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Reading Comprehension Strategies |
What are the best reading strategies? Will students actually use or remember the strategies? Can you teach your students REAL reading comprehension strategies to become excellent readers? YES, yes, yes! Bottom line, students will never use reading comprehension strategies if they are not fun or students do not see real value in learning them.
1. What does the title tell you? Is this a persuasive text, expository text, narrative text, or technical text?
2. Skim the text and label/annotate the headings, titles, subheadings, pictures, diagrams, captions, and any text features
3. Read the text closely and annotate each paragraph seeking the main ideas, themes, mood, tone, points of view...Annotate in the margins and take notes. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph and find the main ideas.
4. Read the question carefully and circle 1 or 2 keywords/clues in the questions and one keyword/clue in each of the multiple choice questions or distractor choices.
5. Skim the text and find the exact text or passage that supports your first answer choice or conclusion.
6. Investigate and eliminate the 2 or 3 distractors or DECEIVERS with the same close reading strategies. Distractors are designed to fool the passive reader.
7. Annotate and X-OUT the distractors, why are they wrong and what is your proof/evidence?
8. Find and prove your answer using text evidence and circle the correct answer and highlight it!
1. What does the title tell you? Is this a persuasive text, expository text, narrative text, or technical text?
2. Skim the text and label/annotate the headings, titles, subheadings, pictures, diagrams, captions, and any text features
3. Read the text closely and annotate each paragraph seeking the main ideas, themes, mood, tone, points of view...Annotate in the margins and take notes. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph and find the main ideas.
4. Read the question carefully and circle 1 or 2 keywords/clues in the questions and one keyword/clue in each of the multiple choice questions or distractor choices.
5. Skim the text and find the exact text or passage that supports your first answer choice or conclusion.
6. Investigate and eliminate the 2 or 3 distractors or DECEIVERS with the same close reading strategies. Distractors are designed to fool the passive reader.
7. Annotate and X-OUT the distractors, why are they wrong and what is your proof/evidence?
8. Find and prove your answer using text evidence and circle the correct answer and highlight it!
U – Unpack the Genre, what and why are you reading? • Read the title as you underline it, read the reading comprehension questions, AND read the first and last sentence of each paragraph • Skimming the text will help you know what the reading selection is mainly about. (Numbering each paragraph is optional: NOT an OPTION with online test:)
N – Nexus with the text • Predict the main idea, and or themes of the passage based on your initial skimming • Use prior knowledge from similar passages to make connections • Use the title, heading, subheadings, pictures, graphs, etc. • Ask the text questions as you read • Nexus (“the act of binding together; bonding”)
D – Deduce and detect important ideas, concepts, facts, opinions, claims, and inferred ideas "keywords" • Deduce the important keywords and double underline each “idea” word if possible • This will help you locate the answers later. • It makes it easier to organize your writing and thoughts.
E – Eliminate the unimportant details, distractors, foofaraw, and any obviously wrong answers (Distractors are the multiple choice response options that are not the correct ANSWER)
R – Rank the text • Rank keys ideas in order of importance 1-5, 1-3, Roman numerals, etcetera …
S – Subitize the main ideas and keywords. • Place the main ideas and keywords into groups. • What ideas or keywords keep showing up the most? THAT IS THE MAIN IDEA!
T – Text code it! • Confirm thoughts, Contradicts your thoughts, Raises a new question, Confuses you, Super important, Answers a question, Is new idea, interesting, or surprising An unknown word or a word that gets repeated
A – Answer the Reading Comprehension Questions in your mind and or your notes? • So you think you know what to look for and where to find it in the text • The reading comprehension questions usually explain the main ideas of the whole passage. • Do NOT answer anything yet • Mark where you found the answer
N – Nexus with the reading questions again • Is the question asking you to infer, find the main idea, draw a conclusion. Deduce the author's viewpoint, the main ideas, inferred ideas, themes and or ideas of the passage based on your initial skimming • Use prior knowledge from past close reading to make connections • Use the pictures, graphs, etc. • Ask the text questions as you read
D – Deduce, detect, and delete bogus “distractors” answers • Wrong, phony, false, fake ideas, concepts, facts, opinions, claims, and or inferred ideas must be eliminated! • Cross out any silly extraneous answers
I – Inspect your answer and find the exact answers in your text • Write the NUMBER of the paragraph and line number where you found your answer (or inferred answer) next to the question you selected
G – Go for the WIN, answer the question!
- Excellent readers are active and curious. Readers must read and reread out loud when learning best practice reading comprehension strategies. Reading must be a fun engaging activity, never a passive silent activity when teaching explicit reading comprehension strategies.
