Friday, November 3, 2023

10 mnemonics poems to remember the difference between prime and composite numbers:

Here are 10 mnemonics to remember the difference between prime and composite numbers:

1. Prime Dines Alone, Composite Brings Friends - Prime numbers have only 2 factors, themselves and 1. Composite numbers have more than 2 factors.

2. Prime is Picky, Composite isn't Choosy - Prime numbers only have factors of 1 and themselves. Composite numbers have several factor pairs.

3. Prime Loves Solitude, Composite Loves Company - Prime numbers only have 2 factors. Composite numbers have 3 or more factors.

4. Prime is a Lone Wolf, Composite Runs in a Pack - Prime numbers stand alone. Composite numbers have factor pairs that "run together."

5. Prime is a Party of One, Composite Makes it a Party - Prime numbers' only factors are 1 and itself. Composite numbers have a factor party with 3 or more factors.

6. Prime is Selfish, Composite Shares itsFactors - Prime numbers only have factors of 1 and the number itself. Composite numbers share their factors with other numbers.

7. Prime is Independent, Composite Clings Together - Prime numbers only have factors of 1 and themselves. The factors of composite numbers "cling together" in pairs.

8. Prime is a Solo Act, Composite has a Crew - Prime numbers have unique factors of only 1 and itself. Composite numbers have a "crew" of factor pairs.

9. Prime Stands Alone, Composite has Company - Prime numbers have only 2 factors. Composite numbers have 3 or more factor pairs.

10. Prime is Like an Only Child, Composite has Siblings - The only factors of prime numbers are 1 and itself. Composite numbers have sibling-like pairs of factors.

Here are 10 game ideas using dice, cards or dominoes to teach prime and composite numbers:

1. Prime/Composite War - Use playing cards 2-10 labeled prime or composite. Flip over two cards, highest composite wins. Ex: 7 (prime) vs 10 (composite), 10 wins.

2. Prime Path - Roll two dice, add numbers. Move game piece that number of spaces on prime number path board. First to end wins. Ex: Roll 5 and 3, move 8 spaces. 

3. Prime Domino Chain - Use dominoes with prime numbers. Take turns connecting dominoes end to end if they share a prime factor. First one who can't connect loses. Ex: Connect 2/7, 7/11. Can't connect 7/11 to 3/13.

4. Composite Climb - Roll dice to move up composite number ladder. Land on prime, slide down to bottom. Highest climb wins. Ex: Roll 8, move to 12. Roll 6, move to 18. 

5. Prime Factor Bingo - Call out composite numbers. Mark prime factors on bingo board. First with 5 across, down or diagonal wins. Ex: 12 called, mark 2 and 3.

6. Prime or Composite? - Flip two cards, say if prime or composite. Check answer, collect pairs. Most pairs wins. Ex: Flip 10 and 7, say 10 composite, 7 prime.

7. Prime Number Go Fish - Use cards 2-20 marked prime or composite. Ask for prime or composite pairs. Most pairs wins. Ex: Ask for prime pair for 5. Go fish. 

8. Prime Bowling - Roll ball to knock down composite number pins. Prime pins left standing get points. Highest score wins. Ex: Roll and knock down 6, 8, 12 pins.

9. Prime Roll - Roll 2 dice. If sum is prime, score points. Highest score after 5 rounds wins. Ex: Roll 5 and 4. Sum is 9, score 3 points. 

10. Composite box - Draw composite number, place marker in box. Get 4 in a row to win. Ex: Draw 15, place marker in 15 box.

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