Wednesday, May 18, 2011



Have your students stand up, or sit on their desk so they are facing the teacher. Start at either end of room and give a random Harry Potter trivia question to a student (Reading Comprehension question). If they answer correctly they stay standing until all students have a chance to answer a question. The game can be played as a lightning round with just one quick round or many rounds until you have two kids standing for a few Harry Potter HOT (Higher Order Thinking) questions. When students cannot give an answer to a question they have to say “GOBSMACKED” (Brit slang for dumbfounded) and must sit down. Students that answer correctly get a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean if you are playing the lighting round, if playing for a Gobsmacked champion the game continues until you have a winner.  The student that wins usually gets Harry Potter popcorn. Extensions: Students can ask for a challenge question that relates to a literary element, HOT questions, or a Tier 3 academic word that relates to HP, and every child that answers a hard vocabulary question correctly gets a nice small sample of jelly beans or pretzels, stamp, or a sticker. Anytime students’ answers any question correctly all students including those that are out have to buddy buzz with a partner the question and the answer. Students love this activity and it's a great review (Formative Test) of Harry Potter and a great opportunity to teach complex literary concepts. We start with a mix of easy and hard questions to get the kids excited and motivated to keep the Harry Potter reading fresh and exciting. I ask my students if they want a hard, medium or easy question to give every child a real chance at answering correctly! Background information: We read all Harry Potter chapters twice before we jumping into games like Gobsmacked.   Sean Taylor



  1. Harry Potter and the Scorcer's stone chap. 15

    1 what is the setting for Harry's detention?
    2.which centaur saved Harry from the summat?
    3.what can unicorn blood do to you?
    4. Rubis Hagrid told student to raise thier wand for what? many points did Gryfindor lose?

    by: Juliana Kieltuski

  2. Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone.
    Ch. 7

    1.Who was first chosen at the Sorting Ceremony & what house was she/he put in?

    2.Who was last chosen at the Sorting Ceremony & what house was she/he put in.

    3.In the banquet, which professor made Harry Potter's scar hurt with pain?

    4. Which student turned into a professor in Harry Potter's nightmare?

    5. What was Professor Qurriel's turban telling to go to in Harry Potter's nightmare?

    By : Micheal.(And Cluadia. A little bit.)

  3. Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone

    1. Who was the person that was on Harry Potter's
    first chocolate frog card?

    2. How many uses of dragon blood did Professor Albus Dumbledore discover?

    3.What colour did Ron Weasley try to turn his pet rat into?

    4. Name one book that Hermione Granger found Harry Potter in?

    5.Who were the 3 boys who fought with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley?

    By : Claudia.

  4. GOBSMAKED Question
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    chapter 14

    1) At Rubeus Hagrid's House when Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger tried to get rid of Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback so Rubeus Hagrid will not get in truble who do they plan on giving Norbert to?

    2) When Ron Weasley had to go to Hospital Wing why did he ly about the dragon bite?

    3) At Rubeus Hagrid's house what was the fire replcing?

    4) What book was Rubeus Hagrid looking for in the library and what for?

    5) What did Harry Potter and Ron Weasley think the dragon looked like when it was finshed hatching?



Thank you!