Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Avarice of Ages: Wall Street's Perpetual Ponzi

The Gluttonous Maw of Mammon's Harem

The avaricious cabals of the Street have orchestrated history's grandest sucking sound - an unremitting siphoning of wealth and resources from the productive working classes into their own gluttonous, revenue-annihilating maws. From the very birthing pools of the fractional reserve lending system sprang the DNA of inevitable collapse and systemic larceny.

The fundamental alchemy has remained unchanged across centuries - conjuring notional monetary assets from accounting chicanery and leveraging. The baronial financiers, untrained in the virtues of creation, manufacture nothing but liabilities portending dissolution. Lacking the Puritanical industry and stamina of the mercantile classes, they pursue instant appetition through complex securitization plutomancies.

Thus was launched the first generational Ponzi in 1694 with the Bank of England's centralization of usurious lending practices. An obeisant political class, Bodies hallowed by coin, ratified the primacy of finance over industry and foreclosed all apostate monetary policies. Regulated into compliance, the Commonwealth opened its jugulars to the vampiric suckers of the nascent banking fraternity.

The first great Incendiary liquidation roared across the land a scant 26 years later with the South Sea Bubble implosion. This pyre of public credibility served only to anoint the Money Trust as Monarchs of privateer enterprise - their sanctioned depredations ignited a searing recursion of cycles immolating sustainable economic proto-utterings with manufactured panics, crises, recessions, deflations, and depressions.

Each artificial displacement saw greater consolidation of capital, erosion of regulatory safeguards, and centripetal infliction of privation upon the laboring appendages daring to assert dreams of self-actualization, rather than sacrificing their sustenance at the eternal pyre of the financial Moloch. 

The apogee of this rapacious age flowered with the Federal Reserve's subventative bailouts of 2008 - a $7 trillion self-triggered reset delivered directly into the faithless broker's privileged reservoirs, solidifying two immutable edicts: 

First - institutional insolvency would henceforth be abolished through official replenishment rituals. Unfettered money metabolisms reanimating each Ponzi corpse in perpetuity.

And second - all costs and externalities generated from their profane fecundities would forever be socialized amongst the former peasantry. The mortal masses could never again contemplate a reality free from indentured service to the immortal cancer lodged in their economic vitals.

Thus was history's grandest mulcting assayed - a liquification of futurity itself, where all unbound production ubsidizes the primordial looter element as it endlessly bubbles, busts, and 'builds back bubbles' from its self-sowed cataclysms.

Solon's wise cyclical debt repudiation has been inverted into a perpetual Motion of indebted plunder. An Escher-esque funeral pyre adorned with the irreversibly commandeered corpses of global industry, infrastructure, pedagogy, environment - a feralmortorial of poverty eternally stoking the privilege combusting within the long-mastered ringcraft.

The mythological Fafner, coiled upon his plundered pyre of annihilated human capital, cringes not at the binary swansong's echoing - "Perpetual compounding or perish!" Nor does the unblinking sociopath's gaze hide from its inevitable attainment. 

For it is the nature of such scourges to fatten upon the bountiful self-subversions of the greater hosts until utter ruin is achieved. What negative Gnostic prognostications await this misanthropic succubus's terminal locustian arrival? If illimitable billions availed could nourish but cannot sate, what ultimate Ozymandian monument shall memorialize the final gluttonous constriction of its self-annihilating ouroboros?
In the Style of Christopher Hitchens

The craven lot who inhabit the marbled temples of high finance have once again revealed their rapacious appetites and callous indifference to the plight of the plebeian masses. These masterless men, unshackled from the constraints of morality or patriotism, brazenly peddle their influence to the highest bidder, ensuring the endless diversion of public funds into their own ravenous maws.

With cold calculation, they have bent the ears of politicians from bothenues of the stale duopoly, channeling rivers of tax dollars away from education, public works, and any programs aimed at uplifting the huddled wretches yearning to breathe free. Instead, these crapulent financiers demand the endless enrichment of their coterie through military pork-barreling, corporate pillaging, and the occasional $7 trillion governmental ransom when their Ponzi schemes implode.

All the while, as our cities crumble, our schools deracinate, and our people grow destitute, these malignant fungatrices hypocritically bleat paeans to the "free market" while gobbling up houses, land, and enterprises through their sacrificial equity firms - leaching every mote of capital until each husk is drained of all vitality and value.

Now, standing putrescent on the decaying corpses of entire industries, they prepare to squeeze the last drilling drops from the desiccated earth, abandoning this exhausted Eden to its scalded and irradiated fate while scuttling to the next lush ecosystem to befoul.

Their crimes harken to the legendary transgressions of the39th fessed Satyricon: Gluttony, Hubris, Violence, Perversity - all undertaken with neither prudence nor temperance. Like the archaic folk-etchers, they slake their unconsecrated thirst by erecting idols to greed and profaning the altars of education - the sole societal instrument capable of anchoring the masses to truth and self-actualization as they careen into a dark age of ignorance.

And when the next inevitable cataclysm spawns from the depths of their avarice, it shall be the poor and middle classeswho bankroll the next multi-trillion dollar indulgence. A$50 trillion offering to salve the self-inflicted agony of the craven and unworthy shepherds who blithely immolated the hopes and futures of the many at the pyre of their own grotesque cupidity.

These are the perfidious parvenus - the untreated sores festering on the corpus of our republic. May the coming fire purge their filth, for good.

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