Monday, March 4, 2024

STAAR MATH 4th Grade Review: 4th-grade STAAR Math Test

(State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) math test.

Day 1: Numbers and Operations

1. Round 7,893 to the nearest thousand.
2. Multiply: 325 x 18
3. Divide: 5,184 ÷ 6
4. What is 1/4 of 48?
5. Evaluate: 8 x (7 + 5)
6. Compare using >, <, or =: 3,295 __ 3,529
7. Find the value of the underlined digit: 52,379
8. Identify the place value of 6 in 284,615. 
9. Write 0.08 as a fraction.
10. Arrange in descending order: 5.07, 5.7, 5.03, 5.70

Day 2: Algebraic Reasoning

1. Solve: n + 15 = 29
2. Simplify: 5x + 3x
3. Find the pattern: 3, 8, 13, 18, __, __
4. Represent with an equation: "Three times a number plus 5 is 17."
5. Graph and label: x = 2, x = 4, x = 6
6. Determine if the equation is true or false: 7 x 6 = 38
7. Identify the missing number: __ x 9 = 63
8. Find the rule and extend the pattern: 2, 5, 8, 11, __, __
9. Solve the simple equation: 4n = 24
10. Determine the unknown in the proportion: 3/5 = __/15

Day 3: Geometry and Measurement

1. Identify lines that are parallel/perpendicular in a given figure.
2. Classify an angle as acute, obtuse, right, or straight.
3. Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle with sides 5 cm and 8 cm.
4. Convert 5 feet to inches.
5. Identify the 2D shape that represents the base of a pyramid.
6. Determine if a given shape has lines of symmetry.
7. Convert between customary units: 3 yards = __ feet
8. Partition a shape into equal parts and identify the fraction represented.
9. Use formulas to find the area of a rectangle and a triangle.
10. Identify congruent figures.

Day 4: Data Analysis 

1. Interpret data from a bar graph.
2. Calculate the mean of a set of data: 8, 12, 9, 15, 11
3. Identify the mode of a set of numbers.
4. Read and interpret a pictograph.
5. Represent a set of data in a line plot.
6. Use data to construct a frequency table.
7. Interpret data from a stem-and-leaf plot.
8. Predict the likelihood of a simple event.
9. Solve a problem involving probability of a simple event.
10. Find the median of an ordered data set.

Day 5: Personal Financial Literacy

1. Calculate the total cost of an item with tax.
2. Find the sale price during a 25% off discount.
3. Identify the number of quarters, dimes, nickels needed for a given amount.
4. Solve a problem involving profit from selling an item.
5. Determine costs associated with attending an event (tickets, food, etc).
6. Calculate change due back after making a purchase.
7. Compare unit prices to find the better buy.
8. Interpret a pay stub showing earnings and deductions. 
9. Solve a problem involving simple interest.
10. Track and categorize weekly spending/savings.

Day 6: Mixed Review 

1. Evaluate: 72 ÷ (6 x 2)
2. Represent 5/8 on a number line between 0 and 1.
3. Write 1.25 in word form.
4. Find the missing value: __ = 34 x 12
5. Compare 2/3 and 5/8 using >, <, or =.
6. Find the pattern: 120, 108, 96, __, __
7. Calculate elapsed time: John left home at 7:45 AM and arrived at 9:20 AM. How long was the trip?
8. Solve: 3/4 of what number is 15?
9. Convert 2.5 m to cm.
10. Interpret data from a double bar graph.

Day 7: Numbers and Operations Revisited

1. Round 48,629 to the nearest ten thousand. 
2. Use an area model to multiply 35 x 16.
3. Divide 3,024 by 18 and express the remainder as a fraction.
4. Compare 0.08 and 9/100 using >, <, or =.
5. Evaluate: (72 ÷ 9) x 5
6. Write 125,000 in standard form and word form.
7. Find the least common multiple of 6 and 8.
8. Find 1/3 of 1/4.
9. Solve: n/5 = 22
10. Subtract: 14 3/8 - 7 5/8

Day 8: Algebraic Reasoning Revisited  

1. Solve the simple equation: 1/2 n = 18
2. Identify the missing number: 6 x __ = 42
3. Represent with an expression: "The sum of a number and 7"
4. Graph and label the points: (2,5), (4,1), (6,3)
5. Find the rule and extend the pattern: 4, 8, 16, __, __
6. Simplify: 2a + 5a + 3a
7. Solve: x/3 = 12
8. Determine if the equation 5(2 + x) = 25 is true or false.
9. Identify the missing factor: __ x 7 = 63
10. Solve the proportion: 2/5 = 6/__