- Amazing readers have a QUESTION or a goal in mind before they start reading. Students must use outlines, graphic organizers and or two or three column notes to evaluate, summarize, condense, abridge, analyze and interpret their thoughts. Readers develop skills using STEAL characterization charts, illustrated setting storyboards and story outlines when reading narratives. Readers develop skills using text features, question stems and deeper understanding of analytical vocabulary from Blooms and Webb's.
- Ferocious readers notice every detail, text feature, word choice, literal and figurative language device the author is using. Students need repeated practice using Socratic seminar questions to engage with the text and learn the elements of reading and writing.
- Erudite/adroit readers read for enjoyment and read as a hobby. Students that can vividly imagine and bring literature to life in amazing detail will be a reader for life. Students that get deeply lost in a book will read 10 times as much as aliterate students.
- Superb readers use dictionaries, thesaurus, friends, family, and teachers to find out the meaning of unknown, words, phrases, idioms, and figurative language. My special education reading teacher told me, "Stupid people don't ask questions" the message was and is, sitting in your own ignorance is the last thing you want to do when learning to read!
- Fanatic readers want to be deeply engrossed in a book.
- Involved readers can summarize, predict, add to, react and share great ideas, themes with friends, family, and teachers.
- Resilient readers look for innovative ways to make new knowledge and make connections with background knowledge. Readers on a mission, driven by curiosity to widen their scope of knowledge will get through vigorous challenging text.
- Great readers touch the mind of the author and are forever wiser and smarter from the experience.
knowledge of different types of texts and the best strategies for reading them. ... graphs, captions, italicized words or passages, boldface words or sections, ...
[PDF]Reading Comprehension: Strategies - ETA hand2mindReading Comprehension: Strategies That Work. “As teachers of literacy, we must have as an instructional goal, regardless of age, grade or achievement level ...
[PDF]Teachers' Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies P5–S3This teachers' guide to teaching reading comprehension strategies is the ..... europe/resistance/pdf/we-resistance.pdf (see pages 7 and 8 – extracts a, b and c).
[PDF]Effective Teaching Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehensionwith the strategies and skills they must have to read with comprehension. This guide is ... involves teaching students comprehension strategies that help unlock the meaning of text. • supports the ...... professor/Literacy/inference.pdf. Duffy, G. G. ...
[PDF]Strategy for Reading Comprehension - Learning Sciences InternationalTitle: The FIVES strategy for reading comprehension / Mary Shea [and] ...... Academic-Language-Functions-toolkit.pdf for the Academic Language Function.
[PDF]Reading Comprehension StrategiesBCCC Tutoring Center. 1. Reading Comprehension Strategies. Before Reading. 1. Take note of the title, author, and any headings in the text. Title ...
(PDF) Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies to Students With ...PDF | We review the body of research on reading comprehension for students with learning disabilities. First, we describe the factors that lead to the ...
(PDF) How Can Students Improve Their Reading Comprehension Skill?PDF | Reading is an interactive process in which readers construct a meaningful representation of a text using effective reading strategies. Effective reading ...
[PDF]Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Selecting ...Highlights. • This multimedia overview highlights key components of the recommendation to teach students how to use reading comprehension strategies and to ...
[PDF]Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehensionreading readiness, those who study reading comprehension instruction ... we call collections or packages of comprehension strategies can help stu-.
[PDF]Comprehension - Curriculum Services CanadaIf readers can read the words but do not understand what they are reading, they are not really reading. Comprehension Strategies. According to two important ...
[PDF]Reading Comprehension Strategies - Public Schools of Robeson ...'How is this like what I already know?' That's the question I ask when I want to stay really focused on what I'm reading.” As these statements suggest, proficient ...
[PDF]Reading Comprehension Strategies - National Geographic LearningHow is this like what I already know?' That's the question I ask when I want to stay really focused on what I'm reading.” As these statements suggest, proficient ...
[PDF]comprehension strategies Building - Explorations Strategies for ...Reading comprehension: processing strategies. 4. Reading comprehension: comprehensionstrategies. 5. Metacognitive strategy instruction. 7. Metacognition.
[PDF]READING COMPREHENSION AND READING STRATEGIES ... - Corethat students who have good reading comprehension skills perform better on ... different age groups or using different reading comprehension strategies.
[PDF]Reading Comprehension: Strategies for ... - Lynchburg CollegeRunning head: READING COMPREHENSION. Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Elementary and Secondary. School Students. Michele Harvey.
[PDF]Teaching Strategies for Reading Comprehension: How to help both ...Teaching Strategies for Reading Comprehension: How to help both ... reading can help multilingual students recall the relevant vocabulary they already know. It also .... ctl.utsc.utoronto.ca/eld/sites/default/files/beating_the_odds.pdf. Zamel, V.
[PDF]Improving reading comprehension - SciELO ColombiaImproving reading comprehension: From metacognitive intervention on strategies to the intervention on working memory executive processes*. Mejorando la ...
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