Wednesday, November 1, 2023

10+ Ways to Use Bubble Gum to Save Your Life While Camping"

10+ Ways to Use Bubble Gum to Save Your Life While Camping

Bubble gum can be super handy to have when you're out camping or hiking! Here are some creative ways you can use it in a survival situation:

1. Patch holes - If your air mattress, tent, or clothing gets a hole or tear, you can temporarily patch it with a piece of bubble gum. Just make sure the gum completely covers the hole.

2. Make fire starters - Roll little pieces of bubble gum into balls, then stick them to dry leaves, grass, or twigs. The sugary gum will help the materials ignite more easily when you're trying to start a fire.

3. Capture bugs - You can use bubble gum like sticky paper to catch bugs that keep buzzing around your campsite. Place a piece of chewed gum on a rock or tree and bugs will get stuck to it when they land.

4. Mark your trail - Break off little pieces of gum and leave them on trees or rocks as you hike, so you can find your way back if you get lost. Just don't litter! Pick the gum back up on your return.

5. Hemorrhage stopper - In an emergency, bubble gum can temporarily stop bleeding from a small cut by sealing it. Just apply direct pressure with the gum.

6. Slingshot ammo - Chewed bubble gum makes a handy ammo for a slingshot you can make from natural materials like tree branches.

7. Fishing lure - You can mold a piece of bubble gum around a fish hook to make a yummy bait that fish may find hard to resist.

8. Make noise makers - Popping bubbles can alert others to your location. You can also pop bubbles to warn bears, and mountain lions that you are in the area. 

9. Attach gear and fix gear- In a pinch, you can use gum to temporarily attach broken gear like flashlights or compasses to clothing, bags, or trees.

10. Trade item - Bubble gum is a fun treat you can use to barter with new friends you meet on the trail. You'd be surprised what people may trade you for it!

So next time you go camping, be sure to pack plenty of bubble gum. With a little creativity, it can really help you in a sticky situation! Just remember to properly dispose of your gum afterward, not out in nature. Have fun on your adventures!

- Chewing bubblegum while hiking or camping in bear country can serve as an alarm system. The loud pops of bubblegum can scare away bears, warning them that humans are near. This gives bears a chance to retreat before an encounter occurs.

- Popping bubblegum can also deter other wildlife like mountain lions, coyotes, and wolves. The unexpected noises will startle these animals and prompt them to avoid the area, keeping them at a safe distance.

- Bubblegum can be especially useful for warning parents when curious cubs are nearby. Mother bears are particularly protective and aggressive when with their young. The popping sounds will alert them to steer clear to protect their cubs.

- In addition to startling bears, the scent of certain bubblegums may also deter them and other wildlife. Strong fruity or minty gum may smell unnatural and alarming, causing animals to flee out of uncertainty.

- Children who chew bubblegum can stay safer on hikes or campouts. The gum gives them something fun to do while also scaring away potentially dangerous wildlife that may be hidden in the bushes or trees.   

- Popping bubblegum can provide added peace of mind when enjoying the wilderness. The noise gives advance notice of animal presence, allowing people time to cautiously leave the area and preventing sudden encounters.

- Overall, bringing bubblegum on outdoor adventures in bear country provides a simple, effective way to warn of wildlife nearby. The obnoxious popping noisily announces human presence, prompting animals to retreat to a safe distance.

Here are 10 fun and amazing facts about bubble gum:

1. Bubble gum was first invented in 1928 by Walter Diemer, an accountant at a chewing gum company. He was trying to make a rubber substitute and came up with stretchy, sticky gum instead. 

2. The original bubble gum was pink because that was the only food coloring Diemer had on hand at the time. 

3. Bazooka Bubble Gum got its name from Bazooka Joe, the comic strip character featured on the wrapper who wears a black eye-patch.

4. The largest bubblegum bubble ever blown was 23 inches in diameter, blown by Susan Montgomery in 1994.

5. It takes about 4,000 licks to get to the center of a giant bubble gum ball like those made by Dubble Bubble.

6. Bubble gum base is made from a blend of rubbers derived from either natural or petroleum sources. It's this bounceback that gives gum its elasticity.

7. Bubble gum can be used to clean dirt off leather shoes by rubbing it onto the leather and wiping the dirt away. 

8. There is a global bubblegum blowing championship held every year, where competitors try to blow the biggest bubble.

9. On average, the world produces 300,000 tons of bubble gum per year. That's enough to make 101 billion pieces!

10. Bubble gum is great for oral health, as it increases saliva production which neutralizes acid and helps wash away plaque. Just remember to throw it out after chewing!

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