Day 9: Geometry, Measurement, and Data Revisited

1. Calculate the perimeter of a square with side length 9 inches.
2. Identify the 2D shape formed by the base of a rectangular prism.
3. Read and interpret data from a line graph.  
4. Classify a triangle by its angles.
5. Convert between metric units: 6 m = __ cm
6. Use a protractor to measure an angle. 
7. Use the formula to find the area of a parallelogram.
8. Identify the line(s) of symmetry in a given figure.
9. Use a ruler to measure line segments to the nearest 1/4 inch.
10. Make a frequency table for a given set of data.

Day 10: Final Mixed Review

1. Round 93,721 to the nearest hundred.
2. Simplify: 3y + 2y + 7y
3. Name the solid figure formed by connecting all the faces of a pyramid.
4. Compare 7/10 and 0.75 using >, <, or =.  
5. Calculate the area of a triangle with base 12 cm and height 8 cm.
6. Identify the place value of the 5 in 284,615.
7. Graph the points: (-2, 3), (0, -1), (4, 2)
8. Convert 7 ft 6 in to inches. 
9. Find the median of the data set: 21, 18, 25, 22, 16
10. Solve: 3/4 of n = 30

Day 1
1. 476 + 328 =

2. 5,782 - 2,146 =

3. 62 x 17 =

4. 1,254 ÷ 6 =

5. 27 + 49 =

6. 832 - 265 =

7. 8 x 63 =

8. 572 ÷ 4 =

9. 7,283 + 4,519 =

10. 9,456 - 2,673 =

### Day 2

1. 18,275 + 7,329 =

2. 24,861 - 9,748 =

3. 325 x 24 =

4. 6,432 ÷ 9 =

5. 142 + 367 =

6. 5,782 - 1,895 =

7. 16 x 58 =

8. 1,176 ÷ 7 =

9. 37,291 + 15,409 =

10. 51,284 - 24,717 =

### Day 3

1. 27,854 + 18,729 =

2. 39,265 - 12,587 =

3. 482 x 35 =

4. 12,600 ÷ 18 =

5. 368 + 495 =

6. 7,293 - 2,468 =

7. 28 x 72 =

8. 2,352 ÷ 8 =

9. 51,726 + 29,384 =

10. 68,529 - 34,875 =

### Day 4

1. 41,728 + 23,596 =

2. 52,817 - 28,395 =

3. 617 x 48 =

4. 18,504 ÷ 12 =

5. 587 + 285 =

6. 9,573 - 4,287 =

7. 39 x 86 =

8. 3,465 ÷ 5 =

9. 75,284 + 18,926 =

10. 83,759 - 49,638 =

### Day 5

1. 57,293 + 31,846 =

2. 71,385 - 38,729 =

3. 793 x 62 =

4. 28,728 ÷ 16 =

5. 715 + 169 =

6. 12,857 - 6,295 =

7. 52 x 97 =

8. 4,976 ÷ 8 =

9. 92,368 + 37,541 =

10. 104,285 - 68,751 =

### Day 6

1. 15,827 + 9,345 =

2. 21,673 - 8,296 =

3. 238 x 17 =

4. 5,103 ÷ 9 =

5. 847 + 638 =

6. 3,726 - 1,849 =

7. 14 x 35 =

8. 1,512 ÷ 6 =

9. 28,359 + 12,847 =

10. 35,289 - 17,845 =

### Day 7

1. 37,529 + 24,185 =

2. 48,273 - 19,685 =

3. 476 x 29 =

4. 11,628 ÷ 14 =

5. 963 + 795 =

6. 7,264 - 3,587 =

7. 26 x 47 =

8. 2,618 ÷ 7 =

9. 59,283 + 28,475 =

10. 74,629 - 39,172 =

### Day 8

1. 62,857 + 31,428 =

2. 79,165 - 45,728 =

3. 638 x 41 =

4. 19,304 ÷ 17 =

5. 275 + 619 =

