Sunday, November 26, 2023

Multiply Your Fun: Reinforce Math Skills With Math Miniatures Clash MATHAMMER

"MATHAMMER! Learn Math Facts Through Tabletop Miniature Battles"

MathHammer 40K

Game Overview 
- Players battle Miniatures representing various mathematical factions trying to prove their dominance over all math operations. 

Addition Dynasties
Subtraction Syndicates  
Multiplication Guilds
Division Alliances

- Eliminate all enemy miniatures to win and prove your mathematical superiority!

Game Components
Dominoes - Representing key math factors to boost calculations 
Playing Cards - Provide special actions and abilities during battle  
6/10/12 Sided Dice - Used for attacks and checks  

Turn Overview
1. Movement Phase - Move units

2. Calculation Phase - Players take turns activating a unit to attack by completing math problems presented by the opponent:

3. Calculation Check - Roll dice to beat target number = weapon hit score
Player may play cards or use dominoes to modify check 

4. Damage - If check succeeds, roll damage dice to remove wounds 

Math Problems Formula:

Addition/Subtraction: Present 2-3 digit operation  

Multiplication/Division: Provide factors/dividends based on unit's skill level

43 + 68
152 - 97  

6 x 8 
40 ÷ 5

This combines math practice across fundamental operations with the excitement of battling miniatures! Strategic unit activation, luck-based combat rolls, and mathematical twists provide interactive learning.

"Multiply Your Fun: Reinforce Math Skills With Math Miniatures Clash"

"Division Duel: The Tabletop Math Game For Practicing Arithmetic Ops" 

"Push Your Math Facts: Miniatures Game For Learning Addition, Subtraction, More"

One-page rule system for playing miniatures games to help teach and reinforce math facts, using D6 dice and adjustable difficulty levels: 

Math Miniatures Skirmish Rules

Using Dollar Tree Final Faction Action Figures & Accessories


- Agree on math operations to practice (addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.)

- Each player selects 9 miniatures and 1 leader and places them on the battlefield

Game Turn:

1. Activation - Take turns activating one mini per player
2. Movement - Model may move up to its Speed value in inches:

Human Mini: 16"
Alien Mini: 14"

Leader Mini: 13"

3. Challenge Roll - Activated models engage the enemy by taking Challenge Roll:

- Roll 2D6, add in Math Bonus based on the model
- Another player provides a math problem based on the agreed operation that must be solved before applying Math Bonus

4. Hit Roll - Add the result of Challenge Roll + Math Bonus. If total is higher than the opponent's model Resilience, it scores a hit and is eliminated.

5. Next Turn – Repeat steps 1 through 4 until all models of opposing force are eliminated.

Math Bonus Examples:

- Soldier Mini = +3
- Alien Mini = +4
- Leader Mini = +5

Variable Difficulty Ideas:

- Adjust the operation being used
- Increase dice needed on Checks/Rolls
- Expanding factors in math problem
- Adding visual aids onto the battlefield

Math game over when all miniatures on one side are eliminated from the battlefield - reinforce math facts while enjoying tabletop gaming fun!

Here is an expanded explanation of the dice mechanics and how gameplay would work for different math operations:

Addition & Subtraction
- When activating a model, the opposing player provides an addition or subtraction word problem that must be solved. 
- For example with a Soldier (Math Bonus +3): "What is 14 plus 8?" [Answer = 22]
- The activating player announces the correct solution then rolls 2D6 and adds 3 for the Challenge Roll. If the total meets/exceeds the target model's Resilience, that model is eliminated.

Multiplication (Using 12x12 dominoes is a fast start solution)
- When activating, solve a simple multiplication problem stated by an opponent, then roll dice.
- The player must solve the problem to apply the Math Bonus BEFORE rolling. 
- Example with Orc (Math Bonus +5): 
  "What is 3 times 6?" [Answer: 18]
  Roll 2D6 plus a Math Bonus of +5. 
- For division problems, whenever a natural 12 is rolled on the challenge roll, the acting player solves a stated division problem to score a hit.  
- If incorrect, activation ends with no effect.
- Example: 
  Challenge Roll is 12
  Opponent provides problem: "What is 63 divided by 7?" [Answer: 9]
  If correct, enemy model is eliminated by the lucky hit.
Difficulty Adjustment Ideas:
Addition/Subtraction: Increase numbers used in problems
Multiplication: Expand factors up from basics (3x5 →  7x8) 
Division: Increase size of division calculations  

Using different operations keeps students on their toes while tying core math concepts directly into gameplay outcomes! Players must exercise their math knowledge to support troops on the battlefield.

Name: Avelynn Steelstrike

Background: Avelynn grew up in a secluded mountain monastery in northern China, training from a young age in ancient martial arts and tactical warfare. She excelled in all forms of combat, weaponry and strategy, showing preternatural talent and discipline.

By age 16 she was leading raids against local bandit camps and defending villages from beast attacks. Her prowess and exploits earned her the moniker "Steelstrike" for her lethal precision. On her 20th birthday, Avelynn was granted special permission to undergo the risky procedure to gain the monastery's closely guarded secret power - the ability to intuitively predict enemy movements in battle by glimpse flashes of the future.

Now a "Seer of Combat", Avelynn wields her power and skill as a member of an elite rapid response unit within a global organization dedicated to safeguarding humanity. Over 20 successful missions against supernatural threats, her leadership and uncanny reflexes have saved countless innocents from monstrous foes. Yet she still finds time after each operation to unwind with some puppy videos before her next battle begins...

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