About Sean
I am a certified K-8 elementary teacher, K-12 special education teacher, and hold an ELL/ESL endorsement. I have a graduate degree in special education, graduate research in academic acculturation from Uppsala University Sweden, and 23 years of experience working in various capacities as a teacher and reading coach. In addition to my teaching practice, I teach reading workshops and happiness workshops online through the Reading Sage blog and throughout the United States.
To schedule an online training session or a school visit please email me @ readingsage@gmail.com
Looking for effective ways to improve student outcomes! Looking for proven and effective reading interventions that are easily implemented and fun for students and TEACHERs. Accelerating Literacy for ALL learners!
What is your "Reading Coach" level of knowledge?
- Theory and Research in Education
- Language Acquisition - Theories & Developmental Stages
- Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- Student Centered Curriculum and Engaging Materials
- Data Evaluation: Formative assessment and summative assessment
- Children's Literature, Theory, Research, and Learning
- Webb's Depth of Knowledge and Hess' Cognitive Rigor Matrices | Higher order thinking instruction
- Supervisory Skills and Management Skills
- Effective Communication skills, Growth Mindset, and Lifelong Learner
Looking for effective ways to improve student outcomes! Looking for proven and effective reading interventions that are easily implemented and fun for students and TEACHERs.
Accelerating Literacy for ALL learners! READING BOOT CAMP RTI | Closing the Reading and Achievement Gap with a Passionate, Engaging, Erudite Learning System!
READING BOOT CAMP Reading Coach Certificate
- RBC RTI 2.0, where to start! Front loading, unpacking and exploring the Reading Boot Camp Philosophies, Strategies, Structures, Pacing, Schedules, Goals, and Tactics | Building a School Culture of Sustained Success using the Nine Traits of Successful Teachers | Excellent Classroom Management, Ability to Motivate and Engage Students, Teaching Skills in Context, Focusing on Authentic Literature, Building a Positive Cooperative Atmosphere, High Expectations, Dedicated Time for Building Language and Literacy, Integrating Curriculum, and Teaching SelfRegulation Skills (Intrinsic Motivation)
- 9 Erudite School Attributes that Drive "PUSH" Positive Growth and Change | School improvement plans that work, Ongoing professional development, Small “Formative” data that drive instructions, Setting SMART goals with clear direction, Very high expectations for both academics and behavior, Safe, organized, clear rules, and boundaries (consistency in discipline), Highly engaged classroom management systems used schoolwide, Weekly team teaching and collaboration, Authentic inquiry-based curriculum that is fun, engaging, hands-on, and is based on the cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory
- Mindful Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Practice | Read Accurately, Quickly, with Expression, for Deep Understanding of Concepts and Comprehension
- Socratic Seminars, Reading and Inquiry Learning Approaches that Power UP Reading Comprehension | Close reading, classroom dialogue, and Socratic Inquiry is at the center of higher order thinking, critical thinking, and deep conceptual understanding
- Tier 1, 2, and 3 Academic Reading Vocabulary | Critical reading and language vocabulary that is at the heart of deep learning and understanding of academic concepts
- Engaging Word Work and Word Study | Multisensory and Brain-Based vocabulary and language development
- Cooperative learning, Brain-Based Engagement Structures, and Learning Strategies | The Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning, Intrinsic Motivation, and Exceptional Classroom Management Made Easy
- Pacing, Spacing, Spiraling, and Interleaving lessons and Curriculum | Building Long-Term Background Knowledge, Building long term Memory Retrieval Skills, and Deep Conceptual Understanding
- Finnish Formative Handicraft | Building Executive Function, Intrinsic Motivation, Self-Regulation, Social Emotional Intelligence, and Character
- Language, Vocabulary, and Reading Development | Oracy, Dialogue, and Authentic Inquiry | Building a Love of Language and Reading through Poetry, Signing, Readers Theater, Authentic Literature Studies. Brain Breaks, Games, Novelty, and Fun Diversion
- Oracy, Language, Speech, Auditory Processing, and Singing | Singing Songs and Learning Lyrics, Share Auditory Processing Systems that Develope Rich Language Skils, Active Listening Skills, and Cogent Oracy
- ALL Teachers are Leaders and ALL teachers need to become Instructional Coaches | Building a win-win environment through synergy and positive teacher training and support
- Would you like to Facilitate a Grade Level or School-Wide Reading Boot Camp at Your School? | 2017-2018
The 5-day hands-on literacy workshop is fun and packed with classroom-ready activities, the course includes current brain research, evidence-based best practices, and reading engagement protocols that transform students reading ability. The engaging RTI program helps 95% of all students grow over two years in reading in one year. The achievement gap is replaced with students that are curious and thrive academically. All critical components of an effective reading program are unpacked and modeled. Reading Boot Camp is a comprehensive K-8 reading program designed to develop highly talented speakers, writers, readers, and listeners.
Audience: K-8 reading teachers, K-8 ELL teachers, K-8 special education teachers
Location: TBA
Cost: $250 per teacher for all 5-days
“Reading Boot Camp is a sure fire way to rev-up reading in your classroom. RBC has no magical remedy, just uses consistent teaching practices, significant time on task~reading with student accountability, coupled with high-interest reading, student motivation, and effort. Students who participated in Reading Boot Camp the summer of 2011 at Wilson K-8 and then for three weeks as the 2011 school year began, enjoyed the routines of daily singing to music with lyrics, poetry readings, word work drills, reading fluency drills, student choice in reading, academic word games, and motivational brain breaks which translated to student success. Does Reading Boot Camp work, YES! Students grow in their reading ability, are motivated to read, recite, and sing to lyrics, while reading which equals a high level of student engagement and more time on task reading!” Cindy Senn, Wilson k-8 Reading Specialist/Teacher
Reading Boot Camp Philosophy: Awaken or reawaken the desire for learning and imagination, letting the light of wisdom and reason shine in. Solemnity, harmony, and literacy are distant visions for some teachers on day one, yet the seed is planted rigorously, feed constantly, and blossoms over the 20 plus days.
Why invite a Dyslexic reading teacher to your school? My proven strategies, methods and structures help struggling students achieve the highest passing rates on State reading assessments all while having fun learning! This amazing accomplishment is not "teaching to the test" it is a teaching philosophy that kids internalize and use to thrive academically.
Please contact Sean for help developing an innovative reading curriculum that meets the needs of all at-risk students, and stretches advanced students in fun rigorous ways.
Finding pedagogical solutions that help all students learn to read, reason, and find a love of learning is my passion. Developing professional development that is inspiring, poignant, fun and informative is everyone’s goal for professional development.
Please contact Sean for help developing an innovative reading curriculum that meets the needs of all at-risk students, and stretches advanced students in fun rigorous ways.
Finding pedagogical solutions that help all students learn to read, reason, and find a love of learning is my passion. Developing professional development that is inspiring, poignant, fun and informative is everyone’s goal for professional development.
- Fun Professional Development
- RTI Implementation
- Scope and Sequence Development
- Training Instructional Coaches
- Curriculum Development
- Classroom Observation
- CCSS ELA Reading Curriculum Analysis
- Ongoing Coaching and Goal-Setting

Contact Sean Taylor @
(520) 245-3920
(520) 245-3920
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