6. 10,483 - 5,726 =

7. 38 x 59 =

8. 3,927 ÷ 9 =

9. 82,749 + 46,381 =

10. 105,827 - 62,958 =

### Day 9

1. 27,594 + 16,835 =

2. 37,928 - 15,473 =

3. 317 x 25 =

4. 8,960 ÷ 16 =

5. 682 + 495 =

6. 6,294 - 2,857 =

7. 19 x 62 =

8. 2,262 ÷ 7 =

9. 45,378 + 29,645 =

10. 58,927 - 32,859 =

### Day 10

1. 51,829 + 28,376 =

2. 64,957 - 32,685 =

3. 528 x 37 =

4. 15,444 ÷ 18 =

5. 793 + 685 =

6. 13,275 - 7,493 =

7. 46 x 73 =

8. 4,116 ÷ 9 =

9. 73,958 + 41,275 =

10. 96,284 - 53,796 =

Here are 10 math boxes in the style of Everyday Math that spiral from simple to more complex problems with the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). They review concepts from 2nd grade and gradually increase in difficulty to 5th/6th grade level, including decimals and fractions.

### Day 1

1. 45 + 37 =
2. 82 - 26 = 
3. 5 x 6 =
4. 24 ÷ 3 =
5. 127 + 249 =
6. 416 - 195 =
7. 8 x 14 = 
8. 63 ÷ 7 =
9. 1/2 + 1/4 =
10. 3.6 + 2.7 =

### Day 2  

1. 68 + 47 =
2. 95 - 38 =
3. 6 x 9 = 
4. 42 ÷ 6 =
5. 284 + 395 =
6. 627 - 294 =
7. 12 x 23 =
8. 108 ÷ 9 = 
9. 2/3 - 1/6 =
10. 6.8 - 2.4 =

### Day 3

1. 132 + 167 =
2. 264 - 118 =
3. 7 x 13 =
4. 56 ÷ 8 = 
5. 475 + 329 =
6. 794 - 367 =
7. 16 x 35 =
8. 144 ÷ 12 =
9. 3/4 + 1/2 =
10. 8.5 x 6 =

### Day 4

1. 237 + 368 =
2. 486 - 275 = 
3. 9 x 17 =
4. 72 ÷ 9 =
5. 628 + 476 = 
6. 986 - 549 =
7. 24 x 42 =
8. 192 ÷ 16 =
9. 5/6 - 1/3 =
10. 14.6 ÷ 2 =

### Day 5

1. 489 + 573 = 
2. 836 - 427 =
3. 12 x 28 =
4. 96 ÷ 12 =
5. 1,284 + 2,395 =
6. 3,194 - 1,567 =
7. 36 x 53 =  
8. 252 ÷ 14 =
9. 2 1/4 - 3/4 = 
10. 27.5 x 4 =

### Day 6

1. 675 + 849 =
2. 1,325 - 687 =
3. 16 x 38 = 
4. 144 ÷ 18 =
5. 2,867 + 4,129 =
6. 5,482 - 2,376 =
7. 48 x 67 =
8. 408 ÷ 17 =
9. 5 3/4 + 2 1/3 =
10. 65.8 ÷ 8 =

### Day 7

1. 1,287 + 2,945 =  
2. 3,576 - 1,892 =
3. 27 x 49 =
4. 216 ÷ 24 =
5. 5,782 + 6,493 =  
6. 9,628 - 4,387 =
7. 63 x 75 =
8. 567 ÷ 21 = 
9. 7 5/6 - 2 3/4 =
10. 128.4 ÷ 12 =

### Day 8

1. 3,287 + 5,946 =
2. 7,593 - 3,875 =  
3. 38 x 62 = 
4. 304 ÷ 19 =
5. 9,627 + 12,385 =
6. 17,849 - 8,275 = 
7. 84 x 97 =
8. 736 ÷ 23 =
9. 9 1/2 + 4 3/8 = 
10. 247.5 x 6 =

### Day 9

1. 5,784 + 8,962 =
2. 12,768 - 6,493 =
3. 57 x 83 =
4. 456 ÷ 28 =
5. 23,867 + 18,495 =
6. 35,278 - 16,594 =
7. 126 x 148 = 
8. 882 ÷ 27 =
9. 13 5/8 - 6 7/8 =
10. 365.7 ÷ 9 = 

### Day 10

1. 9,572 + 14,386 =
2. 21,849 - 13,267 =
3. 83 x 127 =
4. 624 ÷ 36 =  
5. 45,782 + 32,649 =
6. 64,938 - 29,573 =
7. 185 x 269 =
8. 1,292 ÷ 41 =
9. 17 3/4 + 9 5/8 =
10. 625.8 x 4 =

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