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji and dips it into the cauldron.)

Evil Queen: (Chanting) Magic, magic, make it so, turn this emoji into something gross.

(The Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji transforms into the Poop Emoji.)

Evil Queen: (Laughing wickedly) Perfect. Now, to get Sneewittchen to eat it.

Narrator: (Offstage) And that's how the Chocolate Ice Cream Emoji became the Poop Emoji.

(The stage transforms back to the present day.)

Sneewittchen: (Disgusted) That's horrible! The Evil Queen is truly evil.

Emoji 4: (Comforting) Don't worry, Princess. She's gone now, and we won't let anything like that happen again.

(Everyone agrees as the story comes to a close.)

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