Thursday, September 21, 2023

How Disruptive Behavior is Destroying Public Education.

The Seven Deadly D's: How to Restore Order and Sanctity to Our Classrooms

Disruptive behaviors in classrooms across America are reaching epidemic levels. A toxic blend of disrespect, deceit, defiance, distractions, disruptions, deviousness and outright destruction—what I term the “Seven Deadly D’s”—has infected our schools. This plague of problematic conduct is destroying the sanctity of the classroom and depriving countless students of the education they deserve. 

To restore order and sanctity to our classrooms, we must first understand the origins of this crisis. A lax disciplinary culture in recent decades has fostered permissiveness and eroded consequences. Some teachers avoid correcting unruly students out of fear of damaging self-esteem or backlash from parents. Dysfunctional home environments fail to instill basic values like courtesy and consideration. The non-stop distractions of social media and digital devices have stunted students’ ability to focus for sustained periods. 

While these factors provide context, they do not excuse inexcusable behaviors. The harsh truth is that a disruptive subset of students seems determined to undermine the system through willful disobedience and calculated disruption. Their actions trample the rights of the well-behaved, conscientious majority.

With chaos preventing teaching and learning, class time is lost re-directing students back on task. Lessons are constantly interrupted by disrespectful comments or outright defiance. Discussions get derailed by distraction and disruption. Unable to rely on administrators for support, teachers find themselves powerless to respond effectively. The inmates are running the asylum.

These behaviors are not mere pranks or playfulness. They reflect a pathological need for attention at the expense of others’ learning. Devious students exploit the system’s weaknesses to avoid accountability. Defiance devolves into aggression, creating unsafe conditions rife with conflict, stress and fear—the very opposite of the harmony and tranquility required for education.

The downstream effects are devastating: Student morale and performance decline. Teacher burnout escalates. Parents lose faith in the system. Administrators are caught between angry stakeholders and recalcitrant students. Worst of all, society loses future leaders and contributors to the Seven Deadly D’s.

Reversing this crisis requires moral clarity and courageous action. First, we must expose the dangerous lie that discipline damages students. Proper order establishes the foundation for human flourishing. Schools must fully empower teachers to take swift disciplinary action in response to disruptions. Parents must reinforce discipline at home. Clear standards paired with meaningful incentives and consequences can refocus students’ minds.

We cannot accept the intolerable as inevitable. With courage and perseverance, the chaos can be tamed. Classrooms can regain their sanctity as havens for teaching and learning. But we must act decisively, before the Seven Deadly D’s deal the final blow to our public schools. The future of the next generation hangs in the balance. With unity, resilience and moral conviction, we can help our students reach their full potential.

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