Saturday, May 18, 2019

Learned Helplessness: 7+ Methods to Replace Learned Helplessness with Learned Perseverance!

How do you help your students' overcome learned helplessness?
Going from learned helplessness to learned perseverance!

Learned helplessness is a maladaptive coping strategy that is a response to failure, fear, and/or mental trauma. Students may choose to "opt out" to avoid failing, struggling, or the fear of failing. Students may display learned helplessness because they have learned it is easier to opt-out or let teachers or the parent do their work. Learned helplessness can present as lying, cheating, shutting down, acting confused, and/or physical/mental illness.  This can and does become a habit or learned response to all academic learning if no new coping skills or strategies are developed. Students need to adopt new positive habits, success mindsets, positive coping systems, and logical problem solving heuristics to develop learned perseverance.

  • Use great literature that teaches stoicism, the path through strife and failure. Explore characters that have given up or won't even start the journey. Teachers, parents, and students must treat struggle, failure and setbacks as beneficial and critical to growth and learning, not to be feared, avoided, or/and banned in schools. Failure needs to be elevated to the greatest of all teachers. "I'm done/finished", "I already know", "I'm opting-out", "I can't", or an "I won't attitude", is never an option in their school/classroom. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
  • Teach students the only way to develop deep wisdom and understanding is through learning from failure and mistakes. Mistakes are proof you are trying. A growth mindset is not learned through a set of daily lessons, chants, bulletin boards, it is learned through repeated failures and a students attitude and response to those failures. 
  • Use Kagan Cooperative learning structures. Students will put their learned helplessness on pause when they are supported by peers. 
  • Use micro lectures to front load each small step, then teach and reteach each step of the system or skills being practiced. 
  • While students are practicing and rehearsing skills covered in the micro lectures, use frequent catch and release teaching technique.  Catch and release allows students to try more difficult tasks because they know the teacher will constantly spiral through concept and skills. 
  • Allow individual students and cooperative learning groups time to struggle, and yes even let them fail. Everyone at one point misunderstands, forgets, and interprets incorrectly and we yes all make mistakes, but if we rescue students they will not learn to develop more logical heuristics to solve problems.
  • Teach students problem solving heuristics (logical decisions making). Learned helplessness is a maladaptive heuristic, a coping mechanism to avoid failure. Teaching students new problem solving strategies that directly replace maladaptive responses with new stoic habits that help students develop perseverance, resilience, and problem solving.
  • Use SMART goals!
(PDF) Learned Helplessness and Learned Prevalence: Exploring the ...Our results demonstrate that learned helplessness is not correlated with either the perceived controllability of one's ... Download full-text PDF. Content ... Beck, 1999), failure in school (Diener & Dweck, 1978), ... sive spouse (Walker, 1977), maladaptive behavior in ..... strategy for all reward-frequency conditions was to avoid.


THE COPING PROCESS AND HUMAN LEARNED HELPLESSNESS ... chological state: a construct thatheuristically intends to tap the interface between motivation and coping. ... This coping strategy emerges from the acceptance that one's ..... to conflict with and inhibit one another: Avoiding confrontation withfailure may.

[PDF]Learned helplessness, self-worth protection and ... - UTas ePrints with its roots in learned helplessness theory and Weiner's theory of ...... future publication and had a more positive strategy for ..... this maladaptive attributional pattern and hence improve ... avoid failure by altering effort expenditure may directly ...... determined by their feelings of efficacy in copingwith a.

[PDF]The Effectiveness of a Multi-Dimensional Teaching Strategy on ...Learned helplessness is a coping strategy that some students adopt in response to ... may choose to avoid situations of this nature by failing to attend classes and ... maladaptive behaviours to cope with the stress of feeling helpless. ..... A cultural heuristic approach to the study of Jamaican undergraduate.

[PDF]Action regulation, coping, and development - Portland State University suggest that emotion regulation may be a form of coping. .... interactions with the social and physical environments, is the mechanism .... dictability, or failure (instances of chaos); and restraint, demands, ..... Maladaptive coping can ..... ment, learned helplessness, and self-determination (Compas, 1987, ...

[PDF]Learned Helplessness - Semantic ScholarChapter VII: The Value of Attribution Retraining for the Learned Helpless and ... attribution is one theory which states people explain success and failure as either ... retraining was purposed to alter maladaptive attributions to increase efforts ..... the first group soon began to stop trying completely (Kramer & Rosellini, 1982).

[PDF]Learned Helplessness - Positive Psychology Center - University of ...LEARNED HELPLESSNESS. MARTIN E. P. SELIGMAN, PH.D.1. Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology,. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ...

[PDF]learned helplessness - CSUN.eduLearned Helplessness ABSTRACT: Over generalization of the learned- helplessness model could encourage the assumption that instrumental coping behavior (voluntary.

[PDF]Learned helplessness - Swarthmore Collegelearned helplessness have been extended to almost every domain of modern psychology. And second Seligman has played a significant role in almost all of.

[PDF]Learned Helplessness and Socialization: A ... - Semantic ScholarLearned Helplessness, Depression, Disease Susceptibility, Coping with ... The phenomenon is described as learned helplessness which refers ...

[PDF]Depression and Learned Helplessness in Man - Semantic ScholarSimilarity of impairment in naturally occurring depression and laboratory-induced, learned helplessnesswas demonstrated in college students. Three groups ...

[PDF]Learned helplessness and generalization - Stanford UniversityAbstract. In learned helplessness experiments, subjects first expe- rience a lack of control in one situation, and then show learning deficits when performing or ...

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